Librebooted Macbook 2,1

98 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 07/17/2013

One question out of curiosity: can you set a BIOS password with Libreboot? Since it is free software and there is no hidden master password, setting such a password would make that machine quite secure :)

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Someone who robs the laptop could still remove the battery on the motherboard and the BIOS password is gone. That requires a screwdriver but if your laptop was robbed for the data on the disk, that is not much of an obstacle.

Iscritto: 07/17/2013

Agreed. You should also fully encrypt the hard drive (while we are at it, harden the kernel, restrict applications, encrypt all files with GPG, etc etc). However, adding a BIOS password will protect against some specific situations. Like, you leave the laptop unattended for a short time and someone wants to use a usb drive or cd to boot the machine to try and do something.
I asked out of curiosity more than anything.

Iscritto: 12/05/2014

also if you had the password built into the flash chip then
it would not die when you removed the motherboard battery


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Iscritto: 04/09/2014

I'm not sure if there's an option for that, but it would be very nice! I haven't done much messing around other than building and flashing.

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

pizzaiolo asked in a different thread how I experience running Trisquel 7 on my Macbook2,1 with libreboot version 20150518.

In general, it works pretty well. The following items are things that might be interesting for other users:

  • I installed libreboot 20150518 using a prebuilt rom.
  • When installing Trisquel (running Apple EFI) I selected the partitioning option with LUKS+LVM encrypted encrypted /root and /swap and unencrypted /boot. Afterwards I saw that the file systems had become ext4 on the former and ext2 on the latter. This resulted (and I don't know why) in libreboot not being able to automatically boot the kernel from the first GRUB entry. Instead I always need to select "Search for GRUB configuration (grub.cfg) outside of CBFS" and then "Load config from (ahci0,2)". Then I can enter the LUKS password and load Trisquel.
  • Under light load like web surfing the machine doesn't get very hot and so the fan isn't too loud. Due to the missing CPU C state 3 (sleep mode) the temperature still climbs to 60 degrees Celsius though. During video playback the temperature is closer to 70 degrees and then the fan is quite loud. (I can't say anything about battery life since I don't have a battery). I believe the machine runs cooler with all the settings.
  • With linux-libre 3.16 returning from hibernation (suspend to disk) often results in the screen stop working. Installing kernel version 4.2.2 appears to mostly solve this issue.
  • With the kernels 3.16 and 4.2 (I never used 3.13 for very long) the system sometimes freezes for a minute or so and that's pretty annoying.
  • I managed to get the keyboard somewhat to my satisfaction by tinkering with the settings under keyboard shortcuts and the Gnome Tweak tool. For example, I selected the Right Windows key for Alternative Characters which gives me Alt+Gr on the right Apple key.
  • The touchpad works quite well (under kernels 3.16 and 4.2), especially with tap to click enabled. I haven't yet found a way to do middle clicking yet which is annoying.
  • Unlike the Libreboot T60/T60, the Macbook2,1 doesn't have a high-pitch noise problem. This is due to the missing C state 3, I believe.
Iscritto: 05/13/2010

> I haven't yet found a way to do middle clicking yet which is annoying.

Have you tried clicking the right top corner of your touchpad?

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

I just tried but it didn't work. One possibility would be to map it to a key, like left click + ctrl = middle click. I don't know how to do that though.

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

Try it after thissynclient RTCornerButton=2

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

Thanks, but it didn't work. The parameter is set but nothing happens. Tapping at the bottom-right corner gives me right click though.

Ah, wait! This worked: synclient RBCornerButton=2

How do I save this setting?

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

You want to put that in your startup scripts. There might be a graphical way to do it or you can put that to /etc/rc.local (before exit 0)

I believe the reason the top corner does not work is the setting for TopEdge is too small. More info can be found inman synaptics

Iscritto: 01/04/2014

Wow hey I have to thank you guys for opening this topic again! Seems that three-finger tapping works! I read the manual of synaptics, and after trying "synclient TapButton3=2" it works!!

The issue is that although I have Option "TapButton3" "2" in my xorg.conf the three-finger tapping didn't work in Trisquel. Duckduckgo'ing a bit around gave the reason: the gnome mouse settings tool will also override many xorg settings even though it will not allow them to be set in the user interface.

So to make three finger tapping work (or in your case RBCornerButton) as a middle mouse button I had to disable the gnome mouse settings daemon first:

- install "dconf-editor" and launch it
- go to org >> gnome >> settings-daemon >> plugins >> mouse and uncheck the "Active" box
- this will allow the options in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to be used. For a minimal example you could have

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver "synaptics"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
# Three fingers tap = middle-mouse
Option "TapButton3" "2"

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

Great! I got proper middle tap working (three fingers) by just entering "synclient TapButton3=2" in the terminal. Would you suggest your method over putting the command in "/etc/rc.local" as lembas suggested?

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

Adding "synclient TapButton3=2" to "/etc/rc.local" did not work.

Iscritto: 01/04/2014

I have never changed anything in the /etc/rc.local, so I can't give any advice on that.

