Big Brother has a name, and his name is P*OMIS (R instead of the *) software
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(I'm sorry for another repost of a comment I've made elsewhere... But, as the previous one that I did, I think this is just something too important to be left, in here, only as comment, hidden somewhere...)
In case it has escaped the attention of anyone else, not reading such series of posts, this is what, of very important, I've just posted in a recent thread:
Take care, you all.
And, good luck to who's living in the United States.
Hey there.
Any chance you have a link with ALL the information, kinda like a documentary or something..? Something easier to research, to get a better picture of what it is.
No. Unfortunately, I don't...
No one has ever lived long enough to be able to call too much attention to this. :|
I know that there is one more book about it, that is sold by the same editor that sells Estulin's book - - and that tells the story of the most well-known reporter that was killed for investigating it - called Danny Casolaro, and that Estulin pays homage to, in the naming of one of the characters in the novel - but I don't know anything about its content.
Heh. If such a thing actually existed, and wasn't a complete piece of shit, I'd say we need some more competent shadowy overlords.
Bad enough how poorly they're managing the world, but more to the point, why hasn't everyone reading this been droned and replaced by clever python scripts? This is no good.
The people behind this are not "poorly managing the world". They can't control /everything/, yes. But, they know what they're doing, in terms of economics...
They're destroying our Western economies, /on purpose/, so that they can keep what's left of - increasingly scarce, and precious - natural resources for themselves, and so that they can destroy the "middle class" part of the population, that more has the (economic and intellectual) means of offering resistance to the transition to a non-democratic society.
(Start reading here - - here - - and here - Or, don't check any of this, and do nothing about it - and, risk paying a very high price for it, if what I'm saying is true.)
And, as for immediately eliminating the people who know about this, there's no need for that...
This kind of information doesn't spread that fast. Since, most people in the US (and all over the West), from what I know, don't even read books - or research about serious stuff, on the Internet.
You just need to put all the politically aware and active people on the "list" (including those involved in such subversive movements as the "free software" one), and send them to the FEMA internment camps, once a national emergency is declared, and democracy is "suspended".
For the people who don't read, there are those who have been screaming on the radio, for years, warning people about this - But, let's see if they're able to stop it from becoming a reality...
You should never attribute to planning or malice what can readily be explained by chance and incompetense. And likewise there's no need to attribute to organized effort what can easily be explained by a bunch of douchebags all doing their own little thing.
And in keeping with the theme of vague analogies, much like there's no need for a heavenly father to direct the process of life, there's no for some shadowy overlords to direct the economy or fuck up stuff. That happens just fine on it's own, and when it gets overly screwy it's usually mere plain old fashioned corruption. Mixed with a hearty dose of incompetence.
And now I'm just gonna ramble on about some cases in no particular order, if only because that's still more fun than preparing for my exams.
It's not like them three letter agencies give a shit about what any of us are up to, plain fact is that 99% of people are rather uninteresting, at least for most profitable purposes. The only point of these draconian spying programs that are running is for the blackmail and stock tips.
Which is nice combo, 'cause that way your appointed officials will do as they're told, and there'll even be plenty of spare money to pay for it. It's win - win, assuming you're a crooked asshole.
As for the economy, that's a cyclical thing. It goes up and it goes down. Only reason it gets really bad at the end of the cycles is that sentral banks and governments, more or less the same thing nowadays, keep propping it up to hold off collapse. By doing stuff like printing more money and lying their asses off about things like unemployment numbers. The higher they go, the harder they fall and all that jazz.
As for the FEMA thing.. Pfffft, as if, there's no realistic need for any of that stuff. We have the DSM-V and plenty of groovy antipsychic drugs now. Putting people in FEMA camps costs money, while just giving them a cool diagnosis and shooting them up with even cooler drugs is a pure profit deal.
Economics dictates my conspiracy theory is better. =x
And regardless, it's not like the US has democracy now. Let's also not forget that they've been in a defacto state of emergency for the last 12 years or so.
But now that I've wasted my hands banging on a tiny keyboard for a few paragraphs, let's just get one thing straight here. Really now. You're gonna bring fucking Alex Jones and infowars up as a source of information?
