Trouble making a bootable USB drive from Triskel

4 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 07/03/2013

Newly converted to Triskel from Kubuntu, I'm happy with my desktop and want to put Triskel on my netbook. Since the netbook has no CD drive I have to do it with a USB stick/flash drive or whatever you like to call it.

That has worked in the past but it's failing now. I've downloaded the appropriate net-install ISO but I can't get it on the flash drive. When I use the basic "Startup Disk Creator" it doesn't even recognize the ISO, and it fails to Erase the selected flash drive. I tried several options from without success. In particular, Unetbootin, which seems to work for lots of people, does absolutely nothing on my machine. I download it, make sure I have p7zip-full as directed by the instructions, chmod the downloaded file, and execute it: no response, no errors, nothing.

Have I failed to install something or configure my new system correctly? Does anyone have experience with making bootable USB drives?

Iscritto: 04/13/2013

Does your usb memory card work for other tasks? Some of my usb memory cards have stopped working ... I find them unreliable.


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Iscritto: 02/25/2010

One option would be to use a USB CD/DVD drive. If you don't have one, perhaps you have a friend who would let you borrow one?


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Iscritto: 09/19/2011


When I want to make a USB with persistent storage, I use unetbootin from
ppa:gezakovacs. If I just want the bootable image, I can just use the
dd command like so:

sudo dd if=trisquel-mini-6.0-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=8M;sync

Change the names, to protect the innocent; :)