Trisquel - a free version of lubuntu

6 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

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Beigetreten: 10/20/2020

Lubuntu, the lxqt version of Ubuntu, is a very popular distro because it is lightweight, simple, modern and efficient.

Celebrating the release of Trisquel 11 Aramo, I am posting a walk-through how to install Trisquel using netinstall to resemble lubuntu as match as possible and have a libre version of it to use on old laptops, arm computers and even in power beasts like TallosII. For reference after installation lxqt desktop was using just below 400Mb Ram. That is not bad for a full modern desktop environment.

I just want users to be aware that such a nice desktop is available to Trisquel and maybe get help and ideas to make setup even better.

#### 1st Section: Making Trislel compatible with lubuntu ####

### Part A: Installing the base system ###

  • Use the netinstall iso method. For more info, please consult the Installation Guide
  • When asked during the installation process about software selection leave everything unchecked
  • reboot the system

### Part B: First Boot and installing the base packages for Trislel ###

## Install the base packages for lxqt ##

The network connection that was used during net install is active after the first boot. You can use apt to install the base packages:

sudo apt install openbox obconf-qt nm-tray network-manager-gnome lxqt-core featherpad lubuntu-update-notifier trisquel-release-upgrader-qt lxqt-admin usb-creator-kde muon kcalc abrowser sddm-theme-elarun pavucontrol-qt qps qpdfview screengrab qlipper lximage-qt lxqt-about lxqt-admin lxqt-archiver lxqt-branding lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-powermanagement rfkill lxqt-policykit sddm papirus-icon-theme kde-style-breeze breeze-cursor-theme arc-theme qtpass pass skanlite partitionmanager galternatives avahi-daemon avahi-utils system-config-printer cups-pk-helper xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl gvfs picom --no-install-recommends

Tip: I am using the "--no-install-recommends" option to have a minimal system. But if you want a more compatible and easy to configure system remove this option and also include the package "trisquel-desktop-common".

## Configure Network ##

sudo apt install network-manager-openvpn-gnome network-manager-pptp network-manager-vpnc-gnome mobile-broadband-provider-info mobile-broadband-provider-info --no-install-recommends

Tip: Use "--no-install-recommends" or not see tip above.

Before reboot please do:

sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml

change this line to "renderer: NetworkManager"

and delete everything below
Ctrl+O to save, Ctrl+X to exit and then reboot

Tip: This was a frustrating step for me because, although I had network access, Network Manager couldn't manage the connection.

### Part C: Customize lxqt ###

Hopefully now you are in your lxqt desktop. The following are exact customizations I took from lubuntu:

## C1: Remove lximage-qt-screenshot from Application Menu because there is screengrab ##

sudo rm -rf /usr/share/applications/lximage-qt-screenshot.desktop

## C2: Remove Additional Drivers from Application ##

You have all the free drivers you need in trisquel anyway, sop remove this dead link with

sudo rm -rf /usr/share/applications/software-properties-drivers-lxqt.desktop

## C3: Tweaks In "Application Menu --> Preferences --> LXQT Settings --> Session Settings" ##

  • In "Autostart", uncheck Network (This removes the duplicate network icon in tray)
  • In Environment Variables (Advanced) change Browser Value to abrowser B

## C4: Customize openbox in "Preferences --> LXQT Settings --> Openbox Settings" ##

  • Fonts --> All 11
  • Windows --> PreferPrimary monitor: *Monitor with Mouse Pointer* AND Primary monitor: *Monitor with Mouse Pointer*

## C5: Fonts ##

If you used --no-install-recomends when installed the basic lxqt packages and you didn't installed trisquel-desktop-common then isntall some fonts using:

sudo apt install gsfonts fonts-arphic-ukai fonts-arphic-uming fonts-beteckna fonts-droid-fallback fonts-dustin fonts-freefont-ttf fonts-guru fonts-guru-extra fonts-junicode fonts-kacst fonts-kacst-one fonts-khmeros-core fonts-lao fonts-liberation fonts-lklug-sinhala fonts-lohit-guru fonts-mathjax fonts-nanum fonts-noto fonts-noto-cjk fonts-noto-cjk-extra fonts-noto-color-emoji fonts-noto-core fonts-noto-extra fonts-noto-hinted fonts-noto-mono fonts-noto-ui-core fonts-noto-ui-extra fonts-noto-unhinted fonts-opendyslexic fonts-opensymbol fonts-radisnoir fonts-sil-abyssinica fonts-sil-andika fonts-sil-gentium fonts-sil-padauk fonts-stix fonts-summersby fonts-symbola fonts-takao-pgothic fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-tibetan-machine fonts-tiresias fonts-tlwg-garuda fonts-tlwg-garuda-ttf fonts-tlwg-kinnari fonts-tlwg-kinnari-ttf fonts-tlwg-laksaman fonts-tlwg-laksaman-ttf fonts-tlwg-loma fonts-tlwg-loma-ttf fonts-tlwg-mono fonts-tlwg-mono-ttf fonts-tlwg-norasi fonts-tlwg-norasi-ttf fonts-tlwg-purisa fonts-tlwg-purisa-ttf fonts-tlwg-sawasdee fonts-tlwg-sawasdee-ttf fonts-tlwg-typewriter fonts-tlwg-typewriter-ttf fonts-tlwg-typist fonts-tlwg-typist-ttf fonts-tlwg-typo fonts-tlwg-typo-ttf fonts-tlwg-umpush fonts-tlwg-umpush-ttf fonts-tlwg-waree fonts-tlwg-waree-ttf fonts-tuffy fonts-urw-base35 xfonts-scalable

