an ethical web hosting service

15 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Beigetreten: 06/06/2018

Hello, I am still stuck for setting my own server to host my own website. Or rather, I already gave up it.

I got a domain. I wanted to relate my IP address and the domain to have HTTPS. I would be able to do that in the a bit far future, I got a little bit used to use Apache2 and BIND9, but even if I was able to set HTTPS to my website, I realized then assert that I absolutely cannot maintain the server as a full libre and respect visitors's privacy thing. That's a (ethical) computer expert's job.

I am going to search for a reliable ethical web hosting service (I think there is no such a thing, though, at least in Japan) but I would appreciate it veryvery much if you could provide it, because mainly even just judging whether the service is reliable or not is very difficult, maybe impossible for me. Please contact me by Jami or email or introduce an ethical web hosting service to me. Thank you veryvery much.

Jami ID: 719f9f85f735440540b6d920cdc57eaad6831d3c

Beigetreten: 01/12/2017

Here is an interesting tutorial on how to do what you need.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Beigetreten: 06/06/2018

Does that mean that I do not have to care about things such as what kind of hardware they use or what kind of privacy policy or surveillance policy they have or anything if I rent a VPS service? If so, there is a Japanese VPS provider so I can exchange them in Japanese. Do not be recommended to do something without not understanding what I am doing is one of the things I learned from this community.

Beigetreten: 12/01/2016

Hello Masaru, now provides Codeberg Pages service similar to GitHub Pages for you wanting an ethical website See an excellent example by Infosec Handbook here If you wonder, Codeberg is like GitHub but powered by free software. I know this because I am doing little research for ethical code hostings.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Beigetreten: 06/06/2018

Thank you Malsasa. Surely from the second link you gave me, it seems that I might be able to open my works (paintings) on there without problem, but it seems that people use it as mainly, literally, a git. I just learned what git is and if I understand it correctly a git is a place where people share software, so I am not sure if it is a suitable place for both them and me. Anyway I am going to ask them some questions, though.

Beigetreten: 07/06/2020

This hosting even works without JavaScript, accepts Bitcoin payments too. They are also sell domains. My site and domain are registred here. It may be a little bit hard for a beginner, but it is ethical!


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/25/2010

You convinced me lavrot . I'll be using for my website ^-^

Some day I hope I will install a server at home, but for now, your suggestion seem better than what I've been using at my home country.

Thank you.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Beigetreten: 06/06/2018

Somehow I was not aware of lavrot's post. Maybe I was fed up with this forum then. And my fortune for this month was not good.
Surely their website has no creepy script, and no tracker, they might not require reCAPTCHA. It might be the most ethical hosting service which I have been recommended in this forum. But as you say, it was extremely hard for me to manage a VPS server. Or rather, what I have typed in the terminal was maybe only uname. I think I cannot manage it forever. If they provided full management of my website, it would be worth to pay though. But I would need another domain in the future so I would remember it. Thank you.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/25/2010

Hi Masaru Suzuqi, I'm surprise you answered so fast, did you got notified some how about my reply? I've been hoping to find a way to get notified when one of my forums threads are responded, but I haven't find a way.

Are you using the mailing list, or could you tell me how you noticed my replay? thank you.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Beigetreten: 06/06/2018

Hi arielenter.

> Are you using the mailing list,

No. I have subscribed to one of the mailing lists once but somehow I did not receive email at all, except the confirmation email IIRC. I regarded it as rejection.

> or could you tell me how you noticed my replay?

I just checked this forum for new posts.

Beigetreten: 02/12/2015

Masaru has microwave technology he uses to read our thoughts. It is best if we wrap our heads in tin foil if we want to hide our thoughts from him.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Beigetreten: 06/06/2018

You can order the helmet on this website.
It is very difficult to make the helmet by yourself. I learned that a 0.1mm gap is enough to spoil a faraday cage. Let's say, you made the helmet by yourself, you might be relieved and start thinking something stupid on the assumption that I am not reading but actually I can if your helmet has a very slight gap. Our helmet is perfect in that sense. If you wear it, I cannot read your thoughts 100% for sure, It is only $100 now.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Beigetreten: 06/06/2018

I was incorrect. It is $50 now! A Summer clearance sale. Until next Sunday. Let's get one especially if you are a dirty liar.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Beigetreten: 06/06/2018

- What the experts are saying -

"This helmet cured me of my insomnia. If you're serious about security and privacy, this helmet is the best helmet available today. It's what I use, and only $100."
- Edward Snowden, whistleblower and privacy advocate

"This helmet will be RFY certificated in the future in my opinion."

"When I use this helmet I feel like a god. Happy thought of the day."
- Michroward Softwdensky, a painter

Beigetreten: 02/12/2015

These are good gags. Too bad you will lose them all when I delete my account.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Beigetreten: 06/06/2018

These are not gags... but please please do not delete your account. I do not want to feel such an emptiness again.