Geez. Just get a memo of talking points from the state department why dontcha like everybody else.. You do know that guy is just a shill running around yelling and screaming to make all conspiracy theorists look like batshit crazy assholes, right?
I would have to say that Fernando is actually making sense in some things he says here in the forum. I don't necessarily agree with everything, for example he and I have different opinions on the Tor network, but he has presented some valid points to why he believes in some things. And when I myself get treated by my friends as being a "conspiracy theorist crazy guy" (because I don't use facebook), I understand that Fernando sometimes has a hard time trying to explain some things to other people.
A few years ago no one would have thought that NSA would be a real threat to privacy around the world, but nowadays we already have the proofs of that threat. So... =/
Skepticism is useful. Don't abandon it just because of the semi-recent revelations about the NSA.
Note that there was strong evidence that the government had the authority to do what we know know they have been doing for well over a decade. It wasn't just some crazy idea thought up by a conspiracy theorist. The leap from "the government has the authority to do X because of the USAPATRIOT Act" to "the government is probably using its authority to do X" is not that huge of a leap.
Similarly, there is plenty of evidence that Facebook has had huge privacy problems in the past, not the least of which is the elimination of anonymity. Refusal to use Facebook is not because of a conspiracy theory; it's because of Facebook's known privacy problems and history, perhaps combined with the not-so-crazy idea that maybe the government is snooping in on the world's most popular social network with the powers it has as a result of the USAPATRIOT Act.
(You'll find part of this information in one of the links that I left here. But, for the last time - and, to be sure that everyone living in the US is aware of this...)
For those of you who don't like the way in which some "talk show" radio hosts warn people about this kind of immensely worrying subjects, here goes this documentary, then:
(Naomi Wolf - "The End of America")
Your country is turning into a Police State, which (unless you stop it) will soon also become a Dictatorship. And, among the well informed part of the population, there are significant numbers of people already fleeing the country.
(I don't even know were to start, in order to explain this. And, it might be too late to warn people who are not even aware that they've already lost several of their Constitutional rights. But, the following are 3 videos that I recently posted on my own publication. And, I guess that the documentary that I mentioned, is a good explanation of what is there to worry about...)
Good luck to everyone of good intentions and values, and that has the brains and will to fight this.
Thanks for the link for the "end of america" video. DAMN :S
That was weird... it was nothing I did not know already (except some of the examples they gave) but it was scary to see the way things are going.
Hey, do you have any similar information about what is the situation on europe and asia?
I can see clearly that europe is also going for a worl war 3, with all the monetary issues and such.... but just wanted to know what is the current situation in more detail. Laws in different countries and such.... Any links?
Hello again.
One of my best sources, when I was a "citizen journalist", was a NGO called "Statewatch" - - that pays attention to all the most worrying laws (in terms of loss of freedoms and civil liberties, and also loss of independence by the various European countries) that are passed in the European Parliament.
The reason for it, being that, a great number (if not, most) of the laws that are created, nowadays, in European countries, are dictated from Brussels. Being the different countries, that are part of the EU, obliged to find a way to incorporate the so-called European Directives into their own national laws. (And, being the most important Directives dictated by the (non-elected) European Politburo (read Commission), while the European Parliament usually only decides about secondary and non-important subjects. -
But, because what I warned about, years ago (and about which some people also thought I was being paranoid about) of things being clearly heading ("back" to Fascism, and) towards a great loss of freedoms, now not being a matter of interpretation, but of facts, that are now being more clearly implemented by our governments, and disclosed on the mainstream newspapers, I stopped checking it, and started only paying attention to the mass media. (Since, now, only the intellectually blind cannot see what's happening, in front of their eyes...)
Concerning what's happening in Europe,
It's even painful, for me, to talk about it... Since, I live in a country in which most people thought they had recently get rid of Fascism, for good, only to now watch things go "back" to an even worse state than they were before... So, now, not even the local mass media I can watch... And I, therefore, only check the links that I recommend on the right column of my own publication ( for the most important (internationally relevant) news, while I just ignore many of the "little" details, of what's happening in my own particular country - since that, thanks to some of those sources, I already know everything of what most important is going to happen, and where everything is heading to, and can also deduce, beforehand, many of the things that are going to be implemented. (So, I guess you can also check those links, that I recommend, to know what, of most important, is happening also in Europe...)
