Why does Trisquel 11 crash whenever I open an image file?
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I have recently made a fresh install of Trisquel 11 and I am very concerned with the fact that I can open specific files without the the whole system crashing and opening up at the log in screen.
It's very concerning considering that I need some art references to draw from, but it would be very troublesome if I can't even look at them; let alone questioning what other bugs issues Trisquel 11 might be containing on at least my distro.
I have also tried opening these images with different softwares but still with the same results.
Is there anything that I can do the prevent the system from crashing just by opening these image files? I never had this problem before opening them on the previous distros.
Bare in mind, I had used the BackInTime software to restore my files on my new distro; if that helps with anything.
Does your pc has an intel GPU ?
If so see https://trisquel.info/fr/forum/session-restart-when-viewing-specific-pdf#comment-173188 I had many issues like this be it pdf, heavy JS websites etc... until I read this thread.
Could you attach one such image so that we can try visualizing it?
This is one of them. It even crashes when opened in Gimp, apparently.
I'm using this through a Lenova X200T, if it helps.

Here, Eye Of GNOME, gThumb, GIMP, ImageMagick and Abrowser all properly open the file: the problem is on your system. Does it occur with any image file type? Do you have broken packages?
I honestly don't know whether or not I have broken packages. Possibly. I have tried searching for them, but I couldn't find them.
I had opened up another topic earlier about being unable to install my backs up Marked list via a file on Synaptic Package Manager. ( https://trisquel.info/en/forum/having-trouble-using-synaptic-package-manager-install-marked-listing-saved-file#comment-173501 ) It said it had 9 broken packages and that I could install them until I fixed them. So I have followed the advice from this article: https://superuser.com/questions/1386209/how-to-solve-this-dependencies-apt-fix-broken-install , but unfortunately, none of it helped.
Even Blender keeps crashing for pressing a key or clicking on stuff at random. So there are in fact a lot of things broken, even though I checkedsummed the image using sha256. It's just completely unstable on my end.
It could've been my internet connection playing up and messing with the packages?
Sudo apt-get full-upgrade, then?
Thank you for your time Magic Banana. Mangeur de nuage had linked me to another topic that had the solution to my issues.
Just had to go into the terminal and type:
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
Then write in the following:
Section "Device
Identifier "Intel Graphics"
Driver "Intel
Option "TearFree" "true
Then save and reboot and it's all sorted
Glad that it solved your issue :)
>Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 4500MHD
Eeyup see my previous post it's most likely the same issue as this https://trisquel.info/fr/forum/session-restart-when-viewing-specific-pdf imo
What do you know, the solution in that topic works.
Now I'm no longer having that issue. Hopefully I can now work on Blender without the whole thing crashing on me.
Thanks mangeur de nuage
So the 20-intel.conf solution seems to work for me as well.
I suspect it is a case of Trisquel seeing the dedicated GPU and tries to swap to that for various tasks, but without a driver to handle the switch it just resets the session.
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