Where to wach video clips in html5 - youtube similar site

21 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 07/01/2013

Hi. You can wach free clips in html5 on http://www.dailymotion.com (this site like youtube).
How to do this?
In Abrowser go to "Addons" option and disable "Shockwave flash".
Than "Refresh" your page.
I don't know if there is an option to upload .ogg files.

Iscritto: 05/30/2012

MediaGoblin is better. It doesn't require nonfree Javascript code.

Iscritto: 04/22/2013

I had a look at gobblin.se, but couldn't figure out how to search the media.
Isn't there a search function?
If so, the service might be useful as a decentrilized method of sharing videos with friends an persons, but not as an alternative for youtube.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

MediaGoblin is "definitively the best" multimedia sharing server-side software you can get in this regards, and the only true competitor to YouTube. The only thing I am missing in MG is VP9+Opus support in WebM, but since this format is still very new and the VP9 bitstream was frozen just a week and a half ago, it's something that should be added in the near future, but I would like to see MG as one of the first to deploy this new technology and "make it default".

As for your question, my choice for watching movies online is either using YouTube (on Trisquel through SMTube), or StageVU (non-HTML5, using the Totem DivX Web Player plugin).

Iscritto: 04/22/2013

Still can't find how to search the media; can't use it like youtube without.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

How about using Google Search to do the task for you? Just put the following string in the DuckDuckGo search bar:

NAME_OF_THE_REQUESTED_MEDIA site:gobblin.se !g


Iscritto: 05/13/2010

Better to steer clear of google/PRISM. I.e. just lose the !g.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

Since I'm using DDG as my primary search engine, it's a thing of a habit. There is no difference in using Google Search through DDG or alone but I do like having all the different search engines in one place.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

Also, DDG cannot be used for this purpose since it doesn't contain the required feature. So in a nutshell, the only way to search on gobblin.se until MG implement this feature is by using Google.

Iscritto: 06/16/2013

Can't you do that via Startpage, too?

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

Maybe, I don't know. I once tested ixquick/startpage as a replacement for Google Search, but those sites doesn't do what they claim to. The site says that they provide Google Search functionality without the tracking feature, but in reality, the results isn't comparable at all with what you'll get when using Google's search engine, either alone or through proxy (for ex. Tor). I tried a bunch of other search engines but none of them can come even close to the result accuracy of Google Search, but only one. Although DuckDuckGo's search results are good, it's far behind Google, and can be used only for basic searching. But overall, especially with the unique functions DDG comes with (like the bang syntax, info box, or privacy awareness, just to name some), it's the only true competitor for Google I'm aware of. If DDG succeeds to include the missing features of GS, and work on the accuracy of the results, I will gladly abandon the waters of Google (Search). I also forgot to mention tha DDG's source code is partially released under the Perl 5 license, which is FLOSS compatible.

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Google customizes the ranking w.r.t. your profile... whose building requires storing as much as information as possible on its users.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

Sure I know about that, but the results are still the same regardless if I'm connecting through a proxy server (Tor actually, which automatically switches to another relay every 10 minutes, or less if I do it manually by clicking on the New Identity button), periodically deleting all my cookies (automatically done when my web-browser is shut down) and also am logged out of all my Google accounts. So there should be no way to customize the results for me, only for the relays I'm connected to. Or am I missing something?

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

They have the feature http://help.dukgo.com/customer/portal/articles/300304-syntax

Why it might not work is perhaps they haven't crawled the site in question recently enough.

Iscritto: 05/18/2013

I can search a specific site using only DuckDuckGo.

Example: Trisquel ISOs site:trisquel.info

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

This is very interesting. I actually do tested the syntax on both of the search engines before posting my message and I can clearly remember, that while DDG showed me results from many different websites that matched the terms I used, Google filtered and showed only those that came from the particular website. Can it happen that this feature was added just recently?


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Iscritto: 02/25/2010

I've been using site: with DDG for quite a while now. At least a year, I think.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

Strange. So that means I probably mistyped something, even if doesn't remember doing that. Then it looks like DuckDuckGo nevertheless has the required feature that can be used to search through various MediaGoblin instances. Therefore I apologize for my false and misleading claims.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

Or maybe this was a temporary issue with the website itself, or some connection problem since Tor is using different relays from different location in the world to forward my requests to the web-server and back.

Iscritto: 10/09/2012

It's not a feature yet, but I actually asked the creators about that on Diaspora recently, they say it's actively being developed this summer.

Iscritto: 01/18/2012

See my new forum topic here.


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Iscritto: 08/10/2012

Another site to to the list:
