Who Here Prefers Live & Read-Only Instead of R/W or Installed?

1 risposta [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 12/03/2017

I currently have my laptop set up to boot from Ubuntu Studio, as I am currently working on heavy metal music (the kind of music that RMS finds too harsh), but it is a Read-only live image instead of a full install, just to train myself into having the responsibility of writing passwords down instead of keeping them on the computer, as well as to have a fresh start every time I open up my laptop, so I can share its usage with others if needed, and also to save master Audacity files and WAVs from recording sessions on my external hard disk and flash drives.

So my question is, who here prefers live and read only instead of installed and read-write, and why?


I am a member!

Iscritto: 06/19/2015

I do, but in my experience it resulted in system that would eventually max out RAM and have to be rebooted.

Ideally, I'd use Librepup for this, but Librepup is defunct. I tried reviving it, but I didn't know very well how to do it. It supposedly involved little more than 'git pull' and merging changes.