Lightdm Not Detecting my USB Keyboard?
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I recently reinstalled Trisquel 8 and noticed I no longer had the issue I have always had, that my USB keyboard is not detected upon rebooting. However, after some random customizing, I noticed that upon rebooting I now have the issue again. I end up needing to unplug and replug my USB keyboard.
Any ideas on what may be the issue?
Is your keyboard directly plugged into the desktop / laptop or via a hub? I somehow arrived at this issue on reboot or resume if my KB and mouse are into the hub ports on my monitor and never did solve it. Doesn't happen if plugged directly into the desktop itself, so was a case of buying USB extensions to fix for me.
I just rebooted my laptop with the USB plugged in directly and had the same issue, however, I did see a brief message in the boot sequence that something was different with the USB. I waish I could capture that message. It passes quite quickly.
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