Three Years After Police Killed Her Father, Black Lives Matter Activist Erica Garner (Mother of two) Dies at age 27

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Mangy Dog

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Iscritto: 03/15/2015

Tragic and so sad !

She was a prominent figure in the Black Lives Matter movement. During her activism. Her father Eric Garner died after a NYPD officer placed him in a chokehold during arrest. His last words, "I can't breathe,"11 times, became a rallying cry for protesters. She staged a die-in at the same location in Staten Island, NY, where her dad was confronted. The mother of two named her son, born Aug. 2017, after her father. She died Saturday 30 Dec 2017 at age 27 after a massive heart attack.

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Mangy Dog

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Iscritto: 03/15/2015

I cropped the above text "During her activism she met Barak Obama.."

Some interviews here :
Anti-Police Brutality Activist Erica Garner In Her Own Words on Democracy Now!

She does mention a certain form of exhaustion after three years of activism :

ERICA GARNER : I’ve protested. I’ve spoke on panels. I traveled across this nation. I exhaust all avenues. I even endorsed Bernie Sanders to get my message out. And it’s like we keep having a conversation I exhausted for two years. And, you know, how much talking do we need to have? The Black Lives Matter movement been very compassionate, patient, and basically begging the nation. You know, we are under attack as black people. We are being gunned down every day. And these officers are not being held accountable. And no charges, from Tamir Rice to my dad to Freddie Gray, you know, has been.