On my laptop I disabled the gnome settings daemon for the mouse, and use the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that I posted in this thread. The bad thing about disabling the mouse settings daemon is that you will not be able to change the touchpad settings from the user interface anymore...

So to be honest I think the optimal solution would be either 1) somehow prevent the daemon from messing with the options that are impossible to set in the user interface, or 2) somehow run "synclient TapButton3=2" when the user logs in.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

For 2), you only need to add the command to the "Startup applications" (in the "System settings").

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

I tried that but it didn't work.

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

Eemeli and I wrote this little program to enable three-finger tap. Please try it out!

three-finger-tap.tar.gz 12.96 KB
Iscritto: 03/12/2015

You two are the best :)

Do you mind hosting it on ? It's better for bug reporting.

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

The program is so small so I think not. It plan to send it to Francis though so that it can be included in libreboot. Then people can file bug reports there. However, I'd like at least one more person to try it out first. Have you received your macbook yet?

Iscritto: 03/12/2015

Not yet ): Should get it by Monday.

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

For the record, item no. 2 solved: ln -s /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/grub/libreboot_grub.cfg
The current version of libreboot is not looking for grub.cfg but libreboot_grub.cfg (at least on my setup).

Iscritto: 01/04/2014

Some more updates: the issue of "--MORE-- Unknown key 0xFF detected." came back a long time ago but I was too lazy to report it here. I believe it might be caused by one of these: a) faulty hardware in my case, or b) the grub settings I use. I am not yet in a mood to investigate more. So far I have not heard of anybody else having this particular issue.

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

I've had the same "Unknown key" issue on a different macbook2,1 with one of the early libreboot releases, thus I don't think it's a problem related to your particular hardware. I haven't yet experienced it with this machine, however.

Iscritto: 01/04/2014

Thank you for the information. Anyway I was curious to see what my MAC address was supposed to be, so I removed the battery and peeked at the sticker below it. It seems that taking the battery out for a while made the "unknown key" error disappear, at least for the moment.

Oh, and by the way, what I said earlier about all ibrebooted macbooks having the same MAC address: I was wrong. The address is not hard-coded, and it will be decided based on the wifi and ethernet chips in the machine.

I will update the wiki to reflect these new observations.

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

Yes, please do that! I already made a few changes to it in the last few days. I should add as well that I don't have a battery for this machine so maybe that's why I don't get the "unknown key" error. It's great that this macbook2,1 is getting into better shape. We need to make it easier for users to get the keyboard, touchpad, etc. working in Trisquel so let's supply complete documentation on that.

Iscritto: 01/04/2014

I wrote a small guide for myself on making the keyboard and touchpad work well earlier. I'll post it here, I won't have time to upload it to the wiki today anymore:

How to make the macbook keyboard use the Keypad Enter (the key to the left of the left arrow key) as an AltGr?
- temporarily: run "setxkbmap -option 'lv3:enter_switch'" in a terminal
- for console (Ctrl-Alt-Fx): run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration", then read and answer the questions. One of the questions is about AltGr, answer Keypad Enter.
- for gnome: run dconf-editor. Under org >> gnome >> desktop >> input-sources modify the line "xkb-options" to have also the value 'lv3:enter_switch'
- for lightdm: ??? do not know yet.

How to make three finger tap work on touchpad:
- follow the steps I outlined in an earlier post, and if you are curious, you might like to try other settings in my xorg.conf:

# Making the MacBook touchpad more responsive
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver "synaptics"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
# The next two values determine how much pressure one needs
# for tapping, moving the cursor and other events.
Option "FingerLow" "10"
Option "FingerHigh" "15"
# Do not emulate mouse buttons in the touchpad corners.
Option "RTCornerButton" "0"
Option "RBCornerButton" "0"
Option "LTCornerButton" "0"
Option "LBCornerButton" "0"
# One finger tap = left-click
Option "TapButton1" "1"
# Two fingers tap = right-click
Option "TapButton2" "3"
# Three fingers tap = middle-mouse
Option "TapButton3" "2"
# Try to not count the palm of the hand landing on the touchpad
# as a tap. Not sure if helps.
Option "PalmDetect" "1"
# The following modifies how long and how fast scrolling continues
# after lifting the finger when scrolling
Option "CoastingSpeed" "20"
Option "CoastingFriction" "200"
# Smaller number means that the finger has to travel less distance
# for it to count as cursor movement. Larger number prevents cursor
# shaking.
Option "HorizHysteresis" "10"
Option "VertHysteresis" "10"
# Prevent two-finger scrolling. Very jerky movement
Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "0"
Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "0"
# Use edge scrolling
Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "1"
Option "VertEdgeScroll" "1"

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

I using Magic Trackpad with Touchegg(Logitech t650 doesn't work with Touchegg), easy to programm. The built-in one is very bad.

Iscritto: 12/24/2014

Is there any free wifi card that would work inside it?

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

It already comes with one from factory (an Atheros) so it doesn't need replacement! It's the only libreboot-compatible machine that doesn't have to be opened up to make it work properly.

