Linterna Mágica chat rooms
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Dear Trisquel community,
I've been away from the list/form for a while, because I've been busy
and the list became very high-traffic for me.
Now that I'm back I have news. I know that some (most?) users of
Linterna Mágica read the forum/list, so I hope this announcement is not
I am happy to announce that there are two official chat rooms for
Linterna Mágica in addition to the mailing list (linterna-magica-users
at nongnu dot org).
Jabber: name at domain
IRC: #linternamagica on
There is a bot that relays messages between the rooms - lm-jabber2irc
My nick is Dreamer in name at domain, and
thedreamer in #linternamagica.
Hopefully I'll have more news about Linterna Mágica soon.
The rest is still cooking. :)