Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

39 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 04/03/2017

Hi everyone :)

Minifree has recently (re-)launched its Libreboot X200 product. This is a completely libre laptop, which comes with 100% free software by default, from the BIOS to the operating system. It comes with the free Libreboot[1] boot firmware and Trisquel GNU+Linux by default.

This product is fully endorsed by the Free Software Foundation. Richard Stallman himself also uses Libreboot.

If you're looking for a laptop that respects your freedom, privacy and security, then this is for you. We are launching this at a reduced price, compared to when it was previously sold:

More information including specifications available on the Minifree website.

New additions recently:

- Other keyboard layouts: previously, this was available on request, but not guaranteed. We now guarantee it, for a small fee (25 EUR). We also provide the option for Dvorak layout.

- "Libreboot Inside" palmrest stickers now included by default, at no cost.


There are also other Libreboot X200 suppliers. See

We are listed on that page, as are others. Minifree is also endorsed by the Free Software Foundation's "Respects Your Freedom" certification

Iscritto: 09/20/2017

libreleah = money

I. Khider
Iscritto: 01/19/2013

Nothing wrong with $$$, it just depends on how it is earned. I can think of worse ways to make $$$. ; - )

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

Emphasis mine

Richard Stallman -- On "Free Hardware"
Jun 22, 1999, 04:27

By Richard Stallman GNU

A number of people have asked the GNU Project if we would like to branch out from free software into free hardware designs, and expressed their interest in working on them. Some people have even suggested a project to make free chip designs.

To understand this issue clearly, recall that ``free software'' is a matter of freedom, not price; broadly speaking, it means that users are free to copy and modify the software. So if we try to apply the same concept to hardware, ``free hardware'' means hardware that users are free to copy and modify; a ``free hardware design'' means a design that users are free to copy, modify, and convert into hardware.

Free software is often available for zero price, since it often costs you nothing to make your own copy. Thus the tendency to confuse ``free'' with ``gratis''. For hardware, the difference between ``free'' and ``gratis'' is more clear-cut; you can't download hardware through the net, and we don't have automatic copiers for hardware. (Maybe nanotechnology will provide that capability.) So you must expect that making fresh a copy of some hardware will cost you, even if the hardware or design is free. The parts will cost money, and only a very good friend is likely to make circuit boards or solder wires and chips for you as a favor.

Because copying hardware is so hard, the question of whether we're allowed to do it is not vitally important. I see no social imperative for free hardware designs like the imperative for free software. Freedom to copy software is an important right because it is easy now--any computer user can do it. Freedom to copy hardware is not as important, because copying hardware is hard to do. Present-day chip and board fabrication technology resembles the printing press. Copying hardware is as difficult as copying books was in the age of the printing press, or more so. So the ethical issue of copying hardware is more like the ethical issue of copying books 50 years ago, than like the issue of copying software today.

However, a number of hardware ethusiasts are interested in developing free hardware designs, either because they have fun designing hardware, or because they want to customize. If you want to work on this, it is a fine thing to do. The GNU volunteer coordinators (name at domain) can put you in touch with other people who share this interest. If organizations are formed for this purpose, the GNU Project will refer interested people to them.

People often ask about the possibility of using the GNU GPL or some other kind of copyleft for hardware designs.

Firmware such as programs for programmable logic devices or microcoded machines are software, and can be copylefted like any other software. For actual circuits, though, the matter is more complex.

Circuits cannot be copylefted because they cannot be copyrighted. Definitions of circuits written in HDL (hardware definition languages) can be copylefted, but the copyleft covers only the expression of the definition, not the circuit itself. Likewise, a drawing or layout of a circuit can be copylefted, but this only covers the drawing or layout, not the circuit itself. What this means is that anyone can legally draw the same circuit topology in a different-looking way, or write a different HDL definition which produces the same circuit. Thus, the strength of copyleft when applied to circuits is limited. However, copylefting HDL definitions and printed circuit layouts may do some good nonetheless.

It is probably not possible to use patents for this purpose either. Patents do not work like copyrights, and they are very expensive to obtain.

Whether or not a hardware device's internal design is free, it is absolutely vital for its interface specifications to be free. We can't write free software to run the hardware without knowing how to operate it. (Selling a piece of hardware, and refusing to tell the customer how to use it, strikes me as unconscionable.) But that is another issue.

Copyright 1999 Richard Stallman
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire article is permitted provided this notice is preserved.

Richard Stallman is the founder of the Free Software Foundation, the author of the GNU General Public License (GPL), and the original developer of such notable software as gcc and Emacs.


I am a member!

Iscritto: 06/19/2015

That's old. In 2015, he said that we need to make free hardware designs
in case free software won't run on conventional hardware anymore.

Although we need not reject digital hardware made from
nonfree designs in today's circumstances, we need to develop
free designs and should use them when feasible. They provide
advantages today, and in the future they may be the only way to
use free software.

Iscritto: 07/16/2017

I agree. Things have changed a lot since 1999 (Intel ME, for example). With all the compromised chips flying around these days, free hardware is extremely important, otherwise there won't be any free software/firmware any more ..

