MacBook 1,1 to Libreboot in software way

61 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

Hi to all in forum!

I buyed new macbook 1,1 and latter found that is not supported in software flash to update to libreboot.

So i found way to make it posible.

Here is pached version on appleEFI update tool for macbook 1,1.

You will need OSX (tested on osx 10.6.8) working on macbook 1,1 to update and then can delete it and install trisquel or any libre linux.

this will update to 05/18/2015 libreboot you can check file is same as libreboot mirrors and is inside updatetool app just renamed to mach to apple original file name and also apple efi update tool is pached for libreboot version 05/18/2015

Beigetreten: 05/14/2013

Hi. We had issues flashing the mb11 with flashrom, and had to resort to external flashing methods. Not really a problem, but it is inconvenient. The mb21 worked just fine with flashrom.

Can you figure out how to patch flashrom instead? (flashrom is free software, unlike the tool that you linked to)

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

Don`t know for flashrom but next what i`m thinking is to try to make libreboot work on this :)

Beigetreten: 05/14/2013

That would be wonderful. It looks like this is using ICH7/i945 hardware, so it should be doable.

Beigetreten: 11/10/2009

Yes, that would be nice, If it's silent enough it may be usable as a server.

The size and case seem great: With some seals (I now use nail polish and glider glue together) you could have integrity against physical attacks (evil maid).


Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

I modded one of mine. For better cooling. +Coollaboratory Liquid Pro thermal paste.

Beigetreten: 03/12/2015

I'm not sure I understand. What does the patch do, exactly?

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

Apple efi update tool have protection to flash only apple firmware so need to be pached for specific rom to work

Beigetreten: 03/12/2015

Did you write this patch? It would be nice if it was free software.

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

I used hex editor to patch it.Will post method letter.

Beigetreten: 03/12/2015

Nice! Awaiting eagerly :)

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

Something strange that i found is internal mic is disabled from libreboot and only when put external one is works.

Is anyone have same problem ?

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

I was able to build from Git and flash using flashrom.

flashrom --verbose --programmer internal:laptop=force_I_want_a_brick --chip SST25VF016B --read macbook21_usqwerty_vesafb.rom >flashrom_read.log 2>&1

This worked fine for me.

Erase/write done.
Verifying flash... VERIFIED.
Restoring MMIO space at 0xb7645070
Restoring MMIO space at 0xb764507c
Restoring MMIO space at 0xb7645078
Restoring MMIO space at 0xb7645076
Restoring MMIO space at 0xb7645074
Restoring PCI config space for 00:1f:0 reg 0xdc

Edit internal microfone still not work :(

Full method for software flash will be flashing from mac with apple moded efi tool -> then install trisquel -> then build from git and flash using flashrom :) all is confirmed working!

flashrom.bz2 550.01 KB
macbook21_usqwerty_vesafb.rom_.bz2 687.74 KB
Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

I don`t know is this my laptop problem but ethernet interface not work.Tested with my buid and original 05.18 libreboot build.

Forget to test with OSX, Wifi works very good.

Beigetreten: 03/12/2015

Can you provide a patch to the libreboot documentation with this new method?

These are the instructions:

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

I will but not shure how to do it.Maybe someone can explain me.

Also tomorow will have macbook 2,1 , x60s. Will test and report.

Can you recomend good usb to ethernet adapters for libre-linux ?

Beigetreten: 12/05/2014

think-penguin sell one that will work with all free software:

also if you want something faster according to H-node
this USB to Ethernet converter work with free software

Beigetreten: 08/24/2015

How do you Get a UEFI machine to get Libreboot on it, Much less installing Trisquel on a Restricted boot machine, because they wont give Micro$oft permission to get a special key to install it on a restricted-boot enabled machine.

Beigetreten: 06/19/2015

Most non-UEFI computers don't support Libreboot, let alone UEFI ones. Libreboot
only really supports the Thinkpad series and older Macbooks.

Beigetreten: 08/24/2015

& if you try on anything else other than the thinkpads and older macbooks, you risk BRICKING the pc, right?

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010


Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

Can you write a mini-guide? I have here 3 2,1 already flashed, and need to flash my 1,1.

