how to check the keyboard model in Trisquel Mini?
Hello, I got a laptop at work that I can take home with me. It has Vista installed, but I boot a live version of Trisquel Mini. I can change the keyboard layout from english to german with this command: setxkbmap -rules xfree86 -model pc104 -layout de -option ""
. But this laptop does not have the pc104 keyboard model, it lacks a numpad and has some other differences. Important keys that don't work after the command: direction arrows, del, end, pos1. How do I check the keyboard layout to switch it correctly? I really need to be able to type in German, since it has a couple of different letters.
This is the program for checking in gnome (gnome-keyboard-properties) you could maybe use a liveCD and run that program and find out what layout you have. I don't know about mini sorry I don't use it.
it says my keyboard is a generic 105 keys (Intl) PC. How do I change the above command? pc105?
Probably, I've never had to change my keyboard layout. Unfortunately at that point your guess is as good as mine.
I've got around this by reformatting the USB-stick with the gnome-based version. The laptop is rather fast and I notice no big difference in performance. I can add keyboard layouts easily and all keys work out of the box. Once I got clarity about how well the WLAN card works, I'll add the machine to h-node :) So far everything works perfectly.