Offtopic (phones): SMS Encryption for Android/Linux (and derivitives e.g. replicant)

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Iscritto: 07/27/2010

I just want everyone to know that twitter bought a company and liberated an app that allows the user to send encrypted text messages. This is great because texts are not encrypted by default. This protects them from being snooped on while they are on the wire. It also encrypts them locally on your phone so if you lose your phone or it is seized by someone like a police officer they won't be able to read them (contact a lawyer in this situation).

Even better it is released under the GPLv3 which protects the user and their freedoms!!! It is available through f-droid ( which is a free alternative to the android marketplace and has only free (libre) software in it.

I would recommend that anyone running an Android/Linux (or derivative such as replicant) replace the default text messaging app with this free (and actually enhanced) replacement.