Trisquel GTK theme issue

10 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
hack and hack
Iscritto: 04/02/2015


I'm tweaking my netinstall progressively, and I just retrieved Trisquel's theme from the live CD,
because it's quite good, even without window decoration.
The problem is: it's not fully working.
I know that some packages might be missing/not be installed. For example, some other themes might require gtk2-engines-murrine, things like that.
I see there's metacity written in the aforementioned trisquel folder. But I'm not too sure about what to do.

With the idea of keeping it as lean as possible, what should I install now?
Or at least, where should I start looking?

davidnotcoulthard (non verificato)

Any screenshots? It'll probably be great at pointing out where the problem is.

hack and hack
Iscritto: 04/02/2015

Sure, here they are.
Abrowser looks mostly fine (maybe the navigation bar is off).
With Synaptic, Claws and Thunar (and others), someting is missing.

abrowser_synaptic_scrot.png claws_scrot.png thunar_scrot.png
davidnotcoulthard (non verificato)

What desktop shell are you using? (anyway try installing and using lxappearance)

(anyway why didn't you just install trisquel-gtk-theme from synaptic? Remove the copy you took from the Live CD and try that)

hack and hack
Iscritto: 04/02/2015

Right now I have a Trisquel Netinstall. I installed xorg, LightDM and i3wm window manager.
I have no desktop environment, only i3wm.
I also already have lxappearance installed.

davidnotcoulthard (non verificato)

Have you tried changing he theme using lxappearance (and maybe installing the package from Sysnaptic as well instead of simply copying from the CD, since installing the package means that whatever packages the theme depend on will be installed as well)?

hack and hack
Iscritto: 04/02/2015

Many thanks David, very good idea :)
I found trisquel-gtk-theme in synaptic with 3 gtk engines inside.
It definitely improved abrowser and the file manager, even claws though it's still a bit ugly, but there might be dedicated themes.

On the other hand, synaptic didn't change, even after restarting/tweaking lxappearance. but maybe it's like that in the live CD, I'll check again.

There's one package left that might be interesting (it has the cursor theme for example. the package is called trisquel-desktop-common).
But the list of dependencies is very long.
I'll probably go through it and see what I want to keep.


Well, Synaptic is still missing something indeed. I'll keep on looking, but I'm open to other ideas.
If it's not the GTK themes, what can it be?

davidnotcoulthard (non verificato)

I may be wrong but I don't thinm Synaptic's to be blamed at all here.....

Anyway, do you use Synaptic by su-ing and then entering su to the command as root. If so, try using lxappearance as root.

hack and hack
Iscritto: 04/02/2015

Great idea, thanks again.

It worked, but not completely.
When I sudo synaptic, it works.
From dmenu (it's a menu, as the name says), I can open synaptic-pkexec instead of plain, non sudo synaptic.
a prompt pops up, but then it's synaptic without the the Trisquel theme.
Maybe it will be ok after a restart, I'll let you know.

davidnotcoulthard (non verificato)

Try setting with su -c "lxappearance"

hack and hack
Iscritto: 04/02/2015

Weird, my password doesn't work with su -c "lxappearance".

It should mean that I don't have set up a password to the root account? I don't master that stuff yet.
Ok, sudo su instead of su alone did the trick, and it worked.

Thanks for your help davidnotcoulthard, much appreciated :)