Re: Trisquel-users Digest, Vol 68, Issue 119

1 risposta [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 02/14/2015

name at domain wrote:
>> What if Purism is a set up by people like Microsoft or those anti-free
> people? In effect, it pisses people of and in time reduces free software
> supporters. Hmmmm.......

>Claims like this require evidence. I don't see the evidence that "Purism
is a set up by people like Microsoft or those anti-free people".

Could include a RYF certification?

If you
know of some, I'd like to see that evidence. I also don't see the
evidence that people in the market for an FSF Respects Your
Freedom-qualifying laptop are fairly characterized as "pissed off" or
that support for free software is reduced by Purism, regardless of what
comes of the effort.

I see the work those against software freedom do. But that work is
typically clumsy and usually involves the greenwashing "open source"
movement (see Brad Kuhn's recent talk[1] for more on this). I don't
think any serious anti-freedom zealot like software proprietors would
frame their work around software freedom when the open source movement
has had some popularity; that movement has convinced some developers to
relinquish not only their software freedom but the software freedom of
their users and those of users of derivative works.

Finally, it appears to me to be easier to assemble and sell laptops that
don't even try to address a user's freedoms to control their computer.
Companies make a great deal of money doing exactly this every day.

[1] and
are a couple of mirrors of this talk.


Trisquel-users mailing list
name at domain

End of Trisquel-users Digest, Vol 68, Issue 119

J.B. Nicholson-Owens
Iscritto: 06/09/2014

> Could include a RYF certification?

Maybe they'll pursue RYF certification if they could find a way to ship
100% free software firmware for the computer. But I'll need a clear
explanation of how a lack of RYF certification here is evidence of some
proprietor trying to do something malicious as opposed to working on a
product that users can operate fully in freedom.