Spammers be gone

Assigned:Non assegnata

I suggest implementing a "mark as spam" button near each post on the forum. After a post has gathered x spam marks, someone on the team should get an email, suggesting the deletion of said post. The post itself might also be added to the email, in order to simplify the decision.

Ven, 11/20/2015 - 14:13
Stato:active» needs more info
Ven, 11/20/2015 - 14:40
Stato:needs more info» active

Ven, 11/20/2015 - 15:14
Ven, 11/20/2015 - 22:29
Sab, 11/21/2015 - 13:02
Sab, 11/21/2015 - 19:39
Sab, 11/21/2015 - 19:40
Dom, 11/22/2015 - 17:00
Mar, 11/24/2015 - 01:25
Lun, 11/30/2015 - 14:36
Mar, 12/01/2015 - 00:47

Advertisement to get a "scalable erection" (lol) by

Mar, 12/01/2015 - 17:57
Mar, 12/01/2015 - 18:00
Sab, 12/05/2015 - 19:10 adverts for medicine against erectile dysfunction and impotence problem.

Dom, 12/06/2015 - 20:33
Lun, 12/14/2015 - 18:06
Mar, 12/15/2015 - 02:06
Gio, 12/17/2015 - 19:06
Dom, 12/20/2015 - 20:34
Stato:active» needs more info
Gio, 12/31/2015 - 15:26
Mar, 01/12/2016 - 11:45
Mar, 01/12/2016 - 12:08

Done, thanks for reporting!

Gio, 01/21/2016 - 11:13
Gio, 01/21/2016 - 11:49
Stato:needs more info» active

Gio, 01/21/2016 - 12:15
Stato:active» needs more info
Ven, 01/22/2016 - 18:03
Dom, 01/24/2016 - 10:49
Gio, 02/04/2016 - 20:54
Ven, 02/05/2016 - 14:59
Sab, 02/06/2016 - 14:44
Stato:active» needs more info
Sab, 02/06/2016 - 20:15
Sab, 02/06/2016 - 20:17
Stato:active» needs more info
Dom, 02/07/2016 - 21:11
Stato:needs more info» active

Mar, 02/09/2016 - 06:03
Lun, 02/22/2016 - 06:50
Lun, 02/22/2016 - 12:04
Priorità:normal» critical

There is an ongoing spam apocalypse on the English-speaking forum. Everything posted in the last three hours is spam and that is currently more than 57 pages of the forum!

Lun, 02/22/2016 - 20:23
Mar, 02/23/2016 - 17:08

I'm doing my best with the korean spammers, their ip's have been blocked, and their users banned.

AFAIK, the bots are able to bypass both of our captchas (math operation and image).

Mar, 02/23/2016 - 20:37
Stato:active» needs more info

Thanks, we've been dealing with these apparently Polish accounts all day, in parallel to the Korean ones (which are now apparently almost gone). These only seem to spam from the description field of their profile, but unlike the Korean ones, there's not a lot in common in the data and domains they use, so it's kind of hard to automatically prevent them from registering... but we'll find something.

Mar, 02/23/2016 - 20:50

I changed the default settings for new acconts, and now they need to be approved by an admin (Ruben, David, or me )

This is the new message that users while get after registration:

Thank you for registering at Trisquel GNU/Linux. Your application for an  
account is currently pending approval  due to a recent spam problem. Once it  
has been approved, you will receive a message containing information about  
how to log in, set your password, and other details.

The manual process can take up to 72 hours, but if you are not a spammer,  
please send an e-mail to name at domain from the email you used for  
registering, with  subject "ACTIVATE ACCOUNT".

--  Trisquel GNU/Linux team

We can rethink the problem in a few days, and maybe the polish spammer get's tired of triying.

Mer, 02/24/2016 - 03:59
Stato:needs more info» active

Korean spammer strikes back (already eight threads opened in four minutes):

Mer, 02/24/2016 - 11:01