All Manuals
I. Philosophy
- What is free software?
- A Matter of liberty -
- Essays and articles -
- Glossary Needs Writing
- GNU and Linux
- The GNU operating system and the Linux kernel -
- GNU OS guidelines -
- The Linux-Libre kernel -
- Comments on other distributions of GNU/Linux -
- Snakes and Ladders
- Specification License
- Hardware - Needs Work and Revision
- Treacherous Computing - - (translations)
- Open Source: silent on freedom issues -
- Distributions of GNU/Linux
- Trisquel GNU/Linux
- GNU/Linux distros for PCs and workstations -
- Small GNU/Linux distros -
II. About Trisquel
III. Development
- How Trisquel is Made/ Trisquel's Development Cycle
- Package helpers
- How the Netinst Image is Done
- Recovering d-i logs
- Programming systems with non-free library source repos
- Enable testing repositories
IV. Ask for help
- Take a look at the Trisquel FAQ
- Have a read of the manuals
- Browse the official Forum
- See Connect to the #Trisquel IRC channel #trisquel on
V. Setup
- Installing Trisquel (from boot media)
- Migrate from Ubuntu to Trisquel without reinstalling
- Configuring of a pre-installed Trisquel with oem-config
- Cloning a system
- How to resize Trisquel's default encrypted partitions
- How to remove Windows after installing Trisquel GNU/Linux in dual boot?
VI. Language and Accessibility
- Accessibility
- Orca Walkthrough: audio guides for blind users Needs Cleanup
- Visual, hearing, and mobility -- tools -
- GNU Accessibility Statement -
- Disabling Orca Screen Reader
- Languages
VII. Hardware
- Categories of computers
- Personal computer
- Tablet and Smart phone Needs Writing
- Look up hardware
- h-node Hardware database
- Coreboot compatible motherboards -
- Systems supported by Libreboot -
- FSF headoffice hardware -
- Complete Systems and parts vendors - Please improve
- List of products that were awarded Respects Your Freedom (RYF) certification -
- Single-board computers and software freedom -
- Vendors of complete systems
- Companies that sell computers with GNU/Linux preinstalled -
- Minifree (laptops and workstations with free BIOS, etc)
- Libiquity (American vendor of Minifree laptops)
- ThinkPenguin (laptops, desktops, printers, etc)
- Vikings (laptops, workstations, etc)
- InaTux (Closed)
- LibreTrend (Closed)
- Computer models and manufactures of complete systems
- Chromebook
- Dell Inspiron 1300
- Dell Latitude E6400
- MacBook
- Novena
- ThinkPads (Lenovo) Please improve
- Computer models and manufactures of complete systems
- Parts
- Tehnoetic wireless adapter (RYF certified USB wifi card) (
- Parts
VIII. Home and office
- The Terminal
- Introduction to the command line or "terminal" (Needs Revision and minor cleanup)
- Never simply copy and paste commands
- Internet
- Connecting to the Internet
- Abrowser help
- Keyboard shortcuts (these instructions also apply to GNU IceCat)
- Tweaking your browser to enhance security and privacy
- Manage OpenVPN connections within a terminal
- Configuring internet connection behind Microsoft ISA proxy
- Escaping the Javascript-Trap
- How to download from file sharing websites using plowshare
- How to install latest GNU IceCat in Trisquel 6
- Productivity
- Accounting
- Audio Editor
- Customer relationship management
- Dictionary
- Information Processing
- Point of sale
- Presentation
- Project management
- Spreadsheet
- Statistics and Data Mining
- Timekeeping
- Video Editor
- Word Processor
- Privacy and Security
- Installation
- Secure Communications
- Email Self Defense (
- Anonymity (Needs Finishing)
- Chat encryption
- How to install and use ZeroNet in Trisquel 7 Belenos
- Surfing
- Other
- Passwords
- Wipe Out Files and Partitions
- How to use conky to kill an application if VPN drops
- Antivirus
- Firewall
- Users, Groups, Owners and Attributes
- Settings
- Audio and Video
- Fonts
- Power Management
- Universal Access
- Scheduled commands
- Time and Date
- Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs)
IX. Servers
- Basics
- Why should I set up my own free software server?
- What does that server really serve? by Richard Stallman ( and revised article Who does that server really serve? by Richard Stallman (
- Internet service provider requirements (Needs Writing)
- IPv4 Basics
- Choose the right computer, to use as a server
- Why should I set up my own free software server?
