HTML Editor and Rental Server
I want own very simple website, maybe only one page is enough. I have made a website of a company where I have worked with Homepage Builder. The software did not require programming skill so I could do it but it was probably proprietary. And the server was also probably proprietary, it was very cheap, though (around $1 for month).
I searched for called a beginner friendly HTML editor and a good rental server but I do not understand well which one is the best.
Would you recommend a freedom respecting good editor and a rental server? Something called WYSIWYG HTML editors seem good for me because I do not have knowledge on programming. I recently tried to write that "Hello World" but failed.
I believe you want LibreOffice, installed by default in Trisquel:
I see. Thanks. I just tried Draw and it seems to match my intuition. Easy to use. How about the rental server? I would like to use kind of a privacy respecting server. If it is cheap, it is better. I tried to download WordPress but failed.
I found called VPS hosting providers from this thread ( and the link to But I am not still sure, especially, how those providers handle the information of visitors who visit the server. I am going to send email to those providers to ask it but if you have some spare space on your server like some user says in the thread, please consider to let me borrow it for 12 Euro or 1 dollar per month, so maybe not for a short period of time, though, I think that it basically might be better than borrowing some server from them. One of the provider that is introduced by seems to use something called Windows VPS, another provider is located in Sweden and they are proud to have hosted Wikileaks but IIRC the founder was arrested or sued in Sweden, etc. So a bit untrustworthy anyway, I feel. It might have nothing to do with the case, and all of them use green energy so I like it, though. So if you have courage to rent it to me, please send me a message. I have no other intention, only I want to do is to have own website.
Jami: 719f9f85f735440540b6d920cdc57eaad6831d3c
GPG key: 342B 4471 8075 C50B D250 62CE 1ACE 9A10 8057 E54F
There's also Digital Ocean as well.
Thank you. But I tried to register for Neocities but when registering it required CAPTCHA. After it required to click the pictures of bus 3 times, I quit to register.
Then I tried to register for Digital Ocean but it seems that Digital Ocean shares information with Google because I can resister with Google account. I am not sure if those are that problems but at least I feel uncomfortable with them. I am afraid because maybe I should trust that those services are libre so they must respect privacy or something of me and the visitors of the websites, but are you sure they are trustworthy??
If you do not want to trust any service provider, administrate your own Web server at home, on a system that is constantly running and connected to the Internet.
> administrate your own Web server at home
Some ISPs (including mine) block port 80 in order to prevent users from doing this.
Yeah, I had thought about it first. But I think people would not be able to trust the security of my server. In the first place I cannot trust it and it would take at least another 2 years to prepare such a respect your freedom and privacy website just by myself. I am a computer beginner.
As I wrote, maybe I can have the website easily if I do not care about freedom issues and privacy issues. I just thought websites that use CAPTCHA or cooperate with Google are a bit questionable, aren't they?? I do want to trust some provider, I just do not know well. I just thought there must be a reliable rental server provider so I asked but if people here would not know such a provider, there would not be such a thing so I would have to use one of those a bit questionable providers... I don't care about it so much, but I am not sure what the visitors think about those freedom & privacy issues on the website. At least I would mind clicking the pictures of bus more than 7 times each time I visit the website. But surely even if how it is questionable, it would be better than my own server.
I do not know if my ISP (NTT) blocks port 80. I know they block at least port 25. But OK, I would use some rental server... thank youyou.
I think people would not be able to trust the security of my server. In the first place I cannot trust it and it would take at least another 2 years to prepare such a respect your freedom and privacy website just by myself.
If you are only publishing HTML+CSS content (no JavaScript, no Google font, etc.), not requiring anybody to log in, your Web server in its default configuration would only save logs of what IP accessed what page, as far as I know. No freedom issue and no private information on the visitors to gain by penetrating your system.
I don't care about it so much, but I am not sure what the visitors think about those freedom & privacy issues on the website. At least I would mind clicking the pictures of bus more than 7 times each time I visit the website.
