your view on pureos?
- Login o registrati per inviare commenti claimed they could build phones and new notebooks getting respect
your freedom certified. The impossibility of that goal was known. And has not delivered. It made liars and if buyers did not know better, a skinner. How does pureos sail in regards of security and privacy? Have they thoroughly made sure puruos does not come
with software inflicting on peoples privacy? How does pureos stand about
security and privacy compared to trisquel? Any reservations about
using pureos? Thanks.
I think that's better answered on a Purism forum.
Pureos is listed at so I assume it is following the GNU FSDG.
I have heard some say that PureOS still uses a vanilla kernel. I am not sure if this is the case or not.
That being said, even if everything was freely licensable even their computers, they supposedly are not very good at their job. quite a few people reported hardware failures using purism's hardware and in some cases software.
So its likely that it wouldn't mean much even then due to reliability and other failures.
Although, its even more likely still that you shouldn't trust them no matter what at this point. They have been deceptive in many ways... so yeah.
I have heard some say that PureOS still uses a vanilla kernel. I am not sure if this is the case or not.
Then you had better not write that. According to "PureOS does NOT include any non-free proprietary software or firmware (aka binary blobs)" and, apparently, the FSF has not been given any reason to believe otherwise:
> I have heard some say that PureOS still uses a vanilla kernel. I am not sure if this is the case or not.
My understanding is that it's not "vanilla" but nor is it Linux-libre. For one my understanding is that they leave the request_firmware calls in place. For various reasons I believe this was an oversight during the evaluation process.
That must be what the people who told me PureOS uses the vanilla kernel were seeing that made them believe this. Very strange, but not a sign that its non-libre. Someone would have to check who has better knowledge, such as yourself.
That only means PureOS' kernel recommends the "missing" proprietary firmware in error messages, doesn't it? PureOS' developers seem to care about that: I found where they fixed such an issue. So, if somebody using/testing PureOS confirms the presence of such messages in the journal, it would be good if she could file a bug report with that tag:
Well as long as it is fixed, its fine probably.
I never said it was true when it wasn't.
I said it was something I heard from some people. Meaning its inconclusive. Its possible though, that I heard this from someone who checked before this happened. Another words the problem for all I know could have been solved.
The only people who could know are the people who use PureOS or look at their source code and inspect it.
I don't have the experience to tell by looking so I won't to save myself and others irritation from getting things wrong
"Although, its even more likely still that you shouldn't trust them no matter what at this point. They have been deceptive in many ways... so yeah."
What does that mean? What deception?
More than anything, their crowdfunding hardware development.
Their hardware also has run into giant problems for users and at one point they tried to pass very new nvidia graphics cards in their hardware as libre.
Its... not great.
"We recommend Wine emulator to run Windows applications on PureOS. Please check the listings on their website for compatibility with the particular application that you are interested in running. For more advanced users, you can use included virtual machine application, Boxes (gnome-boxes), to run a full Windows operating system inside PureOS and run any and all Windows application that you like. As with all virtual machines, there will be a performance impact."
So all this FUD about PureDOS should stop. It is not trying to hide that it is running GNU/Linux under the hood, with the commendable goal of steering users to non-free software at the reasonable cost of a performance impact. The Non-free Software Association rightfully endorsed it, no oversight.
I was mostly talking about the hardware they sold and their crowdfunding campaign where they actually were short, but they wanted to keep their money, so they artificially, pretended someone stepped up to raise the last needed funds, but it was them who caused their campaign's gap to be filled completely so that it succeeded.
Btw, don't you mean PureOS?
I don't know if PureDOS exists even.
I am confused
> I am confused
Of course you are. This is the problem with FUD.
Wasn't my intention to push FUD.
Perhaps PureOS is fine and its just their hardware that has problems. Idk...
But you wrote down PureDOS instead of PureOS.
So... idk why you didn't correct yourself.
> Wasn't my intention to push FUD.
We believe you. Your confession sounds sincere.
Well at any rate, their hardware in other people's experiences has not been stellar. PureOS on the other hand could be fine.
People complain a lot about their hardware on reddit.
At any rate, I willingly admit I haven't used PureOS.
If it works fine, have at it. I don't really know.
This should be reported as a bug, but I can't find how to enter anything in the bugtracker or request an account to be able to do it.
Besides, I find what is exposed at and the final comment at concerning: there seems not to be any dedicated user forum, or even user mailing list. While the pureos website is not suggesting this, users can only ask for help on Purism forum, where it is considered that the FSDG do not apply.
The link from prospero is on the site that is recommended on the page that opens when one clicks on "PureOS wiki" on PureOS site, so I certainly would consider it as part of PureOS.
I can't find how to enter anything in the bugtracker or request an account to be able to do it. I believe. Thank you in advance for your bug report.
I have seen it but there is no way to register there.
I reported what I believed to be a bug some time ago and I used instead of I had to send an email in order to get my account unlocked there, but then I was able to report the bug. Note that does require running JavaScript. I assume it is free software because it's coming from Purism.
Here's the thread where I first asked about the bug, in case it has any other helpful information:
That forum page also requires JavaScript, and I believe the source code is located at