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

What’s changed? Free is not gratis.

Iscritto: 05/14/2015

The main thing that's changed is mobile devices. Most people now own a handheld computer that can't currently be used with free code software, and people I know are now getting rid of their proper computers (desktop/ laptops) in favour of using their non-free handheld computer. Many newer desktops and laptops come with Restricted Boot and other hardware restrictions that make it difficult to replace the default OS with a free code OS, just as it is with mobile devices.

IMHO this is happening for the same reason that computing is being moved off the user's device and "into the cloud". It's a way of defending the business models that depend on proprietary software. A handful of giant corporations control most of the computer hardware supply chain (Apple, Intel, AMD, NVidious etc), which makes it much easier for them to get away with designing hardware in ways that take away user freedoms.

Free hardware designs are more likely to produce hardware that is fully functional using only free code software. But they also allow a greater diversity of businesses to manufacture and distribute hardware, including those like Minifree and ThinkPenguin that champion software freedom. So unlike when Stallman wrote the essay above, free hardware designs are becoming as important as free code software, because they may soon become the only way to run free code software.

I. Khider
Iscritto: 01/19/2013

Here are some stories on CPU's that have hidden OS' installed:

If you prefer to use mobile devices:

non-free fun for everyone!


I am a member!

Iscritto: 06/19/2015

On Tue, 2017-12-26 at 18:58 +0100, name at domain wrote:
> My kids have them sitting under piles of papers and books and clothes they
> haven't taken to the laundromat yet. They never.even.boot.them.up.

When I explain the issues with things like Netflix and Apple, people
just don't care. Even if they've been betrayed by Netflix, they don't
care. They just say "I get what I paid for. It was enough."

They don't care about owning things and exercising the rights given to
them by normal, unfettered copyright law. (EULAs are NOT part of the
copyright, and likely violates the reason copyright has for existing in
the United States.)

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Iscritto: 04/03/2017

To make matters worse, the ways people previously obtained media involved using a particular protocol that had free software clients available for.

EDIT: and more efficient ways of propagating media through streaming are available nowadays. E.g. GNU MediaGoblin is easy to host on a server, and there are several sites providing accounts for people to host stuff.

Iscritto: 01/02/2017

Well I don't think those laptops are these expansive... I mean, as she well stated "If you're looking for a laptop that respects your freedom, privacy and security, then this is for you."
I live in Brazil, so is quite costly due the Real-Eur change... But we have to account that this is a product for a very specific public.

Iscritto: 08/12/2013

F**k off. She is my girlfriend... right Leah? wink, wink!

Iscritto: 04/03/2017

The above statement from amrprznu is false.

Iscritto: 08/12/2013

I did not mean to disrespect you. It was just a joke. My most sincere apologies if I made you feel uncomfortable.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

An ifpology?

The "if apology"

Attorney and business ethics expert Lauren Bloom, author of The Art of the Apology, mentions the "if apology" as a favorite of politicians, with lines such as "I apologize if I offended anyone". Comedian Harry Shearer has coined the term Ifpology for its frequent appearances on "The Apologies of the Week" segment of Le Show.


I am a member!

Iscritto: 06/19/2015

On Wed, 2017-12-27 at 06:39 +0100, name at domain wrote:
> F**k off. She is my girlfriend... right Leah? wink, wink!

I still can't trace this message to any other post in the thread. It
doesn't follow by any stretch. I'm genuinely curious as to how this
troll post is supposed to work.

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Iscritto: 08/12/2013

As it often happens, a well-intended post is taken the wrong way. I guess it never happened to you... Sorry.

and I am replying to . Personally, I don't like the fact that you assume a troll behind the post.

Why was I (with my stupid joke) put in the troll hole, and the person to whom I responded not?. No, I am not trolling. I just think that it's not fair. Again. If there is a sensible answer, I would like to know. Thanks!

I see, I was not put in the troll hole (I got confused by It's just that people down voted my comment so many times that it shows a "low rating". Got it! Hey people, why not down-voting a post which claims that a person who keeps helping others is only interested in money? In my opinion this is a good sign: anyone offending libreleah (or someone like her) is blasted in some way.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

Good news. MiniFree and Leah E Pluribus Unum. Keep up the good work. Let us all pull together. And I hope the new Trisquel version will be released soon.


I am a member!

Iscritto: 06/19/2015

25€ ($50 US?) is a lot just for UK Dvorak by default. I'll most likely
just reflash.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

The current rate is 1 to 1.18.

25 € = 29.50 $.

Iscritto: 04/03/2017

25 eur for native keyboard for other layouts, e.g. german, french, usa, etc. It pays for a completely different keyboard with different symbols on the keys. This is the average price of a thinkpad keyboard, when purchased separately online.

For Dvorak it's 5 EUR. That pays for stickers/overlays on top of the keys. There is no way to get a native keyboard at the moment, so stickers are used. This is why Dvorak costs less than the other layouts.

Iscritto: 12/03/2016

Oh sorry, should have read this reply. Got it.

Iscritto: 07/05/2014

Great to see this happening. I got a T400 off you a few months back and it has been wonderful. My daily driver.