That would indeed be a freedom issue: reCAPTCHA relies on proprietary JavaScript. And a privacy issue: Google should not know who accesses your server. But does the service provider really impose reCAPTCHA to visit every site or only to register a server?
Is there an easy way to see if one's port 80 were to be blocked by ISP?
You don't have to use a Google account to register. It's a convenience for those who have one (there are those who also register domains through them as well, and DO has a special integration method to reduce the time it takes to point said domains towards their cloud servers, otherwise known as droplets). Their privacy policy can be found here:
> If you are only publishing HTML+CSS content (no JavaScript, no Google font, etc.), not requiring anybody to log in, your Web server in its default configuration would only save logs of what IP accessed what page, as far as I know. No freedom issue and no private information on the visitors to gain by penetrating your system.
That's a good news. NTT seems to allow us to open port 80. So I am going to prepare my own server with the X60 or something and Trisquel.
> But does the service provider really impose reCAPTCHA to visit every site or only to register a server?
> Their privacy policy can be found here:
Maybe only when registering a server, it seems. But I just do not like reCAPTCHA. It is an enough reason for me to dislike those stuff regardless the good or bad intention, I do not like that. I did not like their privacy-policy neither. It reminded me of a certain kind of anger I have been forgetting these days.
I tried to install Apache, then got a message that like "a package apache cannot be used but be referred by other packages. That means that the package lacks, or was discontinued, or be able to be used from only other source". I don't really get what that mean. Maybe because I use Trisquel 9? If Trisquel 8, I can use Apache?
I confirmed that my ISP (NTT) does not restrict any port. So I am going to run a server to have a website. After all I could not find a reliable VPS service even in a list on FSF's website (They ordinarily recommend those VPS providers which use Google analytic or Google atp or something idk on their websites. I no longer care about it though).
If I can run the software server (is Apache software server can run in parallel?) with my daily use laptop, it would be good for me. Like I run the server in Qemu or something while I ordinarily use this laptop... would it be possible? I also think I can prepare another laptop for only the server, though. Do I have to prepare a laptop or a SBC for only the server?
I have a static IP, both IPv4 and IPv6. I cannot afford to have another static IPs. But do I need another static IP to host the website?
Would I be able to use them, like IPv4 for daily use, IPv6 for the server?
I do not want to suffer a fire because of the server so I think I would stop it while I am out. Someone on the internet recommends to rent a server because of especially the risk of fire. His machine actually burned.
PS: I downloaded nginx. It seems to be a web server. Is software that acts as a server called a web server in English?? not hardware? Anyway it seems that it has not GUI.
Do I need so-called a domain by any chance? finally?
edit: typo
> If I can run the software server (is Apache software server can run in parallel?) with my daily use laptop, it would be good for me.
> I also think I can prepare another laptop for only the server, though. Do I have to prepare a laptop or a SBC for only the server?
Yes, it is possible to run Apache on your daily use laptop, but if you have another laptop (or SBC) you can use just as the server then that's what I recommend. I suggest doing a netinstall of Trisquel on that computer, and then running the commands I list [here][1].
If the computer is connecting to the web through your router, you'll need to configure your router to forward port 80 to that computer. Let me know if you need an explanation of how to do this.
> Do I need so-called a domain by any chance?
Once everything is set up, people will be able to visit your web page by typing in your IP address directly, but if you want an actual domain name you will need to buy one from a registrar and have the registrar point the domain name to your IP address. I use Namecheap. Their website requires non-free JS, but I don't know of an alternative registrar that doesn't.
Thank you. After I opened port 80 and 443 on a router, what I see now is somehow the Luci interface, not the Apache2 welcome page, on my IP address page. Is this a normal expected behaviour?
> Thank you. After I opened port 80 and 443 on a router, what I see now is somehow the Luci interface, not the Apache2 welcome page, on my IP address page.
You need to configure your router to forward port 80 traffic to the local IP address of the computer running Apache. See if [this][1] helps. You may also want to have your router assign the computer a static local IP address so that it does not ever change. [This][2] may help.
