Uruk CloudIDE

3 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 01/18/2014

The Uruk CloudIDE is a free as in freedom cross platform integrated development environment running primarily, but not exclusively, on the free cloud software. This piece of software is highly recommended for institutions, software development companies and developers.
The project is still in beta.  
Uruk CloudIDE is part from uruk project

join the project and Spread the word!
feel free to try it , send patches or report bugs here
have fun and be free
ali miracle

Mangy Dog

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 03/15/2015

hey i like the sense of humour in the


All efforts have been made to ensure the smooth and correct running of this application. If you find that UrukCloudIDE is behaving abnormaly though, there are 3 options :

1) Turn it off and run away. Not an option I would advise.

2) Write a harsh comment that says how this app is a pile of **** and you can't believe I even dared to waste your time.. Again, not a great option, but it does make me laugh when I read some of the stuff.. :-)

3) file a bug with error type and any other information you think is relevant, and I'll fix it. Jackpot.

When I find a bug, I crush it. If I don't find it, and you do, and don't tell me, it lives and we all lose.. I'm not a mind-reader. Or a Computer-reader. I'm not one of the X-Men. i'm Azzen Abidi


Iscritto: 01/18/2014

I wrote this humour in
When the IDE joined the uruk project
I wrote the installer and README.md file
and put this humour in IDE hhhhhhhhhh

Mangy Dog

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 03/15/2015

