WordPress, DruPal, Joomla! or any other CMS ?

4 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 03/01/2013

Hello, everybody,

I read in several sites that WordPress is rather advised for beginners.

And you which CMS do you prefer and why ?

Which one would you choose as a librist ? (for free softwares and free sharing)

Iscritto: 03/01/2013

I was told that, with Joomla!, many plugins are privating (proprietary ; "user-subjugating software" ; unfree). Is it the same with WordPress and DruPal ?


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Iscritto: 09/15/2011

FWIW in the past I've advised Drupal for medium to large enterprise
customers who have the resources to deal with the version sheer you
get with Drupal's various author plugins on subsequent upgrade.
Other than that I go for TikiWiki CMS which although inappropriately
licensed under LGPL is maintained as a complete whole. The code
isn't exactly pretty either. For personal use Wordpress is the right
answer for most people.

That said it's always a case of Mileage Varies. Someone who codes
fluently could run a Drupal site even if they were a small enterprise
as Trisquel is/does.



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Iscritto: 11/20/2012

Interesting to know:


[...] The term “content management” takes the prize for vacuity. “Content” means “some sort of information,” and “management” in this context means “doing something with it.” So a “content management system” is a system for doing something to some sort of information. Nearly all programs fit that description.

In most cases, that term really refers to a system for updating pages on a web site. For that, we recommend the term “web site revision system” (WRS). [...]

Iscritto: 05/15/2011

If you are using Wordpress, also check out running it under HHVM for that extra performance boost: https://kinsta.com/blog/hhvm-and-wordpress/