Note that only port 80 is useful right now. Port 443 will only be useful if you configure HTTPS.
I now can see "Trisquel Default Page for Apache2 page" after followed the instruction you gave me. I have not set the static lease yet, though. Because I have not grasped it yet, but anyway I can see the page, but only on Midori.
Somehow typing my static real IP address in Abrowser and Torbrowser still gives me LuCI interface, but surely I can see the Apache2 page on Midori but with not my real IP address, but 192.168.***.*** which I got from "hostname -I". Typing my real IP address on Midori gives me "Forbidden. Rejected request from RFC1918 IP to public server address". I am confused.
I have emailed to some VPS providers and one of them gave me a reply yesterday. The provider (ConoHa, a Japanese server provider) offers some GNU/Linux distros on their VPS (Debian, Ubuntu, Cent, etc. IIRC they are all GNU/Linux, not Windows, MacOS), and very cheap.
My question were:
Q1. Can I trisquelize Ubuntu on your VPS server?
It is difficult for us to answer because we have not inspected and confirmed the operation.
Q2. Would you mind telling me detailed your policy on information collection for visitors of our websites on your VPS? (E.g. Do you impose reCAPCHA on them if they use Tor or other such kind of stuff? What kind of information of the visitors do you concretely collect? Do you share the information with third parites?)
We do not collect any information of our customers's websites on our VPS service.
The information of the visitors of your website have to be managed by yourselves since it is VPS.
Would you think Ubuntu on their VPS can be Trisquelized? and we can trust their statement about the information collection? I think we should not trust any server except ones which are managed by ourselves, though.
It attracts me if I can use Trisquel on their VPS and I can trust their statement... the provider is relatively a big company, though. Anyway cheap.
Edit: I remembered that ConoHa offers OpenSUSE, FreeBSD or OpenBSD I don't remember which, too. They might not be GNU/Linux distros, so.
> I now can see "Trisquel Default Page for Apache2 page" after followed the instruction you gave me.
Cool, that means you did it correctly. That file is `/var/www/html/index.html`. If you edit that file and refresh the page in your browser you should see your changes take effect. You can start building your site in the `/var/www/html/` directory.
> Somehow typing my static real IP address in Abrowser and Torbrowser still gives me LuCI interface
Had you already viewed the page in these browsers before making the change to your router configuration? If so, the browsers may have cached the old version of the page.
> I have emailed to some VPS providers and one of them gave me a reply yesterday.
I have had a good experience with [prgmr][1]. However, since your ISP does not block port 80, if all you want to do is host a simple website I would just use your own server. The only way to have 100% control over a server is to use your own.
> Would you think Ubuntu on their VPS can be Trisquelized?
I don't think there is any technical reason that it couldn't be. As long as they don't have a policy against such a modification, I don't see why not.
> that means you did it correctly.
Wow, I did it.
> You can start building your site in the `/var/www/html/` directory.
I guess that it is that first I make a html page with LibreOffice, then save it as html, then replace it with modified one. Anyway I'll give it a try.
> Had you already viewed the page in these browsers before making the change to your router configuration?
Yes I had. But I have just cleaned the caches and cookies in Abrowser, but it still shows LuCI... But OK, I will use Midori and see why it happens later on.
> I have had a good experience with [prgmr][1].
> I don't think there is any technical reason that it couldn't be.
Their slogan made me laugh. I also feel attracted to $5.
So some rental servers might be useful when opportunity arises. Reading those documents makes me very sleepy but I now feel that leaving it to a provider might be boring at the same time. Thanks thanks. I might ask something again later.
Possibly you should know what I have been doing these days. I have been studying about servers seriously for me but my website probably has not progressed almost at all. Because there were a lot of disruptive things. I became a more skeptical man. But it makes me sleepy anyway.
