What would make me get an Amazon Echo...

2 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 01/10/2013

Amazon was giving them away for free (gratis) so they can use it to get money from spying. I would have that plan backfire and I would tear it open and take out the Speakers.

Or better, have the ability to run only free software on it. :D

Iscritto: 09/12/2019

Normally I would say I'd never get one, but that is an over-simplification. You bring up a good point.

I would never *pay* for one. I would definitely take a free one.

I wouldn't even plug it in. I'd light it on fire and make a quick YouTube video talking about why they're bad while it's burning.

And I know YouTube sucks too, but you gotta get the word out somehow. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Iscritto: 01/10/2013

I'd probably even pay just as long as Amazon was selling it at a loss. If it cost them $30 per unit and they were charging $20, they just lost $10.

Youtube does suck, invidious and Freetube is better, they piggyback off of youtube's video storage and there's no non-free Javascript.