Problems with flashing a Lenovo x60 with Libreboot

12 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 09/16/2016

Hello, everyone. Before literally week learned about the philosophy of GNU. I was amazed by the ethics of this incredible project. Basically I was a Windows user for many years, but decided to switch entirely to GNU operating system. And I know full name of the system is GNU/Linux, but in this forum think it is no problem to call it simply GNU. I installed on my Windows computer Debian GNU system, then Trisquel. I was fascinated, I want to use it in the future. I hope you understand what I mean. I studied the system and it was not hard. Then I read about the other projects as Coreboot and Libreboot. I read what laptops can be flashed. An amazing coincidence that I have an old laptop Lenovo x60. I installed Debian Stable GNU system on x60 without non-free parts. As I read that flashing could only be achieved with Debian system. I apologize in advance if I'm not familiar with some things, just recently I come in this area. I read the documentation, I took different things from sites to put Libreboot on my laptop, but it does not work. Whatever you try does not work. I tried the same old stable packages. Trying for 3 days in the software way, but coming errors like: Command not founded, You do not have permissions or otherwise. I do not know what happens, do everything written, but does not work. Even watching clips in Youtube, same story... Can anyone help me with new documentation or to flash for me if programs like TeamViewer exist in GNU/Linux? I would be very grateful if someone help me. I want to have a free computer.

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

First learn how to use Terminal/console, probably when you call a program from folder like

$ folder/folder/falshromfolder/ $ flashrom

in that way it won't run, so if you want to run an program from folder:

$ folder/folder/falshromfolder/ $ ./flashrom

basically it is a newbie error.

Before running any program, in Debian type

$ su

and then your password

Please forget TeamViewer, we will not recommend you non-free software, so try to never use non-free software. You han learn SSH

And please give me full console output, for see what are oyu trying to do.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Well, you should not run "any program" with administrative privileges (i.e., with 'sudo' or after a 'su')! Only when you want to mess with the system.

Iscritto: 08/22/2016

Hello, and welcome!

It's been a while since I flashed Libreboot on my Macbook 2,1 (I need to update it), but if you are getting errors like command not found, you are probably in the wrong directory when trying to run the flashrom script. Make sure you've cded into the correct directory and try again. If you don't have permission, then you need to run the command with sudo to get full permissions for that command.

If this doesn't help, please post exactly what's happening in your terminal and someone will surely be able to help you.

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

very probably that he must run

$ su

and not

$ sudo

by default in Debian the created user it is not part of sudoers, and for "sudo" he must to isntall it first.

Iscritto: 12/21/2015

But that is pretty easy to solve. In Parabola happens the same, you only do
$ su
# nano /etc/sudoers

and where it says
## User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL

then you add you user name right under "root" with the same permissions ALL=(ALL) ALL

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

The sudoers file should always be edited with 'sudo visudo' (see 'man visudo'). 'visudo' runs $EDITOR, which is not necessarily 'vi'. You can define the EDITOR variable (here I assume 'nano' is your favorite text editor) when running the command:
$ sudo EDITOR=nano visudo
But you probably want to define EDITOR once for all in the personal configuration file of your shell (here ~/.bashrc, the personal configuration of Trisquel's default shell: Bash):
$ echo EDITOR=nano >> ~/.bashrc

Be careful with what you type: there must not be any space around "=" and you need two ">" to append a line to ~/.bashrc (one single ">" would substitute its entire content).

Iscritto: 12/21/2015

or you can edit /etc/sudoers (with visudo)
## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

remove the # in the line %wheel and live it like
## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

and then, like root run
# usermod -aG wheel $USER

Iscritto: 09/16/2016

Thank you for your quick response. Sorry I mention non-free program because I did not know an alternative program. I hope it does not happen anymore. I learned some commands, but honestly the best will be someone to do it for me. Just I don't have this courage and experience. There is very much to learn. And very thank you care to help me. I want to point out that English is not my first language and I try to write it correctly.

Iscritto: 08/22/2016

You have more courage than many people for trying this at all. I think the best thing you can do is to take a break, relax, and come back to it with a fresh mind. Reread all the steps and give it another try. If you accomplish this yourself, you will learn a great deal in the process and you will be more comfortable in the Unix world. I flashed Libreboot without knowing much of anything by following the steps. I still wouldn't say I know a whole lot, but I know a lot more than I did then. Doing it yourself is how you learn. Just make sure you run commands as root that should be run as root (and no others) and make sure you are in the same directory as the flashrom script when you need to run the flashrom script. Good luck. Please don't give up.

Iscritto: 09/16/2016

I red this step-by-step. Permission denied when I put first_flash and "rom".

Iscritto: 07/19/2015

Go to #libreboot channel, if you dont know, just install programm called HexChat.

And please I dont know what are you trying to do, just share with us you full output of console/terminal of what you trying to do.

Iscritto: 04/03/2014

A free teamviewer replacement is tuntox
If you understand Spanish, I leave you a tutorial to make a tunnel for VNC.