windose 10

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I am a translator!

Iscritto: 10/31/2014

Windows 10 to make the Secure Boot alt-OS lock out a reality

At its WinHEC hardware conference in Shenzhen, China, Microsoft talked about the hardware requirements for Windows 10. The precise final specs are not available yet, so all this is somewhat subject to change, but right now, Microsoft says that the switch to allow Secure Boot to be turned off is now optional. Hardware can be Designed for Windows 10 and can offer no way to opt out of the Secure Boot lock down.

Iscritto: 05/18/2013

I wonder if all this dreck being pushed is even legal. Will it violate anti-monopoly laws?

Iscritto: 01/09/2013

Do you really trust Microsoft with this matter?

I don't trust them, they try to lockout other OS from running on the hardware. Then developers discover ways to unlock some of the motherboard bios features. Example: Ubuntu!

Do you really think all PC makers will fall for this?

The answer is Yes and NO. Depends on the maker of the Motherboard and PC.

I use Asus and some Intel motherboards, the box say's designed for "Windoz", it does not mean you could use other OSI based on GNU/Linux etc. I'll take this matter as a futuristic Monopoly full of malicious intents.

Knowing modern China, is a big copy industry and has no remorse when it comes to software piracy. I believe this news is one of many to come.

For us the GNU/LINUX users, we see this as beneficial for any Gnu/Linux OSI. We had problems with this matter in the past, but we did worked around the monopolies of Microsoft and beat them in their own game.

Read this article.
The right to dual-boot: Linux groups plead case prior to Windows 8 launch

I said, If you are selling a motherboard desktop or a laptop; Make this feature able and disable with software or jumper setting, not only in the motherboards but in the bios at the same time. We the users should decide, which OS we want to use with freedom, without constrains and fair equally.

Knowing Microsoft, will never play clean with others, because they believe they are number one and it is all about making money only! Yet, they are losing their grip on their software-empire surely and steady.