mails leke from Trisquel Forum in 2015 have fun an
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today I found this
its seme like data leke
They say
"This is a list with trolls, troublemakers and other nuts mostly on the security mailing lists."
But it lookse like mails leke from Trisquel Forum in 2015
have fun and be free
ali miracle
I'm surprised I didn't make the list of "trolls, troublemakers and other nuts", as I tried pretty hard as soon as I joined. Maybe this list was made in January 2015 before I joined.
We know for certain that this is, in fact, a whitelist. No surprise none of your numerous email identities made it. What is your favorite group? Troll, troublemaker or "other nuts"? I like to think I belong to the "other nuts" category. It makes me feel different, if not unique.
Anyway, the Trisquel-security mailing list archives come to an abrupt end in May 2014. We believe you have something to do with it, you incorrigible troublemaker.
>Anyway, the Trisquel-security mailing list archives come to an abrupt end in May 2014. We believe you have something to do with it, you incorrigible troublemaker.
I join in 2015
> I join in 2015
Your forum profile says different.
We'll take this as a honest mistake, and let you go free for the time being.
You just earned yourself the much sought-after "I might be a troublemaker" badge, though.
I can't see any relationship between this list and the Trisquel project.
What is your basis to say "it looks like mails leaked from Trisquel Forum in 2015"?
Do you think that just because you found a list of allegedly "troll" addresses published by someone who hasn't got anything to do with Trisquel in a mailing list which hasn't got anything to do with Trisquel and you recognized some addresses is "enough proof" for you to say that this is a leak from Trisquel?
Do you realize the seriousness of this implied accusation?
In fact, if you recognize some addresses in that list as matching some Trisquel lists users, doesn't that make you think that we are in fact not using such a blacklist to prevent their participation?
I'm sorry but I can't see the point in your post unless you're just trolling or you want to hurt this project somehow.
I found most of the members ' Email addresses
A lot of them were very active in 2015.
BTW, I find my email in this list
It would still have made much more sense to report it to the admins than to post it here. You can also report it directly there:, so it can be deleted. This is probably what I would do if a search for my own email address brought such pastebin trash. There is also a date: Jul 7th, 2015.
Compiling and publishing known valid email addresses is as silly as it is damaging. Why not sell them instead?
EDIT: link.
If you search for the text at the beginning, you will easily find that this "blacklist" was apparently compiled and published by someone in a fully different mailing list, not having anything to do with Trisquel, and it only happens that some users considered "trolls" by that person were active in Trisquel's lists.
So someone managing some list considered those emails belonged to trolls and troublemakers and blacklisted them, and some of those addresses belonged to users of Trisquel lists, were they were very definitely not blacklisted. That makes me think that the definition of what makes someone "a troll or troublemaker" is not shared at all between Trisquel and that other list; maybe they blacklisted people insisting on only using free software? :)
I understand why you may have arrived to your conclusion, but I hope that you understand that some overlap of users between communities and lists related with free software, privacy, security or cryptography is to be expected.
If you agree with this having nothing to do with a leak and with the Trisquel users forum, I'd rather move this thread to the Troll Lounge where our resident trolls (who we, by the way, don't blacklist) can keep making fun of one another for being or not on that list without disturbing the purpose of this forum.
There are exactly 29 email addresses of people who used this forum, "Trisquel users", in December 2014 and January 2015, out of a total of 217 users of this forum during the same two months. That looks too many to be a coincidence. I can send you (david) ten lines of shell I wrote that "proves" it.
There is no absolutely need for a "leak" to explain the existence of the list: "discovering" the email address of anybody using this forum is trivial. In fact, the eight first lines of Shell I wrote collect the email addresses of everybody who has ever written on the Trisquel forum. They also count, for each user, how many posts they sent on each forum during each month.
I can make some diagrams for those who like statistics: the evolution of the number of monthly contributions, the distribution of the number of posts per user, maybe the distribution of the domains of the email addresses, etc. I will not send anything nominal, although I can mention that "Magic Banana" (what a stupid nickname) is by far the user who posted the most: more than 9200 posts.
> I can mention that "Magic Banana" (what a stupid nickname) is by far the user who posted the most: more than 9200 posts.
Not nearly as stupid as "andyprough", which is pretty much the stupidest screen name in the entire history of the internet.
In real life, there are 3 or 4 other Andy Prough's alive on the planet, and I feel sad for the great shame I've brought to their families with my online trolling and troublemaking.
> > "Magic Banana" (what a stupid nickname) is by far the user who posted the most: more than 9200 posts.
