Pre-configured print option in Print dialog: "Print to PDF in your Home Folder"

5 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 11/30/2010

There's a handy little thing "Linux Mint" have that would be good to have in Trisquel. In every print dialog they have this option already pre-configured, "Print to PDF in your home folder" and you just select that in the print window and click print. It's very useful, shouldn't be too difficult to set-up.


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Iscritto: 02/25/2010

In Trisquel, you can choose to "Print to File", which is pretty much the same thing. It defaults to your home folder, but I think it uses PostScript by default, instead of PDF.

Iscritto: 11/30/2010

Yes I know, that's what I usually do. It's just that the Mint thing is handier, because it avoids having to select pdf as the file type and typing a file name. In 2 clicks the document is named and saved automatically as a pdf, it's much quicker. Although I still use Trisquel, I thought this was a good idea in Mint, and could be easily duplicated.

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Maybe the package cups-pdf (in the repository) would give you what you want. I have not tried though.

Iscritto: 10/06/2009

I would like to see the dialog remembering the last settings, this matter hasn't concerned me that much so maybe there's an easy "fix"...

Iscritto: 11/30/2010

I agree that would be good to have as well. OpenOffice doesn't seem to remember the last saved to folder either. Also it would be good to be able to change the location of the default home directory across all applications in a single place. For example, to a removable or network drive.