Concerning Asia,
It's a different reality... (Or, better saying, a different set of realities.) And, this "New World Order" phenomenon (/conspiracy, /problem) is a Western one.
But, one thing I forgot to say, is that,
The situation in Europe is, nevertheless, not as bad as in the US - in terms of /physical/ police state (with troops patrolling the streets, and FEMA camps waiting to be populated).
The European "concentration camps" ending up being the cities and towns, themselves, where people are going hungry, for not having a job, and with people barely being able to move anywhere else, because they don't have the money to.
People in Europe don't have the same right to self-defence as people in the US have - as it is granted, to US citizens, by the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. So, there's very little they can do to offer any serious resistance to this. (At least, in physical and practical terms.) And, there's, therefore, no need to worry /too/ much about them, and intern them in any /physical/ camps, as a form of prevention/imprisonment/repression.
There are some anti-EU parties rising in the UK and France - but, only in those two countries. (Which can mean that the EU is already showing signs of disintegration.) But, let's see what happens...
If you speak English, I guess you can also check the YouTube channel of the UK's Independence Party's interventions in the EU Parliament, where you can hear things like this:
Fernando Negro said:
Since, most people in the US (and all over the West), from what I know, don't even read books - or research about serious stuff, on the Internet.
Mr. Fernando Negro
Respectfully, I will like to inform you, Most of the other nations citizens, do send their sons and daughters to the USA to get a decent Education. Yet your words do read your hate to the west.
fERNANDO NEGRO DEFINETLY YOUR words are VERY SIMILAR OF A "NIGGER", meaning a very ignorant person! not by race but by Attitude.
Er... that racial slur you just blurted is a corruption of "negro", from the Spanish word for "black". It has nothing to do with attitude and everything to do with skin color.
"Most of the other nations citizens, do send their sons and daughters to the USA to get a decent Education."
Lol. Come back to reality, dude:
Point taken, but as my self, I got my degree from the USA and since then, my salary and retirement is nice and stable. It has open many doors and opportunities.
For the last 3 years, I decided to work independently and still making good money, even after retirement.
And what do you want to prove with this?
I can't see any significance of your salary for the us education system.
I try to stay away from the usual forum moderation as much as possible, as our community has shown to be perfectly able to deal with confrontation in the most polite way most of the times.
In this case, though, you have repeteadly used ad hominem attacks (or that would appear to be your intention), you have ignored the polite requests to stop doing so, and there's not much the community can do besides ignoring you, so I'll proceed to block your account for a couple of weeks to cool things off.
I hope this way you can meditate a bit on the proper way to participate in a community, and I hope you accept this decission honorably as it was not an easy one to make.
To all, I apologize for the inconvenience and the bad feelings these situations result in, we'll try hard to find a way of better avoiding these problems in the future. Thanks for the outstanding job you do as a community.
I said yesterday that I didn't know where to start from, in order to explain this... But, I remembered today a few things that might help those who want to, better realize what kind of world they're living in - and start thinking about what they're going to do about this...
(This will just be a few things that I'll leave here, to complete what I've said above, and nothing more - since that, besides not having much patience to explain this, to the less informed ones, this is not the proper place to discuss these kind of subjects...)
First of all,
Don't take your Democracies for granted. Democracies have repeatedly turned into Dictatorships, throughout History. Like it has happened in Italy, in the 1920s, and in Germany, in the 1930s.
Concerning this last example, which is the most notorious dictatorship that recently arose in the Western World, all that you have to do, in order to realize how worrying the situation in the US is, is to take the 9/11 attacks, the USA PATRIOT Act that followed them, and other Acts after that, compare them with some elements in the following very small text of a History web site, written for children(?), and observe the parallels.
(The documentary that I mentioned, goes into more depth about this kind of preliminary, and warning, signs. And, I've also made several previous references, in here, to all of this - - so, I guess you can also search my previous posts, in here, if you want to know more about the "bigger picture".)
