Web RTC and abrowser 21?

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Iscritto: 09/19/2011


Is Abrowser, version 21 supposed to be able to support web rtc? I'm
trying to use two portals: twelephone.com and tawk.com. When I try
making calls with twelephone, the web page seems to indicate that my
party and I are connected, yet other end doesn't get ring tone or hear
anything. On in-coming calls, I hear the ring tone; when I hit the
'accept' button, nothing happens;It just keeps ringing until caller
hangs up. On tawk.com, I just get a message that says "try chrome".

Iscritto: 03/26/2011

By default only in Firefox 22+. [0]

[0] https://hacks.mozilla.org/2013/06/webrtc-comes-to-firefox/

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

WebRTC support is not enabled in Abrowser by default. Follow the procedure described in the following link to manually enable it:


Either way, WebRTC is not worked for me. I tried to connect two computers running Trisquel 6.0, with manually enabled WebRTC within Abrowser 19.0. The site used for communication was


I would be very interested to see someone actually making some working calls using this new technology, because I'm still unable to offer any drop-in replacement for MS Skype, on which all of my neighbourhood relies (except me of course). I also tried Ekiga, but that failed too .

Iscritto: 03/26/2011

You need to have one SIP or XMPP account. With this you choose the best application. Can be Linphone, Jitsi, Empathy, Pidgin, Ekiga, etc.

You can register one SIP account without cost at Linphone.org.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

A SIP account was created during the Ekiga setup process on both computers. Also tried different versions (3.6 and 4.0), on both Windows and Trisquel, but I got always some kind of issues, e.g. the video transmission worked only on one side, without audio, even when both the webcam/microphone was proved to be working (tested with Cheese Webcam Booth, and GNOME System Recorder).

Ekiga was chosen because there is no one using GNU/Linux amongst people I want to be able to make a video call, since the MS Windows compatibility is mandatory.

Iscritto: 03/26/2011

Linphone is compatible with Windows, OS X, iOS and Android.

The SIP account can be from Ekiga.net or Linphone or your own SIP server.
XMPP works with video and audio in Jitsi too. (runs in Windows, OS X also).

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

Ok, thanks. I was not aware about it (or just forgot, since Ekiga was chosen from the Wikipedia's comparison of VoIP software). My previous plan after Firefox 22.0 got released was to wait until Ruben updates Abrowser, so I can test it without the need for installing Firefox, but after more than month of absence, I completely forgot about this. Many thanks for reminding this to me , and also for the Linphone VoIP software. I'll definitely check it out.


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Iscritto: 09/19/2011

Thanks for the link! I think I enabled web rtc in abrowser, but could
not test; the demos referenced in that article do not work--error 404.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

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Iscritto: 09/19/2011


I used twelephone.com and tawk.com with abrowser 21 and firefox 22 with
same result. That is, No audio, other than ring tones, on any calls.
When I call a twelephone user with an sip client, the user hears me, but
I do not hear him. I've tried with users of Chrome and Safari. Is
anyone with abrowser or firefox willing to try this?

-- Dave --

Iscritto: 05/15/2011

I'm looking forward to seeing how secure WebRTC will be when its running on an HTTPS site.


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Iscritto: 09/19/2011

To test whether my issues have anything to do with Trisquel, I made the same web rtc calls using a flash drive installation of Fedora 19, and tried both distros on two different networks. Web rtc just doesn't seem to be ready for GNU/Linux.