SSD drives and Trisquel

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Iscritto: 06/01/2020

Good afternoon.

I want to consult, as I don’t understand a bit the principle of operation of equipment new to me, namely, SSD drives. Recently, I read an article about the fact that with the power turned off, information can be lost almost a week later. This saddened me a bit, I have experience working with microcontrollers, some firmware have been working for 6 years. Yes, there is NOR and much less dense... In general, there are three questions:
1) Is it true? And how then does the SSD drive driver work? Overwrites data all the time? Until his recording resource runs out?
2) Do I need to set up such a continuous rewrite mode in a special way?
3) What is the best way to control data integrity? Any global MD5 every time I boot the system?

Maybe I'm nervous in vain, but I have no experience working with SSDs, so I want to know the opinions.

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

I believe you are "nervous in vain". If SSD drives would frequently lose information, we would here about it far more often. I do not remember it ever came up on this forum. I personally have the system on SSD. According to its SMART data, it has been working for a total of almost one year and ten months. No problem I am aware of, so far.

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

As an electronic storage device, it is true that the data stored on an SSD are somehow volatile, but they are lost not in weeks, but maybe decades or even centuries.

SSDs are not intended for archival purposes, so always make an offline backup on an HDD.

Iscritto: 06/01/2020

In these articles, I do not understand: what is the difference between the situation when the SSD is constantly connected to power, from the situation when the SSD is disconnected from the power? For example, I don’t rewrite many programs for a rather long time, is it possible that the SSD driver overwrites itself? Or is there some other way to regenerate?

Iscritto: 03/22/2019

Relax, it's a myth:

On the other hand, I won't trust the SSD to archive data. Always make a HDD backup of your important files. But please don't use a 10-year old HDD from your old laptop as a backup drive either..

Iscritto: 12/01/2016

I use Trisquel 8 on SSD and it works very well for years.

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

This depends on the type of the HDD. Some HDD such as WD Black are very durable.