Development updates
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Recently I replied to a thread here explaining that I started taking fridays off to work on Trisquel, and that I would start posting weekly updates on that progress. Last week I couldn't do it, but today I spent the day making very necessary fixes to the make-firefox helper script:
It corrects the looks of the about:home page, eliminates some links to Mozilla pages, and disables Pocket integration. More importantly it fixes the build, so we should be getting updates very soon.
My next step will be to work on the kernel package for Flidas (Trisquel 8), which is necessary to create the build jails for Jenkins. With that step done, volunteer contributions will start to build, and I'll get into the task of cleaning the merge request queue.
You can help by testing the new Abrowser packages as soon as they hit the repos (it should happen overnight), and report back if I missed anything. You can follow the build at
Thank you, Rubén!
To help raise money for Trisquel I have decided that I will donate $50 to the Trisquel project each time you post one of these development updates. I encourage everyone to join in!
Even if you can't do $50 please consider setting some amount that you can afford and join in. Long live Trisquel!
I would like to remember the associate membership program for whoever wants to monthly donate to the Trisquel project:
That's what I was talking about! Thank you very much for providing some updates.
@jxself: That's very generous. You are awesome. :-)
@Ruben: Do you have any plans to further decentralize the development of Trisquel? How could the community be involved in a better way? How can the community help you?
name at domain, Sáb 30 Xul 2016 16:03:29 CEST:
> Ruben doesn't reply to direct replies on forums unfortunately. He's
> too busy neckin' his wife and watching Stranger Things on Netflix.
Tegskywalker you've gone too far. The rest of us are no less
impatient than you are but would never go into personal offence.
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
name at domain, Sáb 30 Xul 2016 16:55:26 CEST:
> It's called a sense of humor. Heard of it?
I heard about trolls who try in vain to shield themselves
appealing to sense of humour.
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
How is this trolling? English may not be your primary language and it shows.
He doesn't reply directly because he's managing his personal life, like
all of us do, and also because he is working for the FSF.
I would like to ask you to prove that he has an active account on
Netflix before making such statements.
Stranger Things is definitely worth it. And Ruben deserves a break!
What do you suggest for example?
Thank you very much! :)
I'm also considering making occasional contributions, mainly on solving
*some* of the issues at:
I'm already subscribed/following *all* issue-updates there (seems crazy,
but that section needs some attention too).
To subscribe to the issues there, be sure to be logged in.
thanks that’s nice of you to help out on the bug*issues
You're welcome! :)
Thanks you.
Hope some day Trisquel support ARM and POWERPC.
Great to hear this! I think even monthly updates would be wonderful. I hope toutatis as well will receive some sorely needed browser love.
Great to hear this update.
Looks like the firefox job built correctly. But the package hasn't been pushed to the master repository yet. The trisquel-repo-update job still hasn't been fixed...
Distribution Release: Parabola GNU/Linux-libre 2016.07.27
Gents, I downloaded this version and updated into one of my desktops and honestly, it is real nice. Even do I use using Debian libre version, but compare to trisquel is way more updated,and still part of the FSF family available free OS.
Notes from Distrowatch.
André Fabian Silva Delgado has announced the release of a new version of Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, a distribution built from Arch Linux, but repackaged to include "libre" software only. The new release, version 2016.07.27, comes in three variants - "Main" (CLI-only installation medium), "MATE desktop" (a live DVD featuring the MATE desktop environment) and "TalkingParabola" (installation CD adapted for visually impaired users). From the release announcement: "New install medium 2016.07.27. ChangeLog: fixed read and write permissions in $HOME folder; added instant messaging and video calling applications mate-extra, linphone, qtox; added octopi-cachecleaner, octopi-notifier and octopi-repoeditor since it is needed for octopi that is our powerful Pacman frontend by default; added lightdm as default display manager; added sudo by default to allow members of group wheel to execute any command...."
Parabola GNU/Linux-libre is an unofficial "libre" variant of Arch Linux. It aims to provide a fully free (as in freedom) distribution based on the packages of the Arch Linux project, with packages optimised for i686 and x86_64 processors. The goal is to give the users complete control over their systems with 100% "libre" software. Parabola GNU/Linux-libre is listed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) as a fully free software distribution. Besides a standard installation CD image, the project also provides a live/rescue DVD image with MATE as the default desktop environment
But still, Trisquel is much more user-friendly than Arch or Parabola.
I'm not really sure about the general financial situation of Trisquel but wouldn't it be an option to create a "bounty" program to help fix urgent issues? It could, for example, work as follows:
User A is eager to see feature X and is willing to pay 10 euros for seeing it in Trisquel. User B wants this feature even more and adds 100 euros to this bounty. Developer D (who might or might not be Ruben) then implements the feature and gets the money. Doesnt't this sound like a plan?
Something similar was tried in the past:
I do not know why the suggested amounts were so small, neither why the idea was abandoned.
Interesting! Thank you for that link. I'm also wondering why this has been abandoned.
Thanks, much appreciated!
Muchas Gracias Ruben ;-)
I followed jxself's example and threw a portion of my income at trisquel. It's a fixed %, not a fixed amount. It depends on my income, before expenses. And yes, I have to budget this in. But there are both gratis and libre software to do so. So I save my rights and money through Free Software, Trisquel. It therefore deserves my gratitude, a part of what of the money it saves me.
Quick reporting: the Abrowser version is still 44(I tried, but I had no updates yet since).
Also, here ( it says v46, while the latest version is way beyond. does that mean that it has to update through all the versions inbetween first?
Nevermind, I'm writing this from Abrowser 47! Thanks again Rubén!
What about toutatis? The browser is still at version 41.0.2.
Same thing on Trisquel 7 32bits.
No, that one has been built:
Maybe you don't see it because you're using a mirror that isn't up-to-date.
I'll try another one then.
Btw I have a diagonal cut (glitch) when scrolling up and down at full speed on Abrowser. No big deal though.
I wouldn't use any of the mirrors if I were you. Just use (and not
And in doing so, the main server gets overloaded while the mirrors sit idle. Please use a mirror, people!
The mirrors are rarely up-to-date.
I tend to want to do this, but my past experience with Trisquel's mirrors tells me that they are frequently horribly out-of-date. Perhaps this experience is just a few particular mirrors? If so, it seems these mirrors ought to be decommissioned.
I remember having problems with (or This might have been fixed, I can't say.
Hi Ruben,
Thank you for the software updates and for the updates on development.
Thanks also to jxself and telstar for their donations and pledges.
One more issue:
Icecat seems to still be stuck at version 38.8.0.
Saludos libres.
I'd like to point out that IceCat is much less of a big issue because it's not the default browser.
Don't get me wrong, it should at least come with a warning (which is in the works I believe), but the first problem is Abrowser's update.
I was looking around, it seems 38.8.0 is the stable version for icecat...
publication date
10 May 2016
version type
stable version
streaming media URL
1 reference
reference URL
IceCat 38.8.0 release (English)
language of work or name
publication date
24 June 2016
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