Make Amarok 1.4 available

Categoria:richiesta di funzionalità
Assigned:Non assegnata
Stato:won't fix

I'd like to have Amarok 1.4.10 made available by default in the Synaptic Package Manager. I've use A2 and found that a lot of the supposed features that are supposed to be available are not there. Mainly the external mysql db option; the standard sqllite version doesn't hack it for me. I've also noticed that 1.4 does a faster job of scanning my library(160GB+) than A2.

I know that a lot of people are not happy with the new A2 changes. Amongst those, the new interface doesn't seem as functional as the previous version. A2 also seems more "Windowsy".

Mer, 12/07/2011 - 12:55
Componente:Programs» Packages
Lun, 05/28/2012 - 23:14
Stato:active» won't fix

Marking as "won't fix" for the reasons given here:

Ubuntu Bug #316889 ((jaunty) we should have both Amarok 2.x and Amarok 1.4)