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

I want to do a question:

Is there some Intel malware/firmware(DRM, Intel Management Engine, ME...) on librebooted Macbook 2,1??

(I think that NOT).

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

No it doesn't have the Management Engine but I believe that is does have one of the same issues as the X60/T60 machines, for which Francis of Minifree made the following comment:

[Embedded Controller]: Cannot be removed but can be mitigated: it contains non-free non-loadable code, but it has no access to the computer's RAM. It has access to the on-switch of the wifi, bluetooth, modem and some other power management features. The issue is that it has access to the keyboard, however if the software security howto (not yet written) is followed correctly, it won't be able to leak data to a local attacker. It has no network access but it may still be able to leak data remotely, but that requires someone to be nearby to recover the data with the help of an SDR and some directional antennas (libreboot documentation)

Libreboot installed on the macbook2,1 removes the CPU microcode updates which might be a backdoor.

On hardening the X60 (similar to the macbook2,1 in many ways), see this talk by coreboot hacker Peter Stuge.

Iscritto: 03/12/2015

There is some firmware that we can't get rid of as of yet. See:

There may be hope of freeing the embedded controller if the H8S project at coreboot succeeds:

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

Thanks for answers!

I discovered a new bug of Libreboot, when laptop connected to external screen(VGA), Libreboot won't boot, it gets stuck on Libreboot wallpaper after boot menu dissappears, but this bug it is not important. When booted I can connect and use external screen. The resolution is painfully bad, but great on a CRT monitor, cuz no native resolution on it. Libreboot works very well for me, the greatest project in Free Software.

Lenovo T400 from Minifree web comes with every firmware(non-free) removed? (fully free).

What bad things can do a non-free BIOS/UEFI/EFI firmware to user?

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

I wouldn't say such things aren't unimportant; a larger sum of many little inconveniences may discourage people from doing the right thing (running free). Did you report the bug?

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

I nothing reported, I had a bad experience reporting bugs, no one answer for my reports(don't like wasting my time). I talked with Pizzaiolo and Francis thorugh #libreboot, but months ago, and I prefer report bugs talking directly to developer, not posting.

So, I want run free computer, because is mine and I payed it, run free with bugs or without.

Here 2 big bugs on Libreboot with Macbook 2,1. One is the front while led light, no way to switch it off, so, when laptop is on, this led is always on. And most frequent bug for me is, when I push the power button sometimes the laptop want to power on (switching on the apple bugged front led light and powering the fan) but at 1-2 seconds it stops, so I must to push the power button one time more, the second one it boots.

But it works well, these bugs are not important for me, so, laptop runs free (I hate proprietary things on my purchases). Francis wanted me for test new version, but don't have flashing hardware, and it is risk for me.

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

One does get the warm fuzzies when discussing these things with a dev. But devs forget, so it's best to also file a bug. And yes, most bugs will take a lot of time to be fixed if ever but that's our best hope. Once the bug is filed it is there for all the world to see and perhaps hopefully fix.

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

> What bad things can do a non-free BIOS/UEFI/EFI firmware to user?

Well, obviously the worst thing in a proprietary bios is that it's proprietary.

If we look at this from a security point of view, this article contains a few examples (basically pretty much anything)

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

So, I understand, that it is possible take control of some computer that runs non-free BIOS, this control can be taken by some agency, foundation, developer, malicious hacker...Basically spying and to steal your information.

When is not free, we can't trust it. We can't se the code, and only developer know what it can do.

So, it is not a good idea connect computer to internet, running non-free BIOS, when you do not want surveillance.

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

That's the bottom line.

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

Why Librebooted Macbook it is not certifyed by FSF?

Iscritto: 03/12/2015

Because they only certify fully free products sold by vendors. If Minifree or Libiquity started selling Librebooted Macbooks, then they'd get a seal of approval. But regarding Minifree, that won't happen anytime soon, since Francis is not a big fan of Macbooks.

Iscritto: 03/12/2015

I finally librebooted my MB2,1! ...And I also have my first bug report. You know that "--MORE--Unknown key 0xff detected" error? I only get that when trying to boot with a USB stick connected to the computer, for some reason.

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

I only had this bug one time, with only one Librebook 2,1. But I couldn't see that bug one time more.

3 Librebooks 2,1, no bugedkey error.

Yes, this bug is something about USB flash memory. I remember that I got it, when trying to boot from usb flash drive. (I am not sure).

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

pizzaiolo: I got an idea: insert the USB stick when you are in GRUB. This way you should be able to use USB installers for GNU/Linux.

Iscritto: 03/12/2015

Unfortunately that doesn't work. It doesn't do anything. Apparently the USB needs to be plugged in before booting.

Iscritto: 08/15/2014

Doesn't it even work with the search entry at the bottom? It's strange because you seem to be the only person with this USB problem.

Iscritto: 03/12/2015

Has anyone had luck using diacritical marks on Macbook+Trisquel? I want to use Portuguese and Esperanto ortography, preferably with dead keys. Anyone knows how to?