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

1 . You will need OSX (tested on osx 10.6.8) working on macbook 1,1

2.Download moded EFI app (inside have libre boot) and run it.It will bless libre-boot ready for flashing just like normal mac efi firmware update.

3 After restart hold power button until beeps and apple efi tool will flash libreboot automaticaly.

4. Restart You have Libre boot on macbook 1,1 Then install
Trisquel and delete OSX :)

5 Optional

If you want to update to lasted libre boot you can build from GIT and flash using flashrom or use my attached files
in post #10 .

Flashrom update comand is:

flashrom --verbose --programmer internal:laptop=force_I_want_a_brick --chip SST25VF016B --read macbook21_usqwerty_vesafb.rom >flashrom_read.log 2>&1

6. My Tests

What is not working in libreboot on macbook 1,1 is internal microphone and my ethernet adapter( for ethernet adapter not shure that problem is in libreboot maybe is my laptop broken ethernet ... )

Beigetreten: 03/12/2015

Curiosity: are you able to boot into OS X from Libreboot? Prior to installing Trisquel, I mean.

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

If you install hameleon on usb flash try to boot it maybe will boot not tested.

Aslo other idea is to try to burn VMware Fusion iso and use it like efi loader or maybe use other free EFI implemetation like Clover EFI bootloader

Still waithing my macbook 2,1 to arrive will test after i flash it :) and before delete OSX :)

Will make macbook 2,1 EFI easy flasher for one click flash :)

Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

I'll test it and confirm, if I won't brick my 1,1.

Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

In OSX 10.6.8 on 1,1, your efi update app won´t run when click on it.

Beigetreten: 09/13/2015


Can you post a hash of the "macbook efi.arj" file so that we can see there are no faults before flashing to a macbook?

my sha256sum for "macbook efi.arj":



Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

Ultimate Libre boot laptop will be Lenovo T500 with

This CPU

8G Ram and SSD

And if we clock in some way this CPU in 3 Ghz by FSB Will have killer Laptop 4 core 12M cashe that will be on same level performase like modern laptop and LIBRE 100% Free :)

I will start resarching how to make coreboot libreboot to clock FSB. Is linux kernel cappable of overckloking by FSB ?

In windows have some tools like ClockGen that can be used for FSB ram overkloking and belevme this cpu can run on 3Ghz on same voltage with no problem just need to find a way to make overkloking posible.

Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

I want to do a question: why some laptops can be flashed through software way and others laptops not?

Beigetreten: 11/10/2009

There is a huge fear about BIOS rootkits.

So until recently, the idea was that the device's BIOS had to implement, in software, ways to make sure that only official BIOSes could be reflashed via software.

In practice, some BIOS don't have any "protection" against reflashing, which is good for us.

Some other have various degrees of protection. I think they can all be broken, but some are BIOS specific, so it requires some work.

Because the software protection didn't hold, some vendors now use code signing at the hardware level, so the hardware (The CPU) won't load any code not signed by the device manufacturer.

Here you can see a conflict between freedom, and preventing (additional) rootkits in proprietary software.

A very similar conflict is present for bootloaders of Android phones, where permitting to load your own bootloader would permit to rootkit the phone, and easily access all the data inside it because you load your code before the OS.

I think we should try to find good solutions so the chip and device manufacturer, freedom, and security of users using the default software would go well together.


Beigetreten: 06/19/2015

So in theory Libreboot can run on practically anything? Is it just that most
BIOS ROMs are protected against flashing by software, so that Libreboot can in
practice only be installed on certain devices which lack reflashing protection?

Is that why Libreboot is only supported on a rather small number of devices?

Beigetreten: 12/05/2014

Ultimate Libreboot Desktop will be ASUS KFSN4-DRE


(Warning Going inane was computer components Alert!)

Two of these hex core 3.0GHZ cpus (if they will fit the motherboard):

64GB ddr2 667mhz ECC RAM

4 x 8TB SSD

12 x 16TB HDD

a case shaped like a Gnu!

Best GPU that works with free software right now! (no idea what that is..)

Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

And what GPU it is? here Intel or nothing.


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Beigetreten: 07/12/2014

This mainboard has a GPU preinistalled (XGI Volari Z9s), so there would only be nvidia GPU´s if you want to upgrade.

Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

Nvidia it is very bad idea if you want some performance. So, no ultimate solution here.


