The package console-cyrillic could make Alt+<key> combinations in GUI switch to virtual consoles

Categoria:segnalazione di bug

If the console-cyrillic package is installed and configured to setup Cyrillic at boot time with Unicode, Alt+ combinations in GUI behave as if executed in a virtual console.

This causes GNOME actions such as Alt+F2 (run command), Alt+F4 (close window), Alt+F1 (gnome-help) and others to switch to virtual text consoles. After returning to Xorg with Alt+F7, the expected result of the combination had been accomplished.

This is a known bug in Ubuntu. It seems it had been fixed with a patch provided in the bug report, but I haven't tested it.

Sab, 03/17/2012 - 23:32
Assegnato a:anonymous» upstream
Stato:active» patch (needs review)

Assigning to upstream with a unreviewed patch.

Ven, 10/26/2012 - 17:58
Priorità:critical» minor
Stato:patch (needs review)» needs more info

Any word if this is fixed in Trisquel 5.5?

Dom, 10/28/2012 - 11:50

I am unable to reproduce it. I've even reconfigured the package (dpkg-reconfigure) and changed some settings.

I've manually (re)started the console-cyrillic service and tried the automatic start after cold boot.

Dom, 10/28/2012 - 16:48

So I can mark it as fixed?

Dom, 10/28/2012 - 21:37
Stato:needs more info» closed

Yes you can. I (or anybody else) can always reopen it or send a new bug report when and if needed.

In fact I will close it myself.