Second, if you all want to know what is planned, not only for the US, but for the whole Western World,
You can start by reading this book - - written by the same former KGB agent who wrote the novel about P*OMIS, and, from there, continue reading and listening to what this author has to say, and also others, that he recommends.
This book, that I mentioned, was written with the help of sources inside Western intelligence services, that are responsible for the security of secretive meetings where the fate of our Western World is decided. It's a world-wide best-seller, that has been censored in several countries, including mine. It's author has been repeatedly asked to give speeches in the European Parliament, and the book dares to name specific individuals and corporations involved in all of this. And, the fact is that it's author has never been sued for it. (And has present evidences of what is said in it, to its editors, when confronted by the fear of the latter, that they could be sued for making such grave accusations to such powerful entities.)
And, these are just two things, that I've now remembered...
I'm sorry for not having much patience to be giving politics and history lessons, in here. And, as I've said, this is not the proper place to. I also now have more important things to do, besides writing in here, and it should be a number of days, before I return to this forum.
Good luck to everyone who values, and loves, Freedom, and that will offer Resistance to all of this.
All this crap that you write and promote is called the end of the days, the Rise of the ANTICHRIST? Do you believe is Jesus Christ?
Are you atheist?
Anyhow, How could you quote Ex-KGB agents as people? KGB agents were the most abusive police force, responsible for the death, and disappearance of hundred's of people. I'm Glad the cold war is over,the west won! Your communist doctrine is defeated...that is why that small community of ex-KGB Agents are in the run from justice.
About that book, I wont waste my money reading junk full of speculations and trivial conspiracies...
You probably think that apartheid was good..
Maybe it's the end of the world that is coming, yes.... so what? Does that means you have to go and attack someone who simply shared information? Dude, relax....
Wait a minute, who said the end of the world is coming, and why are you swallowing such nonsense (nonsense which isn't new; there have been countless end-of-the-world predictions, e.g. recently it was supposed to happen in 2012)?
Your comment was a reply to my comment which was a reply to Jodiendo comment... In which he talks about the end of the world (another way to say end of days). So, my comment was basically saying that maybe jodiendo is right and the end of days/world is coming.... but that does not justify is last few comments towards Fernando_Negro. The only thing Fernando does here is publish links and express his opinions. Radical ones as they might seem, he has not done anything wrong or mistreated jodiendo in anyway. So, that was my comment.
Besides, when it comes down to religion (as jodiendo referred to Jesus Christ), I don't see any reason for you to come and say "nonsense". We are all about freedom right? Well, religious freedom without censorship and peer-pressure is also an important part of freedom. You can read the 4 basic rules of free software, and you will notice that free software can't be considered as such if you forbid a certain group from using it (atheists and religious people have both the same rights to use GNU).
What part of that post suggests "end of the world" to you?
For the last time: "the end of days" is an expression that the Bible uses to refer to "the end of the world" (destruction of everything that exists and the making of a new universe). Either you believe it or not, Jodiendo WAS talking about the end of the world. And what I said about freedom still applies.
Got it?? -.^
Uh, it looks to me like he was mocking religion, not suggesting that the world is going to end.
If he was mocking, he was wrong in doing so.
And still: maybe the world is going to end, maybe it's not... Doesn't mean he can mistreat another user for no good reason. Especially one who was simpy posting information.
(Just a "foot note", to clear something that I said above...)
"KGB" is used, in Russian intelligence circles, as a generic term to designate both the former KGB (properly said) and the new FSB.
The term "KGB" is preferred, by the more patriotic agents, because the "FSB" term was created, after the fall of the Soviet Union, during a time in which the Russian government had been taken over by traitors, and puppets of Western interests, that almost destroyed Russia, in the 1990s. So, in order to distinguish the present Russian secret services from that attempt of subversion of its principles, in the 1990s, some agents prefer the generic/former term "KGB" - which I used in that generic sense.
The former KGB/FSB agent, that I mentioned, was recruited after the fall of the Soviet Union, and is no fan of dictatorships... His father was even tortured to death, by the former KGB, for defending Freedom of Speech.
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