Oh dear - looks like our friend Andy has disappeared along with his posts

14 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 02/12/2015

And he's shot a gaping hole through a lot of the threads with his leaving.

Doesn't look like my response posts have all died like they did when some earlier people's accounts disappeared. Maybe our forum software has gotten smarter about how to delete accounts?

Wonder if he deleted himself or if he got banned? Or if Cthulhu's tentacles finally caught up with him?

Iscritto: 12/10/2013

I'm guessing he got banned. I don't like the fact that his posts have been deleted. It makes it very difficult to follow the threads now.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

I guess this is what likely happens when you're at Karlshorst trying to negotiate with no hand up your sleeve. Down the trapdoor.

1280px-Wilhelm_Keitel_Kapitulation_Recolored.png keitel_karlshorst.jpg falltuer.jpg
Iscritto: 07/31/2021

Honestly, I would have preferred if replies were just deleted- whoever implemented the system of "disappearing posts" doesn't seem to have thought through the implications fully.

On the bright side, civility may be restored, and the chance to generate spontaneous polar bear thumbnails is available once again!


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 08/18/2020

Some useful pieces of information from Jorah on Replicant, GrapheneOS and LineageOS got deleted too but I guess that can be provided again later.

While I agree that mobile phones can be used as tracking devices, the situation could be largely improved with a free software mobile phone so I find it important to use and support Replicant. Besides, I find my Replicant phone far more usable as a phone than my Pinephone with Mobian.

Iscritto: 04/23/2015

I would suggest the web site should insert a 'hole filler' for deleted posts so that people have an idea what the rejoinders were aimed at.

Maybe we could also have a "Hall of Shame" department where all banned users posts would be preserved for future analysis. Who knows what future generations of Trisquel scholars would learn from such an archive.

Seattle recently let loose the Kraken, maybe that had something to do with it.

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

About two decades ago, I often got my all posts deleted by certain forums, because trolling was the only thing that I did then.

The forum software by then did have a feature designed to remove someone's all posts. I don't know whether this is still the case of modern forum software.

Iscritto: 11/01/2021

Being that I disappeared for a while, I wondered, how people were doing here, also, I had heard Andy was making fun of me and acting like a general troll. Damn, I missed a fun opportunity to troll his ass. :(

It's a shame he either did a delete all, or got banned...

I wonder which happened though?

Oh well

Some views I held, I still hold, but yeah,

Hope you are all well, my real reason for visiting here, is just to stay in touch with current free hardware.

Peace all!

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

He got banned.

Iscritto: 11/01/2021

Hmm, that is curious, the mods didn't say anything about it, or warn people to stop doing what he did.

Very strange.

Iscritto: 02/12/2015

Hi you! Welcome back!

Iscritto: 11/01/2021

Indeed, but I am not kidding when I said, I really wish I had come back sooner to have fun with the other Andy...


Iscritto: 02/12/2015

I am not kidding when I say "it was not a lot of fun". Like watching someone light themselves on fire, every day, multiple times a day. Painful. His banning was an act of great kindness.

Iscritto: 12/10/2013

It got really tiring. He wouldn't let go of anything. You could ignore him, and weeks later he would still copy and paste the same spam over and over again.

Iscritto: 11/01/2021

So he was a broken record?

That I guess could get dull after a while.

Oh well, I guess I would've gotten bored of him anyways.