user login:? I cannot Boot, but Install OK. Please Help

5 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 05/25/2015

Hi Trisquel community, and thanks for any light that you could bring to this misterious issue I m dealing with after succesful instalation in text mode

Coming from GRUB I land on a console

myusername login:

But cannot recall being asked to create this login, just user password

myusername login: idontknow ( and "idontknow" does not hide under "*" )

password: ********

login incorrect:
myusername login:

Then found out a post on Trisquel forums but from a previous version:

sudo passwd root

to generate this login

but when I try:

sudo passwd root

set password: passwordlogin

myusername login: passwordlogin

password: ********

"login incorrect",

It is got any solution?. Or , what´s wrong with my install, would like to know, and to learn, because I m dying to try this distro. Thanks in advance for any help, because I m very new to linux, commands and so on. Best Regards.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Please, give more context. Have you just installed Trisquel? Using the NetInstall? Is the password asked after booting a kernel from GRUB or are you talking the GRUB password?

I never did a NetInstall but I believe a username and a password must have been asked at some point. Now, if you are talking about GRUB's password, it is nothing but an inconvenience (unless you run an Internet Café or something like that) and you can read the second part of that post to discover to get rid of it:

Iscritto: 05/25/2015

I boot from grub. I see welcome grub and Trisquel entry on a line, and there are no more OS in spite I got many drives. GRUB does not ask me anything. then something loads and I got a black screen telling me

myusername login: Idontknow

. Got no error messages or anything, up to this point of the login/password. thing. I can try reinstall to check out if maybe installer required me to add this data of course, I m trying to install on a /sdd the only possible way for me to have a succesfull installation it has been text mode...
but well sadly I got this issue of the login/password combination: I got password, I don t know my user login, but I don´t know how to proceed. Thanks a million for answering back anyway. Any help welcomed, would like to run Trisquel. :).

Iscritto: 12/31/2012

02-06-2015 22:38:13 name at domain:
> I boot from grub. I see welcome grub and Trisquel entry
on a line, and there
> are no more OS in spite I got many drives. GRUB does
not ask me anything.
> then something loads and I got a black screen telling me
> myusername login: Idontknow
> Password.******
> I receive a welcome message so I suppose Im inside
Trisquel somehow. I can
> try reinstall to check out if maybe installer required me to
add this data
> of course, I m trying to install on a /sdd the only possible
way for me to
> have a succesfull installation it has been text mode...
> but well sadly I got this issue o the login/password
combination: I got
> password, I don t know my user login but even it has
been a mistake it would
> be nice to know how to solve it, maybe from terminal on
live CD?, but I
> don´t know how to proceed.


If that prompt is asking for a system user and password,
chances are that we might be able to come up with a
solution, specially knowing that you already know the
password for such "unknown" user. Besides, if you're
getting a terminal prompt, even if you are sure to have select
at least one graphical environment, such as GNOME, which
is provided by default with Trisquel; or KDE, provided by
Triskel, chances are that the manufacturer of the computer's
graphics card, this being the part responsible for trowing
nice images to the display, doesn't care for the user's
freedom because the manufacturer didn't develop a free
software capable of interacting with that graphics card.

So, assuming everything here to be true, then...

1. Boot into the live media;

2. Mount the partition where the installed system is (if you
have a file manager/explorer like Nautilus or Dolphin, just
locate the partition at the left of their windows and do a
single click on it);

3. Take note of the location where the partition has been
mounted (it's usually at /media/[Your
username/"trisquel"]/[Partition label]/).

4. Open a terminal and do:

sudo sed --quiet '$ p' [Location of the mounted

5. We are using GNU Sed to read the special file named
"shadow", select only the its last line, and print the selection.
The "shadow" file stores usernames and passwords (don't
panic, the passwords are NOT in plain text). The last line, in
most cases, stores the most recent user created in that
system. In a new installation, the most recent user is actually
the one used by the computer user himself;

6. Take note of the name at the start of the line until the first
colon (":"), this is the username;

7. Close the current terminal;

8. Unmount the partition of the installed system;

9. Reboot to the installed system;

10. When asked, use the username noted and your

12. Enjoy your freedom, and if possible, change your
graphics card soon. :D

Respectfully, Adonay.
Have a nice day.

Assinatura automática – português brasileiro:
– Site pessoal:
– Em favor da aprovação da Lei ODF em Santa Catarina
e para garantir os direitos humanos de igual tratamento pelo
governo ou lei, de circulação dentro das fronteiras de cada
nação, de participação no governo, e de igualdade no
acesso aos serviços públicos, não estou aceitando arquivos
do Microsoft Office ou do Apple iWork. Por favor, use o
LibreOffice ( e seus formatos
do padrão ODF (.odt, .odp, etc.).

Automatic signature – North American English:
– Personal website:
– In favor of the approval of the ODF law in Santa Catarina
and to ensure the human rights of equal treatment by the
government or law, of circulation inside the boundaries of
each nation, of participation on the government, and of
equality on the access to the public services, I'm not
accepting Microsoft Office's files or Apple iWork's files.
Please use LibreOffice ( and its
formats from the ODF standard (.odt, .odp, etc).

Iscritto: 12/16/2009

The text install also asks for a username and a password. My guess is you probably typed in a username without knowing. And it seems your computer is called "myusername", which is pretty odd - you must have typed that by mistake too, during the installation.

It seems the easiest way to fix this is to reinstall Trisquel. Another way is to use a live GNU system, but since Trisquel's live environment didn't work, you may have to use some other GNU system or a different version of Trisquel. If you want to go with the non-reinstall way, you can ask for help.

Also, if you are getting a black screen after GRUB, this most probably means that when you manage to log in you'll only have a terminal and no graphical interface. Do you know how to use a terminal to install a graphical interface, if you want one?

Iscritto: 05/25/2015

Thanks for your help. I performed a wrong step on "Manual Installation" and, well... not even Graphic environement was installed by mistake. I will make a tutorial about the manual installation menu in case it will be useful for the community in exchange for help. Finally, Trisquel running OK. Some other questions to solve because I m completely new to GNU/Linux, but now my further questions are not so hard. I will ask about them on new comment because this issue is happily SOLVED. so THANKS A MILLION PEOPLE!.