## C6: Codecs ##

sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-gl gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-vaapi


Now the system is really close to lubuntu without non-free software of course.

Next I will write some tweaks I would like to propose that made my installation better.


#### 2nd Section: More tweaks (outside of lubuntu) ####

##Other Packages

#Password Manager - Keepassxc is simpier although heavier
sudo apt purge pass qpass
sudo apt install keepassxc --no-install-recommends

#E-mail Client (lighter than icedove but also for basic usage without caldav, cardav etc)
sudo apt install trojita

#Spell (openoffice etc)
sudo apt install hunspell-el #replace "el" with your language

#Picom (faster graphics)
sudo apt install picom

create config file ~/.config/picom/picom.conf #example @
- change [backend = "xrender";] to [backend = "glx";] #This was faster for me
- set [inactive-opacity-override = fasle]

Put it in autostart using "picom -b" as command

## Newer Lxqt Desktop
Trisquel 11 (like lubuntu 22.04) ships with lxqt 0.17. It is possible to upgrade to the current 1.2.0 version using the official lubuntu backports.

## Falkon browser

In lubuntu users are forced to use the snap version of firefox which is slow... In trisquel following the steps above you already have abrowser native and a lot faster. But there is a faster browser:

Falkon Browser is a great alternative for systems with low ram like arm or for people that do not want a browser that uses 500+Mb of ram.

You can install falkon with

sudo apt install falkon from trisquel repos

or using the same command after installing and upgrading from the official Kubuntu backports.

## Known Bugs

#Steps because connect to vpnc failed (openvpn works without errors though)

  • 0) Set up vpnc as usual and ... fail.
  • 1) Application Menu --> Preferences --> LXQT Settings --> Session Settings
  • 2) In Autostart enable Network
  • 3) Logout and login
  • 4) From the new icon in tray start vpn and enter password
  • 5) Logout and login and disable Network in Application Menu --> Preferences --> LXQT Settings --> Session Settings
  • 6) Logout and login
  • * I had to enable store password for ALL users in Network Manager

Beigetreten: 05/20/2022

Why not simply install Trisquel Mini 11 with LXDE?


I am a member!

Beigetreten: 10/20/2020

Because is always nice to have an alternative.

LXDE is great and Trisquel-Mini is always very reliable and fast.

On the other hand, as LXQT is starting to get more mature and stable, togeather with qt apps getting better and lighter than their GTK3/4 alternatives, I believe it is something to look to.

Beigetreten: 05/20/2022

> Because is always nice to have an alternative.

To be sure, your effort to add an extra DE option with LXQt is more than welcome. I was just asking in case I missed something, like Aramo Mini not shipping with LXDE any more or something.

Beigetreten: 07/16/2022

Isn't it better to take the minimal installation version of Trisquel and download LXQt directly?

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

You can add a manual for LXQt, along those for the other desktop environments, on


I am a member!

Beigetreten: 10/20/2020

> Isn't it better to take the minimal installation version of Trisquel and download LXQt directly?

My original post was about making an installation of trisquel that is as close as possible to lubuntu.

There are many users of lubuntu out there that use it (mostly) in older computers and maybe they want to give trisquel(with lxqt) a try. Apart from the obvious freedom benefits of trisquel there is also a huge advantage that trisquel uses a native browser by default (abrowser) where lubuntu use firefox in snap witch is really slow and frankly beets the reason that someone uses lubuntu in the first place.

Since my original post though I have been amazed with the speed of lxqt WHEN I REMOVED ALL GTK PACKAGES.

I replaced abrowser with falkon, office suite with calligra and some other gtk with qt apps and I find this setup very fast with extremely low ram (for a DE) consumption. I feel that it is great for my librebooted x200 but also (in theory) for arm laptops that usually have 2-4 Gb ram.

>You can add a manual for LXQt, along those for the other desktop environments, on

I have lot of things to check, take notes and find alternatives. Like the fact that there is no GUI for updates, printer config etc.

On the other hand, the way GTK is heading, even with xcfe and mate, apps are using extremely high resources, so maybe this alternative is worth it for our community that uses older hardware that respects our freedom.