Waterfox browser sold to system1 (an ad company that bought a majority of Startpage)
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I think we should do two things about this, not use the browser but not hate him either.
Waterfox was never fully libre anyways, but yeah, he seems to have been a nice chap when i talked to him, we'll just have to wait to see what people auditing his code say. ;)
If it is bad, we will find out pretty quickly.
Personally, I don't think firefox is much different. In fact, he seems less hostile than mozilla is. So there's that.
But yeah, I say don't use/recommend people use the browser until we know for sure nothing has changed.
I myself will not use it only because I like iceweasel-uxp. :)
Ultimately, if Waterfox was never fully libre, then you wouldn't be able to build from source?
Kinda feels like anything you can build from source should be libre (Except for licensing)
Maybe I'm misunderstanding I have no clue what Waterfox is besides the obvious connection to Firefox.
Kinda feels like anything you can build from source should be libre
Not necessarily: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html
That said, Waterfox looks free, and who claimed the opposite in this thread has a record of groundless accusations. We will see if he can explain in what way "Waterfox was never fully libre anyways".
Well maybe I shouldn't say never, but on the other hand, the encrypted media extensions thing was enabled by default last time I checked.
EME should always be disabled by default and hidden from the user.
That being said, I actually don't have a record of groundless accusations, but I do have a record of being attacked over things that are actually facts but people disagree with them just because it doesn't fit their narrative. :/
For example, you don't want to admit Redhat is corporately trying to take over linux, by making it impossible to not have to use systemd,dbus,pulseaudio,etc... of course other projects are doing the same thing such as, mozilla + rust and others.
I have said this many times, but facts are not opinions, I get that you live on the fringe, but I am not willing to let you flame me on this website and get away without any counter argument, that being said:
By the way, I was going to not show you this, but yeah, you forced my hand.
Can you tell me if those have been patched?
That aside, if you cannot remove software that you don't want or don't think you need, especially if you cannot escape it on any given OS be it debian, fedora, trisquel then you are in fact having it forced down your throat.
I don't like arguing with you because it is like arguing with a trump supporter. The emotions you feel, don't make anything you say fact. You can call me a hater, but its not really true. I don't trust redhat anymore than google, microsoft or apple.
Whether you think its fringe or not, matters not, a fifth freedom is needed, so that people are NOT vendor locked into software that breaks backwards compatibility with software that people want to use. Example, if I don't want pulseaudio or libpulse or systemd,
I shouldn't need them just because the makers of the GNU/Linux OS want to force it down my throat.
This is why GNU is in trouble. Btw, techrights is not a fringe article, I have read enough from techrights to know that.
You are consumed with hatred of anyone who doesn't agree with you, I can feel your hate everytime you oppose me, how are you not like a radicalized trump suppoer?
I am sorry if this hurts, but please wake up. No one wants these dumb dependencies forced down their throat as much as the greedy and the lazy and the downright brainwashed.
Please repent and no I am not asking you to not be an atheist, just to have an Open Mind about things.
PS, I have no intention of showing you any more evidence, then I have shown you over the time I have been here, you will just call it to be blunt "lies" or "FUD" or "fake news" maybe even
Well maybe I shouldn't say never, but on the other hand, the encrypted media extensions thing was enabled by default last time I checked.
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrAlex94/Waterfox/current/README.md (README file at the root of Waterfox's source tree) lists Waterfox's features. Second on the list is "Disabled Encrypted Media Extensions (EME)". Your accusation would therefore need more ground than just "last time I checked".
That being said, I actually don't have a record of groundless accusations, but I do have a record of being attacked over things that are actually facts but people disagree with them just because it doesn't fit their narrative. :/
So much hypocrisy is impressive.
I have said this many times, but facts are not opinions
Exactly. Whether Waterfox is free software and whether it enables EME is a matter of facts. Not opinions.
Redhat is corporately trying to take over linux, by making it impossible to not have to use systemd,dbus,pulseaudio,etc... of course other projects are doing the same thing such as, mozilla + rust and others.
Completely out of topic (Waterfox). A Chewbacca defense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewbacca_defense
I don't like arguing with you because it is like arguing with a trump supporter.
These people who "argue" with fake news such as "Waterfox enables EME"?
The emotions you feel, don't make anything you say fact.
I have no intention of showing you any more evidence
You have shown none. A groundless accusation.
> These people who "argue" with fake news such as "Waterfox enables EME"?
> https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/fake-news-went-viral-2016-expert-studied-who-clicked-n836581
The terms "waterfox" and "EME" do not exist in that article you linked.
I can't figure out if you are arguing that Waterfox does or does not support EME, but Waterfox does support it, including Widevine CDM: https://www.waterfox.net/blog/waterfox-56.2.13-release-download/
The developer has stated that he enables it in the same way as Firefox: https://www.reddit.com/r/waterfox/comments/6hh55d/waterfox_and_netflix/diztz61/
The terms "waterfox" and "EME" do not exist in that article you linked.
It only referred to the beginning of the sentence ("[Trump supporters] 'argue' with fake news").
I can't figure out if you are arguing that Waterfox does or does not support EME, but Waterfox does support it, including Widevine CDM: https://www.waterfox.net/blog/waterfox-56.2.13-release-download/
The developer has stated that he enables it in the same way as Firefox: https://www.reddit.com/r/waterfox/comments/6hh55d/waterfox_and_netflix/diztz61/
THOSE are facts. Thank you for providing them. I would never recommend Waterfox then. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrAlex94/Waterfox/current/README.md should be updated.
> THOSE are facts. Thank you for providing them. I would never recommend Waterfox then. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrAlex94/Waterfox/current/README.md should be updated.
I tried waterfox on a work computer. Very nice. Definitely appears to be free from a lot of the default data slurping that's built into Firefox, and firefox's weird default addons like "pocket". I really like the way they've built a special KDE-integrated version of the browser.
The EME on waterfox, just like firefox, is "enabled" by checking a box in preferences (see screenshot). Waterfox links to a firefox page to discuss how it is implemented. The firefox page says that by enabling checking the box to enable DRM, this causes Google's widevine to be downloaded, and at that point it becomes available for use.[1]
So I guess "technically", firefox and waterfox can say it is "disabled by default", because it is an opt-in system and nothing is downloaded until the user opts in. However, I think that is misleading, because they make it just about as easy as possible to enable it, and in fact are promoting its use as a way to promote their browsers.
[1] https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-drm?as=u&utm_source=inproduct

Never used waterfox or whatever...
For GNU, go with Tor Browser or Icecat. For Android, go with Privacy Browser or again, Tor Browser. What do we need other browsers for? :)
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