Trisquel Nabia GNOME

2 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 09/29/2021

When I install package trisquel-gnome, at the end it throws an error about conflicting packages (something about gnome-menus, I suppose), and then I am unable to neither uninstall all that packages nor fix that by apt install --fix-broken. It displays the same or similar error message. I can instead install GNOME DE (on clear system installation) by installing a gnome-core or gnome package, and it works.

By the way, considering that GNOME is not officially supported DE by Nabia, is there any way I can make a Trisquel iso with GNOME myself?


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Iscritto: 07/15/2009

There is a WIP to fix trisquel-gnome, it uses gnome flashback (previously known as gnome fallback) as default session.
In case you are looking for the vanilla gnome, the you might want to install it directly from a netinstaller terminal,

sudo apt install gnome

that will give you the vanilla gnome experience.
Indeed, there is no plan to add a new flavor, but the metapackage (trisquel-gnome) will be fixed soon.


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Iscritto: 07/15/2009

A new update, has fixed nabia's trisquel-gnome.

Note that this package refers to the metacity gnome flashback session, not the gnome vanilla one.