Will purchase off you again. 10 out of 10.

I. Khider
Iscritto: 01/19/2013

Keep us updated on the less opressive AMD-based laptops, with ideal battery life if possible. Hey, I also saw a laptop with an Nvidea CPU, maybe that will be better...? I dunno.

Iscritto: 12/03/2016

Huge cheer for Dvorak being available! How do you get around the problem of the raised pips for touch typing on the F and J keys (as in Qwerty) and being absent on the U and H keys (as needed in Dvorak)?

Iscritto: 04/03/2017

For Dvorak, we simply place stickers over the keys of a Qwerty keyboard. This changes the symbols so that the keyboard is visibly Dvorak.

The keys on a thinkpad are oddly shaped, such that swapping the keys isn't possible. I've contemplated creating my own native keyboards, since I'm a Dvorak user myself (since 2011). Or to simply have keycaps made.

EDIT: regarding other keyboard layouts:

I have discovered that thinkpad keyboards can often be very expensive, more so than anticipated, so I've raised the price a bit to cover costs.

I have also added sticker options for layouts. For a lower price - just 5 EUR - you can have another keyboard layout via stickers/overlays on top of the keycaps.

I use stickers myself, on my own laptop that I use, for Dvorak layout, and they work very well. During day to day use, I don't notice them.


I am a member!

Iscritto: 06/19/2015

It's too bad that the keyboards are not like the keyboards on the
MacBooks. You could just 3D print a new set of keys.

Iscritto: 04/03/2017

3D printed keycaps for X200/T400 would be nice, with the user's own choice of symbols on the keycaps. Then native dvorak would be possible. It would also make it cheaper to get native keyboards in almost any layout.

Iscritto: 12/08/2017

Great to see that X200 is coming back in your store. Too bad I bought myself one unflashed a month ago... :(

Iscritto: 04/03/2017

That's OK :)

#libreboot IRC on freenode can help you flash it, if you get stuck. Several "libreboot installation services" are also available. There is a list on

Iscritto: 04/03/2017

As I write this post, it's 2PM in the UK on 22 December 2017.

The final batch of pre-christmas shipments went out today. UPS will resume their operations in my area on 27 December 2017. I'm waiting until then to make new shipments.

Iscritto: 06/05/2014

Leah, thats nice to hear! Hope that one day you will be able to launch some of the more modern laptops like Lenovo G505S - quad core AMD laptop without Intel ME / AMD PSP , so has a good potential to be liberated. Open source firmware replacement for its EC controller is being done by Paul, though I haven't heard if there has been any progress, currently it could only blink some LEDs...

Iscritto: 12/23/2017

I'm very happy with the X200 I got from minifree a couple of years ago.

As is my friend who got a T400 at the same time.

Iscritto: 05/08/2012

¿I can buy with dollars?

Iscritto: 04/03/2017

Yes. Minifree ships internationally. If you wish to pay in another currency, simply convert the EUR price to USD (via and pay that.

The reason Minifree's prices are in EUR is because we're based in Europe, and target the EU mainland. But Minifree ships internationally. We can take payment in any currency.

Iscritto: 12/21/2017

Hi everyone,

I just joined the forum, and I got the x200 from minifree recently.

I had a t400, and that one is quite nice as well, but I am blown away by the x200.
It's pretty much in pristine condition, and it's very fast (-->__-->).
Much faster then another x220 here that runs a different distro.

I am trying to save up to get another x200 from minifree hopefully soon, because these little laptops are really outstanding, and I am 100% satisfied with dealing with minifree, the communication and responsiveness is also top notch.

And the libreboot sticker is the cherry on top :)

Iscritto: 02/19/2015

It's been 6 months and I'm still rocking a Minifree Libreboot T400.


I am a member!

Iscritto: 06/19/2015

I commend you for your efforts in kicking out those dirty licences.

When we have enough free software at our call, we'll kick out those
dirty licenses ever more. :P

On Tue, 2018-01-09 at 23:18 +0100, name at domain wrote:
> It's been 6 months and I've still rocking a Minifree Libreboot T400. I've
> been doing corporate work with it recently (Office 365, LibreOffice, emacs).

Remember that Office 365 is just as proprietary as Microsoft Teams on
the iBad, even if it's written in JavaScript and running in Abrowser.

I hope the situation improves soon. I know it's difficult to do what
you think is right while trying to live in a community of people who

> I still have to cheat with an iPad for some things like Webex and Microsoft
> Teams because of proprietary crap I need for work, but it's my favourite main
> machine that has made my big quad i5 Windows desktop obsolete for daily
> computing. Now it's only used for gaming. :)

The iBad is your main machine? This could give you problems with having
control over your data and programs. Apple asserts full control with
its App Store. I hope it doesn't hurt you too much, and I hope you'll
be in a less vulnerable position in the future.

> Oh, I also bought a 21" monitor for the T400. I found a dock

Cool! I haven't looked into getting a dock yet.

> A couple pics I put up on instagram:

"Isn't available":

Does Instagram even work without proprietary JavaScript?

Here's a good image host:

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Iscritto: 04/03/2017

Just us now and flash the firmware. You'll be free.