Ubuntu 19.10 released

13 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 02/17/2016
Iscritto: 02/17/2016


Screenshot from 2019-10-17 19-26-06.png
Iscritto: 02/12/2015

Compared to what Deepin and Solus and MX and Mint are doing with their desktops, this one by Ubuntu looks old and boring. Probably works pretty solid though.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

Ubuntu looks great and inspiring. The Yaru theme is light and fresh.

It's almost lightning fast on my Mac Mini late 2009. Feels like new.

I'm not happy, though. The GPU Geforce 9400 gives me trouble. The display loses the signal occasionally when logging in or out, and it won't come back without a reboot. It could be the Mini DisplayPort to VGA dongle or something to do with the driver.

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Iscritto: 02/12/2015

The mountain wallpaper is really nice. I'm going to find and borrow that.

I've heard this new version of Gnome is very responsive. However, it's still Gnome. I'm not shocked to hear that you are having video problems with it. I've not had much luck with Gnome 3 over the years, or found it to be set up in a way that's productive for me.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

That's a wallpaper from Puppy Linux, it's in this* thread 1920x1080.

Because of NVIDIA, Mac Minilate 2009 has Geforce 9400. That's why I have issues. Even Win 10 had issues with that. Nouveau has no issues with it. But Ubuntu comes with the binary blob. Heck, I had issues with that dongle (Mini DisplayPort --> VGA) when Mac Mini still ran MacOs (after resume, it would be in a lower, wrong resolution).


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Iscritto: 02/17/2016

With the free Nouveau driver, my Mac Mini late 2009 runs Ubuntu 19.10 just fine, it boots and logs in without any issues.

Screenshot from 2019-10-20 11-19-51.png Screenshot from 2019-10-20 11-21-05.png Screenshot from 2019-10-20 11-20-26.png
Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

But Ubuntu includes AMD's proprietary firmware, doesn't it?

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

They include NVIDIA's binary.* I was curious, tried it, the driver didn't work flawlessly -- it apparently caused random signal loss when logging out, and occasionally a slow boot as if the UEFI thing was looking for the boot drive and not finding it ("using defaults"); about AMD (Radeon?) -- I don't know. No proprietary firmware is in use in my setup.

*They let choose at install time whether to use proprietary firmware. It's included in the ISO, a 'novelty' that they advertise together with this release.

Screenshot from 2019-10-20 17-10-32.png
Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

I was actually thinking about nVidia's (not AMD's) firmware, since you are talking about the nouveau driver. Sorry for the confusion. That said, I believe Ubuntu's kernels come with both proprietary firmwares.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

Not sure. I have a Macbook Air and there was this new upgrade to Catalina. I think Ubuntu will run great on it. Not happy with Catalina, the latest upgrade version of MacOS. There's so much more useless nonsense and anti-features now, ever deeper integrated icloud.

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

This is for the first time that Ubuntu includes non-free software in its official installation media. A(nother) major step backward to freedom.

But since the very beginning, Ubuntu wasn't a freedom-respecting distribution. Was it? Even Shuttleworth said that Ubuntu focused on "user experience".

Gladly, Ubuntu is dying. I'd like to write something like "UX failure" to commemorate Ubuntu's demise, which shouldn't be too far.

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

Ah, my friend attended release party of Ubuntu 19.10 yesterday, and he told me that now Ubuntu installs proprietary nVidia drivers by default when it detects nVidia discrete graphics, and that Canonical advertises the inclusion of non-free drivers as a "feature". It's egregious!

Iscritto: 01/10/2013

Love the theme, don't like how they half-ass software freedom.