
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicTrisquel Aramo 11.0.1 down the chimney! Ark746336 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicRe: Trisquel 11 Is Released yrk21 anno 49 settimane fa
Forum Topic<strong>Software can precisely extract notes and write the score of it? and can I use the keyboard of X200 as a piano?</strong> panties23 anni 42 settimane fa
Forum TopicDownload and verification instructions may need update and links to source of .asc and .md5 files strypey233 anni 44 settimane fa
Forum TopicHow swap Caps lock with Control for Emacs Starfish44 anni 36 settimane fa
Forum Topicminimal window manager paolo44 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicA few questions from GNU/Linux Trisquel guys (friendly) wfsyhf34 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicHow to Work Around No Python-Pip in Trisquel davidpgil114 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicYoutube-dl failing to download on Flidas strypey134 anni 40 settimane fa
Forum TopicThe lights of the Ethernet port does not blink and connect to internet Masaru Suzuqi -...54 anni 41 settimane fa
Forum TopicGraphics lagging on x200? erick0014 anni 42 settimane fa
Forum TopicWill my T400 be quieter if I replace the HDD with and SSD? GrevenGull174 anni 46 settimane fa
Forum Topicicedove email POP3 iceburn124 anni 50 settimane fa
Forum TopicDockingstation only partially working anonymous14 anni 50 settimane fa
Forum Topiccrashing X200 on video playback yrk64 anni 51 settimane fa
Problemaabrowser recommend proprietary software yrk510 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicWireless N USB Adapter for GNU / Linux (TPE-N150USB) dropped packets yrk1610 anni 50 settimane fa
Forum TopicNot getting the ability to upgrade yrk4611 anni 41 settimane fa