how to check the keyboard model in Trisquel Mini?

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Beigetreten: 07/27/2010

Hello, I got a laptop at work that I can take home with me. It has Vista installed, but I boot a live version of Trisquel Mini. I can change the keyboard layout from english to german with this command: setxkbmap -rules xfree86 -model pc104 -layout de -option "". But this laptop does not have the pc104 keyboard model, it lacks a numpad and has some other differences. Important keys that don't work after the command: direction arrows, del, end, pos1. How do I check the keyboard layout to switch it correctly? I really need to be able to type in German, since it has a couple of different letters.


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Beigetreten: 07/27/2010

This is the program for checking in gnome (gnome-keyboard-properties) you could maybe use a liveCD and run that program and find out what layout you have. I don't know about mini sorry I don't use it.


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Beigetreten: 07/27/2010

it says my keyboard is a generic 105 keys (Intl) PC. How do I change the above command? pc105?


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Beigetreten: 07/27/2010

Probably, I've never had to change my keyboard layout. Unfortunately at that point your guess is as good as mine.


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Beigetreten: 07/27/2010

I've got around this by reformatting the USB-stick with the gnome-based version. The laptop is rather fast and I notice no big difference in performance. I can add keyboard layouts easily and all keys work out of the box. Once I got clarity about how well the WLAN card works, I'll add the machine to h-node :) So far everything works perfectly.