
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicI've heard the GNU Coreutils in Ubuntu 25.10 will be replaced with a Rust implementation. Should I be concerned about this? kalvin2023181 settimana 2 giorni fa
Forum TopicMirror selection and package maintenance gDan41 settimana 4 giorni fa
Forum TopicDo you recommend Trisquel to others? Jacob K392 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicCRIPTOMONEDAS Y TRISQUEL patch43 settimane 2 giorni fa
Forum Topic安装错误,求帮助!!!!!!! liutf33 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicCan not log in to the forum!!? arielenter56 settimane 4 giorni fa
Forum TopicSo I was wondering how Trisquel manages to be so stable... Kiki_the_Cyber_...411 settimane 2 giorni fa
Forum TopicThe internet is feeling smaller everyday.... GNUser516 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicOpening a fediverse post from a URL with toot (or another tool other than a web browser) Avron817 settimane 8 ore fa
Forum TopicI can't use Youtube Alternatives (frontend) sam-d161521 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicAbrowser to fix Firefox's “privacy preserving” tracking? ao322 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum TopicVPN and free (as in freedom) software wireless N mini router by ThinkPenguin Piriponzolo423 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicDoes System76's Thelio Maria support Trisquel? c11124 settimane 2 giorni fa
Forum TopicTrying to setup a Trisquel package mirror EffingComputer225 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum TopicTor and I2P mirror icarolongo926 settimane 20 ore fa
Forum TopicAMD Radeon 570 - monitor not detected - resolution problems sig634 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum TopicCryptocurrency and FSF sam-d16635 settimane 11 ore fa
Forum TopicFull list of computers on which Trisquel can be installed ? sam-d16841 settimane 2 giorni fa
Forum Topic[Mirror] New mirror in Singapore - Singapore - 10GBPS karibu346 settimane 4 giorni fa
Forum TopicProblem with apt-transport-tor sid31 anno 16 settimane fa
Forum TopicNew ISO mirror EffingComputer41 anno 23 settimane fa
Forum Topicnew mirror in Greece drazk41 anno 23 settimane fa
Forum TopicNew mirror in Japan del11161 anno 23 settimane fa
Forum TopicPlease help setup a standalone USB printer (plug-and-play?) Sunny Day281 anno 26 settimane fa
Forum TopicOnion Site sid61 anno 28 settimane fa