Abrowser calls IceCat "GNU/IceCat"

Categoria:segnalazione di bug
Assigned:Non assegnata

Quite simply, Abrowser calls GNU IceCat "GNU/IceCat". This is a totally inappropriate use of the slash: it suggests either that "GNU" and "IceCat" are two names for the same thing, or that you're talking about a combination of GNU with IceCat, both of which are false. It also perpetuates a false understanding of what "GNU/Linux" means. I doubt this will cause any serious damage on that front, but I've noticed that at least one author has taken this mistake to heart and referred to IceCat as "GNU/IceCat" every time it was mentioned.

Abrowser's recommendation of IceCat should say "GNU IceCat", not "GNU/IceCat".

Mer, 12/10/2014 - 15:10
Stato:active» closed

This has been fixed. It now says "GNU IceCat", as it should.