Brigantia install fails with message when attempting to reformat existing partition as btrfs

Categoria:segnalazione di bug
Assigned:Non assegnata

I booted from a Trisquel 5.5 amd64 20120311 iso DVD.
Selected English then Try Trisquel without Installing (without Accessibility)
When the desktop appeared I double clicked Install Trisquel 5.5
Selected English language
Clicked continue / next at the install requirements screen which all had green check marks.
Selected Something Else as my disk partitioning / install choice
On an existing drive I chose 2 Linux existing ext4 partitions to be / and /home respectively, both to be formatted as btrfs
As I was waiting for the installer to go beyond the location dialog the installer presented the following message in a dialog

"The file system creation in partition #5 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sdb) failed."

Clicking on the dialog's one button, or its Close 'X' button would not remove the dialog.

ISTR remember reporting a similar bug against a long past Ubuntu beta when they first included ext4 support and almost identical behavior was caused by part of the relevant fs support not being on the beta CD.

Dom, 03/11/2012 - 23:35

I got a bit ahead of myself there and forgot to mention that the same DVD on the same machine installs using an ext4 / and a xfs /home without a hitch.

Lun, 03/12/2012 - 18:43
Stato:active» wrong

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