Problems/issues with Ubuntu/Trisquel

1 risposta [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 03/06/2010

Hi everyone,

I know this is a forum for Trisquel GNU/Linux, but I was just wandering if anyone is having the same issues I'm having with Ubuntu 10.04, with Trisquel GNU/Linux I mean.

I have been experiencing crashes with my Ubuntu instalation.
After a few hours the screen(Gnome), just freezes, sometimes the screen turn black with a white cursor(cursor is not blinking), doesn't let me do anything, I can't go through tty1 to tty6, sometimes the screen just turns black and reboots!!

I've tried several solutions, but nothing did the trick.
I've already reported the problem, it seems it's a bug with the ATI driver.

I have an ATI Radeon 9250 AGP(I'm using the open source driver), an ASUS K8U-X motherboard with an AMD Sempron CPU.

Has anyone experienced the same problem(s) with Trisquel GNU/Linux 2.2.2 / 3.5 or the upcoming release 4.0?

Has anyone found a solution?

Thank you very much,

Iscritto: 10/27/2009

Ubuntu has it's own forums at, I would suggest you try there since Ubuntu has a much larger user base. And also, we try and avoid using the term "open source" here, because software freedom isn't just about the source code, see Why Open Source misses the point of Free Software.