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Beigetreten: 07/12/2014

But it would be faster than that XGI. Nvidia is also the only GPU type, that can be installed and runs with the Linux-libre kernel.

Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

I agree, but Nvidia cards runs very very slowly and with a big lag. Very bad and slow 3d support. And some card have problems changing and recognizing resolutions.

Beigetreten: 12/05/2014

theres a decent gpu here:

also if you rely need graphical performance i think as the board can support a 32 core cpu(2x hex core)

you may not need a external gpu

obviously most people wont be getting a 32 core cpu

but even a good dual core cpu with a gpu like the one from thinkpenguin would be fine for just about any graphical program i can think off

some games may run at 30 fps instead of 400 fps but still

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

GeForce GTX Titan Black

CPU is AMD Opteron 2393SE (Quad-Core) (3.1G) (C2)

Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

I think that it is a useless expensive brick. Useful only if you install Nvidia blobs.

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

Hm i tested 760 GTX with mesa 10.6.6 not bad maybe you use some old version ?

Also kernel 4.3 will have big nvidia rewrite and performase optimization.

Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

I tested gt520, 7300gt, 9400gs, gtx970, all running very bad and with lag, + gtx970 cant recognize hertz and resolutions. But only tested with Trisquel's default 3.13 lowlatency kernel. I don't like installing and using newest kernels cuz are very unstable.

I have some premium CRTs monitors and some LCD TN 144hz monitor, and here no difference 10 or 200hz, cuz everything moves with extreme lag. With gtx970 couldn't get more that 60hz.

So, for me it is the same trash like AMD cards. Don't waste your money, if you buy it you support it. AMD card are a good idea for winter, for get some heat.

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

60Hz must be the refresh frequency of your screen. It is the limiting factor in this case. But, yes, you only want an Intel graphical chipset (before the Skylake microarchitecture). Linux-libre (hence Trisquel) perfectly supports those chipsets.

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

Default is mesa 10.1 ... very old and try parabola you will see big changes and then update kernel and mesa on trisquel.New kernels are good no worry for this.

Geforce 285 seems very good for opensource drivers i have one :) also one Quadro 3800 based on G 200b core :)

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

MacBook 2,1 Works very good

Problems that i have with Macbook 1,1 with internal mic and ethernet now works in Macbook 2,1.

Is someone flashed macbook 1,1 with libreboot to confirm missing internal mic and ethernet ?

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

What's the battery life with the Macbook 2,1?

Beigetreten: 08/15/2014

Battery life should be a bit less and heat production higher (compared with Apple's EFI) as the macbook2,1 coreboot port doesn't yet have C state 3 (idle) for the C2D CPU, but fortunately it does have the two other C states (1 and 2) today. I myself have only tried the first port which didn't have any C states at all. That machine got extremely hot and wasn't at all comfortable to use. I'm looking forward to reflashing the machine to the newest release.

In the meantime, if someone could run powertop with and without all power savings set to good, I would be interested to see the results. Personally, I'm more interested in heat production/noise than battery life since these old machines never really worked very long on just battery.

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

My Macbook 2.1 is old and still can do 1h and 50 min on battery i beleve when i change it can do 4h with new battery.
I will get new battery and will test.

Beigetreten: 09/04/2015

Macbook 1,1 drops cpu to 1,1 and is not hot i was using it with new 4.2 kernel also 3.16 , mesa 10,5,9

Kodi is abble to paly 1080p in cpu at ~55% if you put SSD and use 4.2 kernel seems very good for web music movies :)

and is still look better than ugli ibm pads :)

I wonder when Nvidia will have libreboot support :)

Meet Macbook air to libre boot :)

Apple MacBook Air "Core 2 Duo" 2.13 13" (Late '10) Specs

Core 2 Duo 2.13 6 MB L2 ( (SL9600)

Ram 4 GB*

GeForce 320M --> looks good for Nouveau

And use non intel chipset that mean that probably don`t have ME spy hidden cpu!

Beigetreten: 07/19/2015

Hi, I want too Libreboot on my Air, I have 2,1 (mid-2009). But here a problem, here a Broadcomm proprietary wifi card and it is not PCIe, it uses a proprietary wire/connection.

The thing that I wanted in my life, is retroiluminated keyboard, it's very important for me.