Video editing app for future Trisquel releases

12 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 05/14/2015

Cutting together a series of still images, and putting it to an audio track, is now a very common computer task. Simple video editing is probably more common than using any of the apps in an office suite. There must be a free Code app capable of the most common video editing functions, and compatible license-wise with being included in Trisquel. How about we identify one, and ask the devs to make it a default app in future versions?

Can anyone suggest a stable GNU/Linux app for basic video editing tasks? Bonus points for playing nicely with Mate, Trisquel's default desktop.


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Iscritto: 08/18/2020

> Can anyone suggest a stable GNU/Linux app for basic video editing tasks?

Did you have a look at Video manipulation in the Free Software Directory?

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Pitivi is in Trisquel's repository. With it you can create a new project (click on the "New" button), import images/sounds/videos (click on the "+ Import" button), add them at the end of the sequence (last icon below the miniatures of the imported files), move them around by drag and drop on the timeline, including to make them overlap (and you can click on the overlapping and choose the transition in the transition tab), etc. At the end, you get the final video by clicking on the "Render" button.

Iscritto: 12/01/2016

For basic video editing tasks, it's OpenShot.

For professional level, I suggest Cinelerra-GG.


Best regards,


Iscritto: 05/14/2015

Magic Banana:
> Pitivi is in Trisquel's repository

... as is OpenShot, and potentially a number of the other apps suggested here. What that doesn't tell me is if any of them are stable enough to be useful yet.

I've tested most of the suggested apps on Trisquel over the years. Of the ones that were usable at all, every single one of them crashed and lost my work, long before I finished editing a single 5 minute video. So what I'm asking for is other people's recent experiences using them.

Iscritto: 05/20/2022

I have been using Kdenlive on and off with MATE since Trisquel 8, and it always worked fine while the other options kept crashing, just like in your own experience. Kdenlive also has the added advantage of being available in the backport repo for Trisquel, as already mentioned by Ark74 below.

Not sure whether a video editor is a good candidate for a default app, though. They are all easily found and installed from the Add/remove applications GUI, and users can always come here and ask away if they are unsure which one to choose. LibreOffice users are not exactly facing the same situation.

Iscritto: 09/13/2010



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Iscritto: 07/15/2009

Indeed ;)

There is actually a backport tracking the latest releases (as long as they are supported), so far nabia is behind but aramo keeps having the latest and greatest.

Iscritto: 02/12/2015

>"Cutting together a series of still images, and putting it to an audio track, is now a very common computer task."

I've done exactly that with digikam. Works great, there's a bunch of nice effects you can use like for fading in and out of images, transitions and so forth.

Iscritto: 04/23/2015

I have converted images to video format no doubt the hard way > load them up in an image viewer > start a slideshow > record it with simplescreenrecorder > cut the resulting video into picture by picture clips with avidemux (sadly not available in the repository but is via guix). Then I guess MagicBanana's suggestion with Pitivi would take it from there.
Actually, the big reason I go through the work to install guix is so I can get avidemux.

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

For a simpler way to get Avidemux, you can, if you trust the packager, either run or the Flatpak on Flathub (*not* in the verified subset). For the former option, just turn the AppImage executable (either from your file manager or from the terminal with 'chmod +x avidemux_2.8.1.appImage'). For the latter option, if you have not installed flatpak, that would be executing the following commands in a terminal:
$ sudo apt install flatpak
$ flatpak remote-add --subset=floss flathub
$ flatpak install flathub org.avidemux.Avidemux

Iscritto: 04/23/2015

Thanks MagicBanana. I just install flatpak. Will check it out.

Iscritto: 12/29/2020

It exist and it's included already on the default install, it's called ffmpeg, it can edit and reencode all sorts of media, video, audio and picture.