Printer drivers compatible with Trisquel 7 operating system

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New in town
Iscritto: 01/10/2018

Two months ago I installed on my notebook Trisquel 7 as operating system.

I currently have a Canon PIXMA MG4250 printer; is there a printer driver compatible with Trisquel 7 available for this printer or do I have to purchase a new printer?

What are the portable printers compatible with Trisquel 7?

This to avoid purchasing a printer which is not compatible with the Trisquel 7 operating system.

Thanks in advance for your advice.


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Iscritto: 07/07/2017

sudo apt install printer-driver-all

should install all of the printer drivers in the repo. If your printer still doesn't work then Trisquel doesn't have the necessary driver, possibly because no free driver exists.

If you do end up buying a new printer, take a look at h-node

as the printers catalogued there should all work with free software.

If you find that your printer works after all, I suggest adding it to h-node.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

There's CUPS installed by default. It has a web interface in addition to the configuration tool found under system/administration/printers.


cups_web_interface.png cups_conf_tool.png