Which version of Ubuntu is Flidas based on?
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I have been searching for information about the (a) command that can tell me which version of Ubuntu my distribution (i.e. Flidas) is based on. I know I have used it before, but now I can't find it again.
What are good commands to reveal this sort of information?
Ubuntu 16.04 is what it's based on.
Thanks Onpon4.
I still would like to be able to find that info next time without spending your time. Do you know a proper command?
Try uname -a
cat /etc/issue
and maybe screenfetch
jb@jb-x200:~$ uname -a
Linux jb-x200 4.4.0-72-generic #93+8.0trisquel1 SMP Wed Apr 5 13:11:46 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
jb@jb-x200:~$ cat /etc/issue
Trisquel GNU/Linux 8.0 \n \l
jb@jb-x200:~$ screenfetch
bash: screenfetch: kommando ikke fundet
No news on the Ubuntu version
cat /etc/debian_version
Have no idea if there is an equivalent version text file in oobuntuuu...
jb@jb-x200:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Trisquel
Description: Trisquel GNU/Linux 8.0, Flidas
Release: 8.0
Codename: flidas
Does it have anything to do with the 'No LSB modules availabe' message?
Probably not. The LSB modules refer to "Linux Standard Base", which is a standard aimed to introduce some level of compatibility between major distros. A quick search for "LSB modules" suggests that installing the package "lsb-core" would give you the modules, but that won't give you the Ubuntu version.
In any case, short of an error, there shouldn't be any way to determine the Ubuntu base of Trisquel from within. Canonical's (current) license terms, as I understand it, ban any unofficial respin of Ubuntu from using Canonical trademarks- which would, presumably, not permit inclusion of information about the base version of Ubuntu used.
However, there's a fairly simple way to determine the base. It's always the most recent Long-Term Support release of Ubuntu, which is the one with version <Even Number>.04: for example, Belenos was based on 14.04, Flidas is drawn from 16.04, and whatever Trisquel 9 is will derive from 18.04, unless the long release wait for Flidas pushes it back (in which case you'll know anyway).
EDIT: It turns out the version names of some packages include Ubuntu repository information e.g. the LibreOffice packages have version ....ubuntu1-xenial1, referencing 16.04 (Xenial). There's probably a better way of getting that information, but I shall leave the comment above until a reliable method is established.
I am/was pretty sure I have seen that information extracted via terminal before, but it seems I was wrong.
Thanks for the clearance
You may very well have. Even IF licensing restrictions and what-not make it illegal now, these only came into effect after Belenos. Such a feature might very well exist: I agree with you that it would be a wonderful feature to have.
Any idea of whom to ask for a such?
I'm not sure who the person to ask would be, but (although slightly inconvenient) SuperTramp's suggestion above works: it should be possible to cross-check the Debian version listed for a Trisquel release with which Ubuntu version it corresponds to: Belenos has Debian Jessie as a grandparent, which is the base of Ubuntu 14.04, and Flidas has Stretch, found as the basis of 16.04.
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