I have just checked my website with the iPhone and DuckDuckGo app. I was surprised I was able to see my writing on the iPhone. But my site's "privacy grade" by DDG app was C+ because of unencrypted connection, and unknown privacy practices. But of course 0 trackers blocked, and 0 major trackers blocked, they were evaluated as good factors. Anyway somehow I cannot show a picture on the website, but only html? letters. Maybe this is my current study. As a report. But if you would want to tell me something about how to show the pictures (on my website), I would not mind it.
PS: I had a doubt that "Because the iPhone was in the same lan, I was able to see the webpage?".
The doubt was probably corect. ****.
I cannot show a picture on the website, but only html?
The HTML tag "img" includes images:
Without showing the HTML, it is hard to guess what you do wrong.
Thanks. I see, those pages too seem to be something I can get my teeth into. But I am right now mad at VPN setting on the router again so no time for that now. That's one of the reasons why my website has not progressed at all despite I have been studying about servers such seriously. I will read the links later. And next time maybe I can show the HTML, I have not written such a thing though. At the first blush embedding images did not seem to be so difficult but there will must be something troubles I can get my teeth into. I used to want to break my laptop right in two but I seem to have got tolerance.
I got a domain. But I don't understand how to relate my IP address and the domain. Should I ask my ISP (NTT), like suggests on their getting started page? It is even written on the page [1] that "Available Languages: en|fr
If you're completely new to the Apache HTTP Server, or even to running a website at all, you might not know where to start, or what questions to ask. This document walks you through the basics."
Then next, "...Thus, in order for your web server to be reachable, it is necessary that the servername be in DNS.
If you don't know how to do this, you'll need to contact your network administrator, or Internet service provider, to perform this step for you."
Is that a so stupid question?? I even read "The Ubuntu Server Primer" but there does not seem to be explicitly written how to do that.
The page has quite a lot of Japanese translation compared to other software but somehow the getting started page has only the big two English and French languages sirs translation.
It was solved. Thank you.
It was not solved.
I still seem not to be able to relate my IP address and the domain.
"dig @localhost -x myIPaddress" returns the name of my name server and the email address in Authority Section to me. But "dig -x myIPaddress" returns an unknown address which seems to be an email address of my ISP in Answer Section to me, and which has no Authority Section.
I cannot open my website with the domain from my iPhone. But I can open the website with the IP address.
Would you be able to guess what the problem is from this?
And in "/etc/bind/named.conf.options", I followed the instruction of the book out to write Google name servers' addresses (forwarders {;; };). Apache seems to suggest writing the addresses which were provided by the ISP. Both have not good images. Are there better addresses? or DNS cash servers??
DNSSEC seems to be problematic even if I was able to introduce it. Haha.
I started to use and as DNS something on my iPhone. I have a bad impression of Cloudflare ( but is provided by APNIC too. And they state that they do not log my IP address nor sell my data nor use it to the target ads, period.
"Frankly, we don’t want to know what you do on the Internet—it’s none of our business—and we’ve taken the technical steps to ensure we can’t."
Is this better than Google DNS something?
Also, I found that my ISP provides something called IPoE instead of PPPoE. Even Wikipedia has no much information on it.
It seems not difficult for me to introduce IPoE. Search Trisquel no result about it. Is that better than PPPoE from freedom and privacy view point? It might be a bit derailing from the subject already, though.
Why don't you use the DNS of your ISP?
OK, I will use the DNS of my ISP. Thank you.
I am reading this.
There is written "...We get internet access through an xxxbox (, two DNS servers provided by our ISP (,"
What is this xxxbox? Some porno sites were caught by Searx.
This word xxxbox are written much higher on the page, so it is difficult for me to read further.
'whois' tells the ISP is "Orange", a French ISP. In France, providers give their customers what they call a "box": it is a residential gateways that includes a modem + a router + a Wifi access point + VOIP + ...
So it seems that assumes that only residents of France read the text. I live in Japan. So it would be useless for me. Thank you.
They most probably just did not know how to translate the term. It is a wiki: you can edit the text, after creating an account.