[GFSD Issue] Hedgewars "tip" contains free software "language problems" and discusses use use of non-free software

Categoria:segnalazione di bug
Assigned:Non assegnata

System Information: Trisquel 5.5 GNU/Linux

Packages the bug affects:

Description: Hedgewars displays a "tip" at the main menu that uses language that is not free software friendly in multiple ways. It states:

Tip: Hedgewars is Open Source and Freeware we create in our spare time.  If someone sold you the game, you should try to get a refund.
This is an issue for multiple reasons:
  • We should change the term "Open Source" to "free software"
  • "Freeware is a word to avoid or use with care.
  • There is nothing wrong with selling free software. If someone sells you a copy of the game there is no reason to ask for a refund unless you were unsatisfied for some reason.

Further Problems: Upon examination of the source code the tips are displayed at random each time the user starts the program. Other problematic tips include (but not limited to)

  • Hedgewars can be run on lots of different operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
  • The Windows version of Hedgewars supports Xfire. Make sure to add Hedgewars to its game list so your friends can see you playing
  • Like Hedgewars? Become a fan on facebook or follow us on twitter

Resolution information: Will try to write a package helper to fix in my spare time later. Technically this is not a critical bug so it is lower priority than some other ones assigned to me. If anyone trying to get their feet wet writing package helpers wants to jump in and take this one (should be easy) feel free.

  • The list of tips is in the file QTfrontend/ui/page/pagemain.cpp and begins at line 101.
Screenshot at 2012-06-23 12:18:15.png354.68 KB
Sab, 06/23/2012 - 22:15

Nothing which is written is false and there are no legal problems leaving that like that. Personally, I would respect what the original authors have written. I wouldn't like that an open source project renames my freedom notes of some software I wrote without a real need.

Sab, 06/23/2012 - 23:03

I agree there is nothing "false" (although some misleading language) in there. That is why I didn't mark it as a critical bug. It isn't something that hurts our status as a fully free distro.

But on your point about the original authors potentially being unhappy or you wouldn't like it if someone did it to your software that point is irrelevant. They released their software under the GPL giving us the right to modify it to suit our needs under freedom 1. By releasing it under a free software license we can modify it to suit our computing needs without asking the original authors for permission or even notifying them that we are doing so. The current language does not suit the goals of our project. We are not an open-source project so I vote we take advantage of the freedom given to us to make the language suit our needs. They can continue to distribute their copies and we can distribute our modified copies. That is the point of free software in the first place.

So basically when they license it under the GPL they give us permission to change their software. If they or anyone else gets upset because we do it (which they explicitly gave us permission to do) that is hypocritical on their part and not our problem.

Sab, 06/23/2012 - 23:25
Titolo:Hedgewars "tip" contains many free software "language problems"» Hedgewars "tip" contains many free software "language problems" (and advises users to use non-free software)
Priorità:normal» critical

Updating this bug as after glancing at the source code there are actually some non-free software recomendations.

The main one I saw was saying for windows users to use xfire. While users of Trisquel download a GNU/Linux version they may have windows machines. For multiple reasons this could be seen as a recomendation to use non-free software. Firstly, we shouldn't even be talking about windows and xfire except in the context of replacing them. Secondly, this statement might be construed in a way that this free program has better support on windows then on GNU/Linux so they should use that version instead with the non-free software.

Sab, 06/23/2012 - 23:42

It is not hypocritical to write code under the GPL and getting upset. When I give some one the freedom of hurting me I'd prefer he doesn't it.

Dom, 06/24/2012 - 00:27

That is a straight up false analogy. Our modifying the source code is in no way analogous to harming the author. Firstly, I would estimate that there is a 99% or higher chance that any modifications we make the author will never even know about unless someone goes out of their way to notify them. Secondly, modifying source code in this manner in no way harms the author or inhibits them in any way. Thirdly, this is all hypothetical. You posted that YOU might get upset if your notes/software were changed in such a manner. You however are not the author of this program. The authors of this program may or may not be upset even if you are. So we are discussing some hypothetical possibility that someone somewhere may become upset. This is a pointless discussion.

Either way I am within my rights to write a package helper to modify the source the way I see fit and I will take advantage of those freedoms. If it gets incorporated into Trisquel well great IMO. If not then I am wasting my time and no one elses.

Dom, 06/24/2012 - 13:51

I wanted to present the point of view that some people can believe that keeping the opinion of the author on its work is respectful or beautiful. I didn't want to assert that it is the case.

Please, don't take my words too much literal, first because I'm not good at english, but mainly because I just wanted to transmite a no mesurable nor legal nor procedural idea and I expect that it be undrestood by the context, no by the particular words. I can understand that you want not to change your "scientific" way of think the matter, but it was not my intention. I just wanted to present an idea, no more.

I believe that I explained my point of view the best I know, so I'll not continue this thread. No need of an answer.

Thanks a lot for taking your time reading me. Much more for the one you spend on Trisquel. :)

Mer, 10/31/2012 - 18:33
Titolo:Hedgewars "tip" contains many free software "language problems" (and advises users to use non-free software)» [GFSD Issue] Hedgewars "tip" contains free software "language problems" and discusses use use of non-free software
Dom, 11/04/2012 - 23:45
Mer, 11/28/2012 - 04:02
Stato:active» patch (needs review)

I have attached a more free software friendly version to the upstream hedgewars bug report.

Here is hoping they accept the change upstream and then all distros that include hedgewars benefit :)

Mer, 01/30/2013 - 02:07
Stato:patch (needs review)» patch (ready)
Mer, 02/06/2013 - 21:07
Versione:» 6.0
Priorità:critical» blocking

Marking this as blocking because of the xfire recommendation. It has been fixed upstream in a commit but is nowhere near making it's way down here. The fixed version hasn't even been released.

Sab, 02/23/2013 - 17:15

Regarding the XFire tip, they should just change it to "Gfire":

The project is older but still works fine.

Dom, 06/09/2013 - 17:50

Fixed upstream in version 0.9.19

Checked source code myself

* Reference to "Linux" changed to "GNU/Linux
* Changed "freeware" to "Free Software"
* Made xfire recommendation windows only so it will not display on Trisquel.

Sab, 10/11/2014 - 05:11
Assegnato a:upstream» anonymous

Trisquel 7.0 beta has Hedgewars . I've reviewed file ./share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/tips_en.xml where the English tips are in this version and all seem free software friendly.

Sab, 10/11/2014 - 13:24
Versione:6.0» 7.0
Stato:patch (ready)» fixed
Sab, 10/25/2014 - 13:25
Stato:fixed» closed

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.