X. Advanced
- Power-user guides
- Adding Persistence to live USB
- Build Your Own Version of Trisquel
- Compiling a GNU Linux-libre kernel
- Compiling software from source code
- Configuring an LTSP Server
- Configure loging prompt
- Customizing a Trisquel iso
- GNU Guix Package Manager
- How to format an external storage device using parted
- Installing Virtualbox
- Installing latest backported kernel and xserver
- Installing libeRTy real-time kernel (
- Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for Trisquel 11 (Aramo)
- See Linux Hard Disk Encryption With LUKS
- Make a bridge Ethernet to WIFI
- Optimizing battery time
- Troubleshooting suspend/hibernate
- Update the Linux-libre kernel
- Virtualization using KVM (Needs VFIO Documentation)
- Mirror Trisquel
- Mirroring Trisquel (Needs Minor Cleanup)
XI. Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Solutions
- Boot-time and boot-time options
- Installation troubleshooting
- See Suspend and Hibernation troubleshooting (Needs rewrite, minor cleanup)
- Graphical session
- Sound
- Boot-time and boot-time options
- About Troubleshooting
- Documenting Troubleshooting
- How to React
- Documenting Troubleshooting
XII. Contributors
- How to help
- Writers and translators
- Report a bug
- Organizational chart
- Developer Meetings
- Roadmap
- Proposed policies
- Software that does not respect Free System Distribution Guidelines Needs Revision
- ads Needs Writing
- The following community members are responsible for the content (in alphabetical order):
0d54770d, a1l3erto, Abjectio, acabey, acoronajr., ahj, aitux, akfoss, akifo, akirashinigami, aklis, albertoefg, albert_tremblay, alejandro_blue, alguien, aliasbody, alimiracle, aloniv, amalmurali, amenex, amrprznu, amuza, arielenter, Andresm, andrew, AndrewT, antiesnob, Antoine, arielenter, Ark74, Armando Bustama..., a_slacker_here, Athozus, augustoborin, Avron, awauk, Bastian, bebeto, Bertel, bicuie, bkrz, blueberry, bob328468365, Buddybenj, BugRep, c107, calher, Carlos segura, carlosoliveira, CentaurX, cfskellyvt, chaosmonk, Chris, chrone, cinnamon, CitoplasmaX, composr, Connochaetes, Ctwx, Cyberhawk, dadix, Daemonax, danialbehzadi, Daniel Molina, daniele, danieru, Darksoul71, Dave_Hunt, david, David_Hedlund, davidpgil, dctrud, DNS, dobie_gillis, dshesq, Eemeli, Ehrenamtlich, Ekis, elektro, elodie, eric23, EricxDu, evilive, ewlabonte, fabio, fchmmr, fiorile, flop, frank14081997, freeatlast, G4JC, Garsmith, gd_scania, Geniusmax04, Gnu, GNUbahn, GNUser, GNUsercn, gnutastyc, GNUtoo, greenman, GrevenGull, GustavoCM, hack and hack, hartkemd, Hdesmi, Hein, HKR, Horgeon, hydra, icarious, icarolongo, icaroperseo, infinite, iShareFreedom, ivaylo, JadedCtrl, Jaefra, jaisgossman, jangres, janith, jbar, jdenz, jfw01, Jobbe, joek3, Jose Benito, Julius22, jxself, kernel_script, kevin260, kgx, Khany, knife, knipknup, Kobe, kpengboy, lammi87, lanun, lap4fsf, Lappi, Legimet, lembas, leny2010, levl, levlaz, ljpaez, lloydsmart, loas-335, loldier, Luck-02, Luddy925, lutes, m3tti, Magic Banana, MagicFab, malberts, Malsasa, Mampir, Mangy Dog, manumuller, Marcus, mateotti, Matsetes, mclaud2000, megurineturilli, Michał Masłowski, mixalis_t, morneco, muhammed, mYself, Mzee, Nachis, noemu, nuccigiorgio, odinsothereye, onpon4, oshanz, Other_Cody, ovine, ovruni, oysterboy, Pandya, Peter Boughton, pizzaiolo, plpippen, pogiako12345, prospero, quidam, rakubx, ralphtheninja, Reginaldo, remipampin, ricoh5560@hotma..., ricohidc, ruiduan, RyDroid, s1lv3r, Sachin, SalmanMohammadi, Sasaki, SirGrant, sir.jay, slughnaz, sphynx, spookyGeoff, ssdclickofdeath, Staircase, starchild, Steve-O, Steven McDonald, strypey, suitsmeveryfine, SuperTramp83, systemovich, t3g, Telstar, teodorescup, theblackpig, thecomputerguy10101, Time4Tea, tomlukeywood, Trisquel, Trisquel, Trisquelian,, Turtleman, umdhlebe, vinzv, vod, w5xtl, wdhgtx, Will White, xdknight and ylevental