Trisquel 8 upgrade help
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So I was trying to update from 7 to 8 and I got an error that some things hadn't fully installed and I should report the bug. I hit ok and then I got a popup saying 8 had successfully installed and my computer reset. When it came back up, there were a few new programs and everything was moved around, but it still had much of the same feel and Gnome apps and some programs weren't executing, so I reset again. Now it loads up to a desktop screen with nothing else. There is no bar or menu. Most of my keyboard shortcuts don't work. I can get to a terminal or settings through the right-click menu, not shortcuts, but that's about it. I've tried (sudo) apt-get update/upgrade, dist-upgrade, aptitude and a couple other things from looking through the manuals for those commands. It still doesn't seem fully installed. I'm still pretty new to GNU/Linux and the command line so any help would be appreciated. Please let me know if you need more information
Thanks in advance.
Hi! For your description of the issue, I think your system may be starting in the wrong desktop session.
You can switch to the default Trisquel session (which is now based in Mate) choosing it from the menu that appears at the login screen to the right of the "user name" field. If my guess is right, most everything should work properly once you do that.
Please report back with your results or any doubts.
OMG, I didn't even see that menu there. I feel like such a noob, LOL.
Thanks for your help and quick reply.
It worked, BTW.
It's not your fault for being a noob, a warning regarding this issue should probably be added to the release-upgrade script. This situation doesn't affect fresh installs but it probably happens to most people who were using the standard desktop session with Trisquel 7.
Besides that, the lightdm greeter is probably a bit too minimalist with that icon... lots of work to be done! :)
I'm really glad that your problem was solved.
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