Space Invaders in Triskel 10.0
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Someone has managed to get the Triskel 10.0 live system to start Space Invader in upside-down mode, instead of the usual menu:
I've been trying to do that for weeks, to no avail. I hope they'll post a step-by-step how-to guide.
Had to work on it a bit harder, but seeing that someone had already succeeded gave me extra motivation.
I can now play in normal mode:

Are you old enough to remember the original Space Invaders song by Uncle Vic back in 1980? You probably aren't that ancient.
We used to have the greatest music back then... (or maybe not) -
The lyrics refer to the fact that there used to be a Space Invaders machine in a lot of bars and restaurants and gas stations, and you would pay a quarter to play each time. Some of us lost a lot of money on that stupid game.
I played this at a golf course once, before it closed down, I wasted money on that and pacman...
Truthfully, pacman is more frustrating... ;)
We laborious people had no time for such frivolous hobbies as playing arcade games in funny places. I might have heard it at the supermarket as a toddler, though.
It appears there is a clone available on Trisquel: "Open Invaders". It sounds a bit contradictory, and you are going to be vastly disappointed by the soundtrack, but at least you get to destroy tons of Cthulhus, level after level, night after night:
I played insane level and got the 10th highest score. But who the heck are DAZ, YIK, IST, BOB, ROB, ZED, GUM, LDP, and RAM, and what are they doing playing games on my computer???
Would have been nice to have a little help menu that says "the left shift button is the fire key". Takes a lot of random button mashing to figure that one out.
There must be a price to pay for destroying lines after lines of Cthulhu avatars, I suppose.
Not sure you should let your chickens play that game, even if they insist. I sense a larger plot here.
>"There must be a price to pay for destroying lines after lines of Cthulhu avatars, I suppose."
You pay in Cthulhucoin. Each coin = 50 billion years of agonizing screaming in hell. You think those are just quarters you are putting in a video game machine at a bar. But they are actually IOU's on your eternal future.
>"Not sure you should let your chickens play that game, even if they insist. I sense a larger plot here."
I've caught them facetiming with Cthulhu on their little chicken iphones. I knew I shouldn't have signed up for that family plan.
> facetiming with Cthulhufacetiming with Cthulhu
I pass out each time I read this, no matter how hard I try to keep my composure.
Had to look away while copy-pasting in order to be able to post this.
I have seen some silly memes, press alt f4 used to be one I saw a lot, I got tricked into exiting a game due to this...
And proceeded to make it into a game of how many people can I trick into closing their programs.. ;)
Although in the last few years, I have stopped mostly.
My point being, memes can be very fun!
That might be too far for my taste lol...
If it were me, I would just give them the runaround, but not go to that insane level of evil...
I don't think you meant it to be evil, but yeah...
That is a recipe for diaster and you could get banned doing that.
By runaround, you tell them to do things that will not help them and won't do much of anything useful, or you give them gibberish answers, like the way to use linux requires you take a picture of a n64 and use some paint program to make it look like in the picture you stuck it in the place where the sun don't shine... :P
I always do everything as root, password 'root', because anything else is unnecessary complication for playing Root Invadors. I also do a fresh install of a random OS on a random machine every day in order to keep things clean, and in case Root Invadors goes awry. Doing things without root permission is like being a cook locking yourself out of your own house because you think you might cut yourself with the kitchen knives.
The chickens usually do things as roost instead, password 'roast'. To play Roost Invaders, I suppose. I have a principle never to meddle in the chickens' computing, I'd rather let them learn by themselves. I am not even sure they are actually using Trimskeleton.
You can play Space Invaders in your terminal with ninvaders.
There's also grub-invaders, but it didn't work for me.
lanun/Ianun/|anun has a friend who played carpenter-ant-invaders one time. It was great fun for everyone.
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