Do you have any idea how many magic bananas are currently flying around, depressed, their reputation now tarnished by one single notorious troublemaking troll?
> "discovering" the email address of anybody using this forum is trivial.
Agreed. The question is, why then select only 29 of them and merge them into a larger list? Does your graph show any sort of correlation about these 29?
That said, some people seem to have been complaining about the email addresses here being so easily harvested. Also, we all know that a reference to that list appears in some cypherpunk mailing list archives The OP states that it was "encountered through paste crawlers searching for email addrs." Is that a credible hobby? Incidentally, their own email address also appears in the pastebin list.
Only the pastebin version retains the "@", so getting it removed might still not be a bad idea and reduce the probability of it ending forever in spammer lists. The effects of that list having been published on pastebin remain to be studied, though. Was the increase in spam exposure for the published email addresses noticeable?
It does not look like one single topic on the forum explains the inclusion into the list of "trolls" (I obviously do not agree with that characterization). Indeed, there is no single topic with contributions from most of the 29 Trisquel users who made it into the list.
Here are the names of the topics in December 2014 and January 2015 after how many of the 29 Trisquel users contributed to them during those two months (I only list the topics with at least five of the 29 users):
11 My family has smart TVs and I am scared.
10 LibertyBSD - OpenBSD minus the blobs
10 Technical advantages of Trisquel over Debian?
9 Basic security questions
9 Canonical?
9 Libre alternative to skype
9 my family want me to install non-free software
9 Wa can change, but not in one day
8 I did it! I finally have wireless networking
8 What free software entusiastas think about
7 BLAG 200000
7 gNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable!
7 Happy fucking new year!!!!!!
7 is the openmoko freerunner phone libre???
7 new user to linux
6 Best Libre os for a old computer?
6 ChromiumOS
6 Citizenfour
6 Does Trisquel come with GCC pre-installed?
6 Finally free software Skype alternative?
6 Freedom versus competence: why I left Trisquel
6 Here's the WebM for Ruben's interview on LAS
6 I am giving myself a non-proprietary challenge
6 I'm out of this forum!
6 Is tails a libre os?
6 New user - root password problems
6 Not all Wifi access points listed
6 online-shopping with tor? torify everything?
6 Review of FSF High Priority Projects list --
6 stallman's speech
6 Tweaks to optimize user friendliness
5 Best gpu that works with free software?
5 Easy libre animation app
5 Hello from Dragora!
5 I freed my phone!!!
5 Munich To Help Shape Future of LibreOffice
5 openmailbox
5 Quidam in the next Linux Action Show
5 Unable to login into the forum with abrowser
Only the pastebin version retains the "@", so getting it removed might still not be a bad idea and reduce the probability of it ending forever in spammer lists.
One single sed substitution is enough to go from one format to the other: it does not make much of a difference.
Reading better the thread at the cpunks list, I would understand that someone just compiled her/his own list of "people I don't want to read from" for several mailing lists they were subscribed to, including those familiar to us. I mean, the list "belongs" to a list user, not to a list admin.
These addresses would have been filtered by this person just as "unwanted" messages from them arrived in their inbox, probably from different lists and I guess also from one of Trisquel's mailing lists. There could also happen that those Trisquel users would also be subscribed to other lists with this person, maybe something like tor-talk or any of those related with privacy/security with which our interests overlap and their "trolling" behavior which doesn't seem to appear in our lists came from those others.
I personally don't think that someone with interests similar to the ones of our community would want to silence particularly those names in the list, which is why I don't think the list's "author" compiled those addresses from Trisquel's posts (what would they expect from our community but the usual tone and contents of these voices?), but of course it could be possible and not at all difficult considering how mailing lists work. It wouldn't also be the first time someone finds these forums "unwelcoming" but still insists on staying :)
Regarding the long-time effects of being in such a list, given the age of the post, I wouldn't be that much concerned, but of course it would be preferable for these kind of posts to just not be made. Anyone can keep such a list for their own usage, but publishing it is kind of absurd (besides damaging): would they expect for that list based on their opinion to just be accepted as a "standard" for others?
> I'd rather move this thread to the Troll Lounge where our resident trolls (who we, by the way, don't blacklist) can keep making fun of one another for being or not on that list without disturbing the purpose of this forum.
"We, trolls, troublemakers and other nuts of the Trisquel forum, hereby petition the admin of this forum to move this thread where it belongs, so we can dine on it tonight and for many a night in the foreseeable future and beyond, without being unduly disturbed by the purpose of this forum."
Please use the rating system to approve this Troll Lounge Select Committee draft resolution.
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